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What do you use for your pipe

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Jan 1, 2007
Salem, VA
In between smoking or needing to set it down between puffs. Mu grandfather had a cigar stand, but due to the angle the pipe sits, I don't think it is feasible to use between puffs.

I am not one to have a pipe clinched between my teeth all the time (nor am I doing that with a cigar) Is there such thing as a pipe stand/ashtray? Kind of like a regular ashtray except with a stand so it about 3 ft tall or so.

I guess kind of like this. Anyplace anyone knows of that sells them new and not expensive?? I am not looking to purchase right a way, but when funds get a lot less tight:




BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
That first one is pretty cool. I'm going to watch it. I fit comes up cheap, i'll grab it. If you want it later I'm sure something can be worked out.
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Feb 2, 2011
There are plent of pipe stands on the net, just google it.

Im a clencher and always have been.

If your are looking for an ashtray/pipe stand just go to peterson.ie and check out their product catalog and when you see something oyu like then google that product.

But i just use my hand to hold my pipe between puffs if it ever leaves my mouth, not trying to be an arse or nothing but being honest.

There are things out there but i dont use them so have never had the need to search em up
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Jan 1, 2007
Salem, VA
There are plent of pipe stands on the net, just google it.

Im a clencher and always have been.

If your are looking for an ashtray/pipe stand just go to peterson.ie and check out their product catalog and when you see something oyu like then google that product.

But i just use my hand to hold my pipe between puffs if it ever leaves my mouth, not trying to be an arse or nothing but being honest.

There are things out there but i dont use them so have never had the need to search em up

No you aren't being an arse, honest is good. I don't recall my grandpa ever using a cigar stand/ashtray, but I was young. And being as that I am new to pipe smoking, have not gotten used to the smoke in the face aspect of it. I think what my question should have been is, will a cigar stand work for when I am not wanting to hold it in my mouth but keep smoking it or what? Right now I have been mainly using a corncob, my friend is supposed to be sending me a briar, I have a clay and a mirschaum a brother gifted me, neither of them could I just put on a flat surface becuase of their shape.
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Feb 2, 2011
I would say just sit it down on whatever will allow it to rest upright. That way any ash in the pipe wont fall out, which will happen if it falls over.

If you find you enjoy pipe smoking I have some really nice name brand mass market pipes and freehand one of a kinds.

If interested PM me. ( thaT goes for anyone )
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Jan 26, 2011
Chicago, IL
Most of the time, I simply lean mine against whatever is on the table. Sometimes I balance them rather precariously, but I've rarely had one fall on me. Even if they do, it's not so bad.

If you must have a pipe stand, you can pick up a decent plastic one with a sleeve for under $2 at most tobacconists' shops. I've got two for display purposes and they do the job just fine.