They said on the radio not later than this morning while I was driving that Montréal currently has the highest gas price in North America.
In any case, its currently averaging 119.2 cents per liter. Canadian money, in litters.
Let's do the maths. converts 1.192 CAD into 1.042352744 USD - that's for one litter.
1 liter is 0.264172052 US gallons, so we need
3.7854117891320312718016060230323 liters to figure the gallon price
it makes 3.9457343655717221744562138617146 USD
Therefore, the current average gas price around here is 3.95$ USD per gallon.
and its a heck lot cheaper than two weeks ago.
(plus, we do use lot more gas then in Europe, with larger distances between cities, and colder temperatures requiring more power to heat engine and interior - not complaining, just stating facts)