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Mar 15, 2016
Extra 1/4 pound samples:
Dominican Seco Piloto Cubano
Aged Colombian Seco
I have no idea what to do with those two, but I'll learn something from it.

The leaf kit:
Wrapper: 1/2 LB PA Oscuro Wrapper
Binder: 1/2 LB CT 2LS Broadleaf (Binder)
Filler: 1/2 LB Aged Nicaraguan Ligero, 1/2 LB Aged Nicaraguan Seco

Wish me luck! (suggestions are welcome)
Suggestions: the obvious thing to do with those secos is to swap them in for the Nica seco in the kit. Suddenly you've got three basic blends instead of one.
More advanced suggestion: try to figure out asap what each of your leaves taste like, e.g. by rolling puritos and smoking them. Otherwise you're shooting blind and not learning anything about what each leaf is likely bringing to the party. Maybe, e.g., you'll discover that the Colombian seco is more like a viso, and then you could use it as the viso portion in a blend instead of the seco. Maybe you'll discover that the 2LS bl tastes like crap but the dom pc seco tastes good and you'll use the pc as your binder instead and chuck your 2ls BL. Etc. Lots of things to do to improve your odds, and good habits to develop for the long run.
As always, buena suerte!
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Mar 15, 2016
Wish me luck! (suggestions are welcome)
Extra 1/4 pound samples:
Dominican Seco Piloto Cubano
Great choice
Aged Colombian Seco
I have no idea what to do with those two, but I'll learn something from it.

The Piloto Cubano is a favorite seco filler (pretty strong flavor) and the Colombian seco has a big barnyard odor is good also.
2 leaves Piloto/ 1/2 leaf Nic ligero
2 leaves Colombian 1/2 Nic ligero
1 leaf Piloto
1 leaf Colombian 1/2 Nic ligero

The leaf kit:
Wrapper: 1/2 LB PA Oscuro Wrapper
Inexpensive large leaf (not really so inexpensive). Thick and veiny. The bottom half of the leaf veins are so large most of it goes in the trash. The Mex San Andres makes a beautiful cigar not as lumpy as the Pa oscuro. It also tastes better (imo) is reason alone to use it. On the surface the San Andres is twice the price but it really costs less per lb.than the Oscuro. The leaf count of the Pa Oscuro is 25 leaves per lb. The San Andres gets 55 leaf count per lb. I get 4 cigar wraps per leaf where the Pa oscuro I can only get 2 per leaf. So I get over 200 wrappers in a lb. of San Andres whereas the Pa Oscuro I get around 50 wraps. So the San Andres ends up being less expense even if you use 2 cigars per leaf.

Binder: 1/2 LB CT 2LS Broadleaf (Binder)
Dominican binder is way better flavor imho.
Filler: 1/2 LB Aged Nicaraguan Ligero, 1/2 LB Aged Nicaraguan Seco
Good stuff. Strong flavor and power.

This week you'll be rolling!
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
I agree on the Dominican binder as well as the assessment on the broadleaf vs the San Andres. Cost per lb is higher on the SA but the leaf count is higher. If you really want to wrap in broadleaf, the ct broadleaf tastes much better imo and if you cut your leaf right you can get 4 wrappers out of each leaf as they are very long. I only manage to get 2 wrappers from each SA leaf.


CRA #99997657
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Jun 27, 2017
Farmington Hills, MI
I'm looking forward to trying each leaf puro so I know what in contributes in flavor and body.

In the culinary sciences mouth feel is discussed. I never hear that term with cigars. Is there such a thing as "mouth feel" with a cigar?

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May 9, 2014
Newark, Dull-Aware
I'm looking forward to trying each leaf puro so I know what in contributes in flavor and body.

In the culinary sciences mouth feel is discussed. I never hear that term with cigars. Is there such a thing as "mouth feel" with a cigar?

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Yes... and Morning Mouth, too.
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Sep 1, 2015
Central Maryland
... In the culinary sciences mouth feel is discussed. I never hear that term with cigars. Is there such a thing as "mouth feel" with a cigar? ..
I'm wondering what your talking about exactly. If it's what I think it is I also wonder why it's not out there so mush in reviews because, I find it to have an influence in the smoking experience myself.
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Mar 15, 2016
I'm wondering what your talking about exactly. If it's what I think it is I also wonder why it's not out there so mush in reviews because, I find it to have an influence in the smoking experience myself.
Isn't that sort of what "body" is? Or am I trippin.
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
I have heard reference to "mouthfeel" in reviews before. This is referring to how dense the smoke feels in the mouth. It can range from the thick/chewy/oily feeling smoke to light and airy. "Body" refers to the the strength of the flavors which shouldn't be confused with the actual nicotine strength. I hope this makes sense.
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Mar 15, 2016
I have heard reference to "mouthfeel" in reviews before. This is referring to how dense the smoke feels in the mouth. It can range from the thick/chewy/oily feeling smoke to light and airy. "Body" refers to the the strength of the flavors which shouldn't be confused with the actual nicotine strength. I hope this makes sense.
So those guys who say a stick's got "medium strength, strong flavor, mild aroma, medium body" are talking out of their wazingos.


CRA #99997657
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Jun 27, 2017
Farmington Hills, MI
I have heard reference to "mouthfeel" in reviews before. This is referring to how dense the smoke feels in the mouth. It can range from the thick/chewy/oily feeling smoke to light and airy. "Body" refers to the the strength of the flavors which shouldn't be confused with the actual nicotine strength. I hope this makes sense.
Well said.
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May 9, 2014
Newark, Dull-Aware
Bump this thread for Merry Christmas time.

I'm looking for a lurker on this BOTL forum who may want to try rolling their own for the first time. Someone who has been hanging round wondering, but who hasn't taken a leap at it. I will send you a kit for Christmas. I'll throw in filler, binder, and wrapper, along with some cigar glue. You rummage round the kitchen and dig up a breadboard or some such to work on, and an ulu or pizza cutter to cut your leaves with. Anyone here will gladly contribute how to advice and links to videos. All you have to do is try it out ... roll your own ... and then post some pics of your resultant sticks.

Who's up for a hobby?

Here's a link to a vid I made specifically for the raw beginner. It may not be THE WAY to torque a gar, but it is guaranteed to be A WAY that any rank fumblefingers can pop out a stick he can smoke and be proud of.

Who wants to give it a shot?
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Feb 2, 2017
ok, I've been curious about this. I'm not delicate or patient, so I'm not sure I can pull it off, but I'm interested in giving it a try. I don't want to invest a bunch of money in this in case it's above my ability, but I picked up an ulu a while back and can probably fake the rest. Can I trade you some cigars for a few leaves to try??


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Jul 26, 2016
Lucedale MS
How much of one's life does this consume? If one gets into rolling, will there eventually be a dedicated room, or could one get by effectively with a cooler sized stash?

Asking for a friend :playful: