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What's in your bowl today

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Aug 5, 2015
Cincinnati, OH USA
I have 2 and love them both. Got them for $30 each shipped from Poland. For that price they are great smokers and I can take them anywhere without fear of being out a bunch of money if I drop or misplace it. Because they are made from Pear wood they are crazy light and very easy to clench if you want to have your hands free. I'm actually smoking a bowl of Royal Yacht in my Mr Brog Chochla as I write this
I love that shape!
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Jan 22, 2011
SouthWestern Ontario, Canada
Today as usual I started the day with a cigar. It was a Gurkha warlord, never had it before and probably never will again. But I've been trying out allot of mid price range cigars to find some good knock around smokes that won't break the bank and it's definitely hit or miss. I have found some amazing ones though, this just wasn't one of them. So now I'm enjoying my morning bowl of Bayou morning out of my self hand carved apple briar and watched the sun come up on my porch. I love the vaper blends (virginia perique) a little spicy and allot of flavor. It is interesting to me how later in the day the bayou morning just doesn't cut it though. I always have to pack something a little stronger like an American english, english, or scotish. I'm not sure if it's because I have had something to eat so my pallet isn't as sensitive or what. Well enjoy your day and may your smoke stay cool and smooth!
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Is that a tattoo on your head? Badass my brother.
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Aug 5, 2015
Cincinnati, OH USA
Yule log 13 from bully dave withers in my pipe from bully sean cason...
Trying out my custom pipe tamper for the first time
I have to agree! That tamper is nice. It makes me want to cut down one of my 1/4" wrachets
Is that a tattoo on your head? Badass my brother.
Thanks. I've had it for twenty years and have always gotten mixed reactions to it but I love it:)