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I'm a Carnie
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Dec 11, 2005
Ok...this was a difficult time in my life.

So you don't stain your fancy white gloves...yes? I haven't worn my gentleman gloves since the New Millenium. I don't know what happened, I think they just went out of style and I can't help but find myself a follower. Memories.

My fondest memory of my gloves was in my attendance of the 1997 Monster Ball with Mr. Jackson. I wore my white gloves but that Michael, he was always one up on me with his custom single sparking silver smoking glove. We were fancied up and ready to go meet some serious ladies. As a cotume ball we had to dress up, and as such I used every drop of creativity I could. To help the two of us come up with some witty costumes we invited our good friend over, Jack Daniels.

After about 15 minutes of quality time between the three of us the juices were flowing at approximately the same speed as the Gin and Juice. I would make the most satisfying costume on the face of this planet. A costume that would give me complete confidence.

All three of us walk through those doors with our chests out and confidence mounted. Just as I thought the ladies flocked and only the most beautiful of ladies surrounded us and they all asked, "What are you?" To which I respond, proudly, "I am drunk. My friend here is Cousin IT." All it took was a comb to the hair and not one inch was without hair. That boy had more hair than my sister. I think it was a boy...let's just call him/her IT.

The ladies loved our costumes and chauffered us to ours seats in the smoking lounge. As we sat down to relax in comfort we strapped ourselves into our gloves as our drinks were being fetched. I pulled out my Partagas Black and inquired as to what my good friend Jackson had carried with him this lovely evening. It was a Hershey's Chocolate Cigar....I've heard those were a fine blend of cocoa leaves with a rich sugary wrapper pressed from the cocoa leaf. I pull out my torch and light my Black while Michael does the same.

It is interesting how Jack and I do not remember the rest of the night but the pictures don't lie. The dilemma here is that the pictures are a collection of a Jackson 5 cd, an uneaten Hershey Chocolate Bar, a bitten cigar, an empty bottle of Jack Daniels, and a W Deck of playing cards that you can purchase from http://www.dutchguard.com/Merchant2/...ards&ovtac=PPC .


I'm a Carnie
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Dec 11, 2005
ok...#1...that last one was weird, I'm sorry. #2...I have modified this one to suit cigars and b/c it's funny.

That whole freezer thing is a great idea. Here's another great freezer trick that my friends and I used to fool around with:

Take a bug (preferably one that flys) and put it in the freezer for about a minute to three minutes (no longer). I have left a bug in there for an hour due to forgetfulness and the poor bug went to bug heaven. While it is freezing gather some floss. After a minute or two has gone by take the bug out of the freezer. It will be immobile and will not hurt you as you tie the floss around a leg or neck (if it's the neck then don't tie too tight. A bug is not a cigar and you are not guillotine the bug). I assure you that the bug will not move for around 5 minutes. I have practiced this with bees before. My suggestion is to then tie the other end to a fixed object and in some cases the bug (if big enough) will still be able to fly around. I have found they are abler to fly if you tie the floss to the back leg, tightly. If you are unable to wait for normal room temperatures to bring the bug back to life then you may puff on your cigar and lightly blow the smoke towards the bug and the warmth will bring it back to life in half the time. I have attempted this before but be sure the bug can not sting you...ouch.

I remember doing this at lunch in HS. What a blast. We would have ice cubes in a cup and there were always bees around and we were stupid (on top of the fact that I'm allergic to bees). We would capture the bee on the picnic table with the cup and slide ice cubes underneath. Let it sit for 5 minutes or until golden brown and crispy and voila...immobile bee. You can use some creativity here but we somehow aquired string from somewhere and would tie the bee to the table like a dog and watch through the windows of class as the next lunch class examined how a bee came to the point of being tied to the picnic table like a dog. I mean, come on, this is a fierce creature that can stink you! It's dangerous!!!!!!! And I tamed them.

Notice: All these stunts were performed by professionals or under close supervision of professionals. Please do attempt these events in the privacy of your home or at your next little league event. We are not responsible for any enjoyment or injury that may come about. Withdrawn...we are directly responsible for enjoyment...but not injury.
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Dec 3, 2005
Nashville, Tn
Ok, here's another.................

The pharmacist just approached a customer who just lit a cigar. "Excuse me sir" he said, "but you can't smoke that in here".
The irrate customer puffed a stream of smoke from the side of his mouth "Like hell I can't!! I just bought the damn thing here!"
"Big Deal" replied the pharmacist, "We sell condoms here too!" :agreesmil

Thank You, Thank You very Much!!!! :sing:
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Dec 15, 2005
I have never smoked in front of my children, I am not sure they have ever seen me with a cigar in my hand. When my oldest son was 5 he asked me if I smoked cigars. So I asked him if he had ever seen me smoking one. He said, "No, but I look through the window on that box of cigars and they change all of the time." I asked again if he had ever seen me smoking. He said, "No, but sometimes you stink and your car always stinks." I ask one more time. He replies, as if they are Playboy magazines, "No, but I know that you don't have all of those magazines (catalogs) just to learn about them. You didn't smoke them, don't you."

Damn, them kids are smart.