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Top Quality Cigars.com Coupon Code???

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BoM Nov '12 & May '13
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Jun 29, 2011
I know this will ruffle the feathers for a few guys on this board, but let's put this in perspective. Smoking cigars is an expensive habit. There's a lot of complaining about a $5 dollars difference in shipping costs between UPS and USPS. I pay much more in taxes than any shipping costs mentioned in this thread, even for 5 cigars. Like Dstan, I'll buy cigars from a B&M over the phone or online when I know I can't source them through the cigar shops that I normally visit in person.

I can understand being upset about a customer service failure, but I'm honestly scratching my head why there is so much emotion over $5 dollars in additional costs... especially when you consider the overall high costs of enjoying his habit. :scratchhe If you're not happy about the additional costs, shop somewhere else. At some point, the business in question will question why they may be losing business and may choose to change their business practices moving-forward.

I sincerely hope DStan does get his cigars and Top Quality corrects the customer services issues that he is having. I know there are a lot of BOTL that have had relatively positive experiences with this vendor in the past.

Yes I have tried calling no answer...I wouldn't exactly call it ill if it is a true experience, even if they are a BOTL sponsor that and $1 won't get you a cup of coffee at starbucks and with inflation 2 cents will not either! I love how you cannot mention a botl sponsor on here if it isn't positive or all the old guys and donors come out of the wood-work bashing people to protect the beloved sponsor, yes I am new to this forum and I enjoy the wealth of information and yes I do call a store and figure things out before posting a negative review if they are a BOTL sponsor or not has absolutely no influence on experience of customer service. If the baby is ugly, damnit I will call the baby ugly!
You didn't mention that you attempted to call them in your prior post and Ciggy was just saying you should give them a call. Then you posted this... I'm not sure why you would call out ALL "old guys" and "donors" after he made that suggestion and actually consider it to be "bashing." I would hope this statement was out of frustration due to your recent poor customer service experience and you honestly don't feel that way.

I've just had my 1 year anniversary on the board and think the forum is a great resource and a lot of fun. I never felt like I was "bashed" over the past year, nor did I hold anything against the "old guys" for being FOGs... LOL.

And DStan, you can also have a fancy "Donor" tag if you donate a modest amount to the board. Here's the link:

I hope everything works out for you DStan... Cheers!
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May 16, 2012
Navarre, FL
Thanks JDog, I didn't start this thread actually and really did not have an issue with shipping cost just added my recent experience to the thread, yes I was frustrated with my situation but it was not about cost when I replied to ciggy I am relatively new to BOTL but not to smoking cigars and I have seen several instances where it seems the vets like to take an opportunity to jump on a new guy without asking for more info about the situation if any mention or comment trending towards negative about a sponsor. If someone was offended about the old guys and donors thing I apologize but that has been my experience since I have joined was that it is those guys that try to make the BOTL member out to be the bad guy if they mention a bad experience with a sponsor. Honestly I can care less about the fancy "Donor" tag but yes there is a wealth of information on this site and a lot of great people on this site but I am still on the fence about being a member on this site for how some of the old hats like to jump to conclusions, and yes it was a bad on my part for not saying in my original post that I had attempted to call several times but from the other members whom have chimed in have also noted numerous times that communication with CDM/TQC is almost non-existent at times JDog if you read one of my last posts I wrote that yes I had contacted Mark at CDM/TQC and he was very helpful and willing to resolve the situation. He also informed me that his cousin is on here and has been telling him about my posts good deal hello to Mark's cousin I am glad some business' care about customer satisfaction still and want to make the experience positive even if we started off on the wrong foot and the trouble ended up being with UPS...cool

and JDog I do plan to donate after I get a better feel for this group there are a lot of great brothers on here with a wealth of experience and knowledge to share....


Central Cali Cigar Crew
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Jul 27, 2011
Fresno, CA.
Top Quality Cigars.com Coupon Code???
Was wondering if anyone out their knew of a Coupon code for a discount or maybe free shipping from topqualitycigars.com?

Looking to make a purchase but man the Shipping is pretty rough and almost makes it not worth it.

Thanks so much for any info you may have.
Sooooo .... anyone have a coupon code? :rofl: :stretchgr :peace: :cbig:

I in now way wanted this thread to become this ... I was just inquiring if anyone knew of a new member or free shipping code, but I guess others had the same thought I did about the high shipping and needed to say something about it as well..

I am very sure they are a great company that is getting really busy being a one one man shop and carrying exclusives like this.

Hope they start looking at the their process and procedures a little closer an though cigar smoking is an expensive hobby that doesn't mean a company should charge $13 for something that really if shipped in a regular USPS box would cost no more than $3-6.

I don't mind paying the price for the product but cigar smoking being and expensive hobby does not constitute a business doubling and tripling shipping charges like this is eBay or something ... we are all suppose to be BOTL here and gouging people on shipping is not brotherly IMHO.

I will for sure come back in the future and give them another shot ... I just hope they start looking at their shipping issues before they lose any further customers.


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Dec 3, 2004
They very clearly state on their website that they ship UPS -- claiming that they are gouging is libelous and ridiculous.


BoM December 09
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Oct 7, 2009
Camdenton, Mo
They very clearly state on their website that they ship UPS -- claiming that they are gouging is libelous and ridiculous.
I for one would rather pay more for ups shipping my product than USPS. My USPS guy sits boxes in plain view instead of hiding then like my ups guy does. Ups tells you where your package is and when it will be delivered vs USPS priority mail taking 4 days to get to me from any where.

Look if you throw down $100 on sticks but are to tight to pay for UPS then find another vendor or different hobby that is cheaper. As far as customer service that was mentioned earlier in the thread IMO it is second to none. The people there are awesome and have take. Care of me any time I have placed a order and especially when I was there last week. Come on guys you are gripping over stupid things here.
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Nov 1, 2009
Saugus MA
Experiences may differ from one customer to the next. From what I have seen in this thread, the service is clearly inconsistent at best. UPS is more expensive, that's just the way it is. Personally I would rather USPS, but I have had bad experiences with all shipping compaines. Mostly due to human error.

I have ordered from these guys and had no problem at all. Funny how a simple coupon code request can cause such an uproar.


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Sep 14, 2010
First I did look for codes sorry didn't find anything for shipping. But I have called this Vendor and even a couple months later he remembers my name and has went out of his way to help me, sorry I can't not say the positives about one Vendor if I am bitching about another in that tat thread.


Central Cali Cigar Crew
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Jul 27, 2011
Fresno, CA.
They very clearly state on their website that they ship UPS -- claiming that they are gouging is libelous and ridiculous.
Stating they ship UPS is one thing in my opinion ....... but .......

Add A huge full diary box of 24 Tatuaje Cojonu two 12 for $260 to your cart and the shipping is $12.77 to my location


Add a 5 pack of B56 CDM Exclusive cigars to your cart for $80 (delete the first 300 dollar box) and shipping to my location is $12.24


Well .... Gouging (in a shipping sense) !!! ..... I would be just fine paying 12 bucks to have a large heavy full box of smokes delivered .... but it's just plain un-brother like to charge the same price to a guy for a cellophane wrapped 5 pack of sticks!

This type of shipping makes no sense to me ... in turn they lose my business and from what I see in this thread many other as well (and many future sales I would assume).

If anything I am not bashing them for this ... if they are s BOTL sponsor they should be looking at ways to take care of us BOTL as well ... but the smalls things like this are sometimes big things to others you know (every dollar counts ... if they wants to charge more for the product great ... but don't charge the customer almost 3 times what it "actually" costs them to ship something).

They seem like an amazing company for what they do with exclusives, the herfs and extending great top quality cigars to us BOTL ... but hey ... sometimes things like this get overlooked in a business .... maybe they might just step back and take a look at their shipping charges and procedures who knows ... they may have never had anyone bring this up to them .... but from the looks of it maybe have lost a good amount for business just due to the high priced shipping on such small packages that are very light weight and cost a third of what they charge to ship ... I know I ship out stuff from UPS all the time and the small stuff is always a few bucks .... NEVER $12!

Customer Service is "KEY" when you run a business and sometimes people need to reminded of things in their business that are lacking that kind of CS! And from my limited experience with them so far ... the shipping on small orders is just plain ridiculous and 3 days of no one answering the phone, then on that third day the product I was calling about for 3 days goes to "No Online Order ... In Store Only" .... Ya ... Bad Customer Service!

Hope it gets better ... I am always willing to give anyone a second shot!


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Its a business. If they want to charge $50 for shipping they can. Its not a big deal really just don't shop there or have a brother pick something up for you if you want it. They probably charge more because its a pain in the ass to ship out orders. If you want it you'll buy it or find a way to get it. I think cigars are a luxury, Casa is definitely in the higher side of the luxury end.

Personally I was very surprised how well their pricing was marked. I was expecting to pay much more before I walked in. There is a reason they charge that much and that is because they can. Don't think of it as a shipping charge, think of it as a convenience charge. You will find that is the basic principle of every business.

Sorry, I am not trying to be a dick I just don't see why this is a big deal. I make way less than most people that even walk into a place like that and even I understand that I am gonna pay a premium for a smoke that I otherwise can't get anywhere else.

Either way I am pretty sure its a free country and they can charge what they want and most of the time the free market will decide its fate. So the real question is.... Is the shipping to high or do you guys just not want the cigars bad enough?

Rant Over
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BoM April '14
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Feb 6, 2012
^ Yup. I wanted the UF-4s and regardless of the high shipping cost, I was going to get it. They know they have the product exclusively and they could have sold the cigars at $15 a piece and it still would have sold out. If I didn't pay for it now, I would have to get it on the secondary market at an even higher price. It will be at the least the cost of the cigars including shipping from TQS + shipping from the person your just bought it from. That's not even counting markup... Oh well. I got mine :) If one does not one to pay the extra $5 shipping cost, maybe they should not be chasing high dollar cigars...


Central Cali Cigar Crew
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Jul 27, 2011
Fresno, CA.
Don't think of it as a shipping charge, think of it as a convenience charge. You will find that is the basic principle of every business.
Ya I guess your right in a sense ... I really couldn't find what I was looking for anywhere else and just because they charged 2 times what I thought they should for shipping I passed on them (a botl has some for me so I was very grateful for that since I missed out being a stubborn ass).

But they really do have great prices so since they at least have very good prices on their regular product ... I guess the extra shipping charge is not so bad in hindsight.

I will for sure give them another chance I'm sure ... hey they are the ony ones who have Little Mosters for sale right now (ya they are back in stock) .... it's kinda nice having a place that carries great top quality cigars like this.

Though I still hold to to them maybe evaluating this at some point .... really the extra shipping charge like Hosh said should just be considered a convienece charge.

And I'm sure the reason no one was answering wa cause they were very busy and it was just after the big Chicago hurf.

Sorry for this spiralling out of control ... I really just wanted to know if they had some sort of free shipping or new customer code when I started this! LOL


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Yeah, you never know. They could always decide to change things. I am sure it would be in their favor. Dont worry about it, we all go a little crazy sometimes.... Or atleast I do. ;)
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Feb 27, 2012
Seattle, Wa
:eyepoke: For those of you which don't care about throwing money away at overpriced shipping, my address can be found in the LBB. I will send you back a piece of lint for your money, that way you at least have something to show for it. :stretchgr
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Dec 3, 2010
South Haven, MI
That's the funny part. I bought UF-4 and Ratzillas for a brother and that's pretty much what I had to charge for shipping a medium flat rate.
Get yourself a postal scale. Cigars are not that heavy. You can ship based on weight usually much cheaper. In addition, get an on-line account. I know there is a link some where around here that talks about it. But you get commercial rate and free DC#s.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Get yourself a postal scale. Cigars are not that heavy. You can ship based on weight usually much cheaper. In addition, get an on-line account. I know there is a link some where around here that talks about it. But you get commercial rate and free DC#s.
Not a bad idea. Thanks...
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