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Cigars just as bad as Cigarettes

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Jun 18, 2011
Denver, CO
I can go weeks, if not months, without smoking cigars. Cigarettes have over 90 harmful substances added to them. Cigars are just natural tobaccy leaves that are fermented and mostly unhampered. As for ammonia, doesn't most of it wear off after a year of agin? Nicotine is a natural chemical in our body. We have nicotinic receptors in our brain. What happens is that the brain stops making nicotine when we consume "outside" nicotine. After some time, the brain gets use to the added nicotine (it learns)and starts to produce less, thus the addiction starts. When the "outside nicotine stops," the brain isn't producing enough nicotine, thus withdrawal occurs and people crave that "nicotine fix." When people smoke 1-2 cigars a week, the brain isn't going to really "learn" and stop producing it's own nicotine, since the added nicotine is pretty sudden and such a large amount. The only thing that it really affects is that it significantly decreases blood sugar.

NICOTINE IS NOT HARMFUL!!! I am more addicted to buying and hunting cigars than smoking them......
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Feb 28, 2011
I'll be the bad guy. I smoked a pack a day (and more) of cigs for a few years straight. Quit because I decided it was stupid and I was wasting money. Never craved or needed another. Why did I smoke them...gave me something to do at work when I needed a break, kept me awake driving to and from work (60-80hr weeks), etc.

I smoke 5-15 cigars a week in the summer, 3-5 in the winter. I can quit/not have one at any time. It's my relaxation and enjoyment. Nothing more.

I just never understood "addiction", I think it's more mental than physical, at least for me it is.
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Aug 1, 2011
Trophy Club, Tx.
From my observations cigar smokers seem to become addicted to the ritual of smoking cigars not the nicotine. Remember cigs are designed to be a drug disspersal system where cigars are an artisanal art form.
This! I love cigars, but don't "need" them like a smoker "needs" a cigarette. I love the experience of smoking a cigar.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Why does it matter whether or not cigars are healthier or unhealthier than cigarettes?

Because we know how absolutely harmful cigarettes are. I would venture to say that most (not all, but most) of us would not smoke cigars if the health concerns were the some.

It also matters when it comes to regulation, and preventing them from being classified as the same thing in the government's eyes.
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Sep 3, 2011
As far as addiction goes - I am a multiple cigars a day smoker. However, when I went on vacation with my kids last bsummer, I didn't smoke one for a week. Other than the occassional passing - that looks like a great porch for a cigar... thought, it wasn't even a small issue.

We have one customer who has to stop his cigar to smoke a cigarette
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Jan 5, 2012
Macungie, Pa
I was just reading a study that said as long as you don't smoke more than 2 Cigars a day and don't inhale, in MOST cases the odds of a related illness is slim to none. Of course there are other factors and stuff that would need to be taken into consideration for each person.

If I can find it again ill post it.


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
There was a period when I smoked 2 packs a day. Quit several times for various reasons. For me it was a little hard to quit the last time cause I got in the habit of smoking when I didn't have much else going on. It wasn't the nicotine I wanted/needed, but the comfort/familiarity of having that cigarette in my hand/mouth. When my wife go pregnant with our son I quit. I was a little agitated for a while cause I wanted that familiarity. I've never had an issue with cigars though. You can rattle off all the stats you want one way or the other, to me first hand experience is what it comes down to.

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May 30, 2010
New York
Because we know how absolutely harmful cigarettes are. I would venture to say that most (not all, but most) of us would not smoke cigars if the health concerns were the some.

It also matters when it comes to regulation, and preventing them from being classified as the same thing in the government's eyes.
If you don't see the health concerns of cigars, then you are a bit jaded.


cigar dreamin 24h
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Aug 1, 2010
Robaina at his 90s, Rolando Reyes RIP at his 88,,,, .

Pepin is what 62? And they smoke till 10 cigars a day or more .

Cigarette smokers die young , cigar smokers live a life .

I am all for a rational control for machine made cigarette industries and even banning them from the earth, but what about alcohol ? Coffee ? Sugar ? Meat ? All tons of filthy substances that we all enjoy that is way harmful then cigars .
Its all about personal choice and freedom to enjoy life in any form desired with moderation but cigarette industry ,well they do not know the meaning of the word moderation I guess.

Those desperate articles trying to relate cigars with cigarettes just because it is a tobacco product are out dated now.

My only hope is that the cigar industry stays true with the traditional way of manufacturing without those tricky wrappers and flavors, and that I praise Pete Johnson and others to be so out spoken.

Cigar smoking is as if tasting wine, cigarette smoking is as if injecting methyl to your vein in my view.
Are cigars addictive ? Well yes , same as wine, coffee, tea, sugar, meat, sex, love, music, and I am happy with all that in life and i am sure I am not the only one.
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Dec 6, 2011
Chandler, AZ
As far as addiction goes - I am a multiple cigars a day smoker. However, when I went on vacation with my kids last bsummer, I didn't smoke one for a week. Other than the occassional passing - that looks like a great porch for a cigar... thought, it wasn't even a small issue.

We have one customer who has to stop his cigar to smoke a cigarette

Holy shit that's funny.

I've read the same article stating there is minimal risk for those who smoke 1-2 a day, and even less for those smoke 1 or less a day.

Sure, we're putting our mouths, gums, esophagus at risk, right? Well shit, at least we can breathe normally.
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Jan 11, 2010
I look at it this way... I love tobacco, particularly cigars. I am gonna try a pipe soon too. I also love a bit of whiskey, beer, bacon, hamburgers, steak and ice cream. I figure one or more of these is gonna get me if the stresses of life don't get me first... But I'll have no regrets for a life well enjoyed.