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Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
When it started, I read the news morning, noon, night, and on the toilet. Now I'm too exhausted and worried to do that. I just do what I gotta do to keep myself and everyone safe and fed...any free time beyond that is devoted to either exercise or leisure/hobbies. Done intentionally to keep my mind off of it. I just can't keep up that level of worry and anxiety. What's gonna happen out there is gonna happen. Once my obligations are met, better to spend my time thinking about the next horror novel I want to read, or how much room I have in my tupperdor before I have to start using the new one, or what kind of rum I want to try next....better to think about that than to worry myself sick about something I have very limited control over beyond the scope of my front doorstep.


"That guy"
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Oct 9, 2018
Delaware, AR
Looks like the Rona has started cancelling Black Friday! Wal-Mart just announced they won't be playing this year!

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Jan 30, 2017
Yea but they still have people accosting minimum wage clerks at WalMart and Lowes over their mask policy. You know if you don't want to wear a mask inside the store you can do a pickup at the curb order.


The General
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Dec 2, 2014
Jacksonville, NC
Yea but they still have people accosting minimum wage clerks at WalMart and Lowes over their mask policy. You know if you don't want to wear a mask inside the store you can do a pickup at the curb order.
See, thats what pisses me off the most

Idiots who try to go against the grain at stores. If you don't want to wear a mask because you think theyre useless or because you think this whole thing is a hoax.. fine. Stay home and don't cover your ugly ass face.

But if the law demands you wear a mask for 15 minutes while you buy your fat cakes at walmart, then so be it. These employees shouldn't have to deal with your ignorant attitude.

But yeah, its gotta be a pain for the minimum wage workers to deal with these clowns.
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Oct 21, 2016
Chi-kah-go (not Chi-caw-go)
See, thats what pisses me off the most

Idiots who try to go against the grain at stores. If you don't want to wear a mask because you think theyre useless or because you think this whole thing is a hoax.. fine. Stay home and don't cover your ugly ass face.

But if the law demands you wear a mask for 15 minutes while you buy your fat cakes at walmart, then so be it. These employees shouldn't have to deal with your ignorant attitude.

But yeah, its gotta be a pain for the minimum wage workers to deal with these clowns.
I think some people are just doing it so they can sue.


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
But if the law demands you wear a mask for 15 minutes while you buy your fat cakes at walmart, then so be it. These employees shouldn't have to deal with your ignorant attitude.
But the mask prevents me from immediately shoving my Hostess Snacky Cake into my piehole as soon as I have handed the cashier a wad of moist dollar bills. That is infringing upon my freedom on a scale unseen since the time of the Revolutionary War.