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Wife had Thyroid Cancer...


AKA Dookie
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Sep 28, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
I debated on posting this but I think I need to bring some awareness to it. We all hear of breast cancer and prostrate cancer but very seldom do we hear anything about thyroid cancer. Up until 3 weeks ago I did not even know it existed. My wife went in for her annual check up and thankfully her doctor does a thorough job and found a "mass" that was large enough that it caused him some concern. They did an ultra sound and it was unusual enough to be sent to an ENT. The ENT did a biopsy on it and the results came back "inconclusive" so the plan was to have surgery to remove the mass and have the pathologist test it while she was under to see if it was the big "C" word. Turns out it was what the Dr. called a Malignant Papillary Carcinoma. Dr. speak for thyroid cancer. After much prayer and talking about it she and I were at peace knowing it was very survivable and most people return to normal after being treated. We went in for surgery on Tuesday last week and they had to remove the entire thyroid and the mass which ended up being just over an inch big. She did great and we came home Wednesday and I have been doing my best to take care of her. This has been the longest 3 weeks and the fastest 3 weeks all rolled together. No one wants the hear that they or a loved one has cancer, my wife is a very strong women and has been a champ thru this process. She is my rock, my best friend and I would be lost without her. I constantly fight her when it comes time for my annual check up but will not anymore. I have her and my two wonderful boys to think about now and not just me. She is doing great and recovering daily, we had a visit with the Dr. today and he is very happy with the results of the surgery and we will have to go thru a radiation treatment in a few weeks but once the meds get worked out she will be back to her old self (minus her thyroid lol). All this being said, make sure you and your loved ones are getting checked head to toe during their annual visits. It may save their life, it saved my wife. She had no symptoms what so ever and hit us out of the blue.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Scary stuff, for sure. Glad everything is working out... My wife had breast cancer. She's still doing treatments over a year later. Things are hopeful... Praying for you you and your wife that things stay on the up and up!

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Thanks for sharing this Rodney. I think that it is an awesome thing that you are reminding all of us to make sure we are getting a check-up as well as encouraging our loved ones to do so. The best way to make sure that cancer is survivable is to catch it as early as possible and get it treated. I went through breast cancer with my wife a couple of years ago and your statement "She is my rock, my best friend and I would be lost without her." really elicited an emotional response when I read it. I will be praying for your wife to make a full recovery and be back to herself in no time. I will also be praying for you and your family as you love her and support her during this difficult time.

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Apr 19, 2012
Inland Empire, California
Thank you for sharing this personal story. Cancer is a scary thing, that's for sure. It's good to hear she's doing good. It sounds like your wife is a tough woman, and you a good husband. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Sorry to hear that you wife has had to go thought this but happy things are going well. Know that we are remembering you and yours in prayer; trusting God will hear her completely. Take care and let us know if there is anything else we can do.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Hey Rduke,

I'm so sorry to hear about your wife. I'm glad the surgery went well. Sounds like your actually her rock more then you may think. I pray for her and your family. No one wants to lose a loved one. I pray she makes a full recovery and beats this.

God bless,

Sent from my Tapatalk 2 using iPhone. Bahahahaha ass backwards.


AKA Dookie
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Sep 28, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
Thanks guys. The prayers and thoughts are greatly appreciated. She is slowly getting her appetite back so her energy level is getting better. She is more worried about not being at work the first day the kids come back (she is a Kindergarten teacher).


AKA Dookie
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Sep 28, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
I'm good. Mentally exhausted but I have made sure to eat good and get plenty of sleep. I even managed to get a few smokes in lol. I have awesome support from both sides of the family and we are blessed with some great friends. I also work for a company that is very understanding when it comes to family. They actually want me to take more time off lol. It has been a very humbling experience all around and we will be stronger to going thru it. I now have a mother and a wife that have kicked cancers ass and am very thankful for strong women in my life.
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Sorry to hear about your wife but thankfully seems you caught it in time. Yes we should all get checked cause you never know. I lost an uncle to stomach cancer earlier this year, kept blaming the pain on bad indigestion and when he finally went to the doctor they told him it was stomach cancer which spreads quickly so there basically nothing they could do.


AKA Dookie
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Sep 28, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
Really sorry to hear that. I have fought the annual visits for as long as we have been married. My family has a history of heart problems and cancer. This has really hit home for me. I will not argue anymore about the annual visits and will do my best to make sure all my friends and family do the same. My wife can answer no to 99.9% of the questions they ask and we never would have thought she would be diagnosed with cancer. There were no warning signs at all so we got blind sided by this. Just make sure your loved ones get a thorough check up. It may save their life.


AKA Dookie
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Sep 28, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
A little good news. Her vocal cord that had been paralyzed since the surgery seems to have started working. She can yell at me like she used to lol. Which is good for her since she teaches kindergarten lol....not so much for me....


AKA Dookie
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Sep 28, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
Another update. The prognosis for recovery is looking good. She goes in Sept 18th for a radiation pill treatment to kill off any remaining cancer cells. Bad news (for me) is I can't be within 3 feet of her for 2 weeks. Even after 18 years of marriage I am not happy about that. Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts for her. She is one of the strongest women I have ever known and even thru all we have been thru these last few months the biggest thing she has worried about is her kindergarten classroom. I love this woman more than I have'd loved anything and if I could trade places with her I wouldn't even have to think about it. We would appreciate continued prayers for her speedy recovery after radiation. Many thanks to my friends and brothers who have kept us in your prayers and thoughts.