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Wish lists


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
This reads like "can I dig up dirt on my brethren, and leverage said information to bomb them back to the dark ages?"

But to answer the question, I did it when I was a noob as a way to keep track of what I thought I wanted to try, but gave up as soon as I realized how fast my tastes changed. Man, now I wanna go back and see what was on my radar back in 2011...

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Apr 26, 2008
I have a running list saved to my phone, some new buys and some that I'm needing to restock. Occasionally something will catch my eye or I see people talking about and I want to remember it.

It started as a "save this to watch for sales", but it never worked out that way.
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Aug 20, 2019
Yeah I keep lists of what I see people smoking that sounds interesting as well as stuff I want to buy/re-buy once it goes on sale. It’s changing all the time though, so it’s not all that useful. But part of the fun of collecting I suppose.
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Jul 22, 2019
I've got a short list I've had for a while.
Fathers, Friends, and Fire: Father & daughter, I love Omar Oetez and will smoke anything they make.
Drew estate's Egg mostly for the novelty.
A culebra of any sort, again for the novelty.
I have long dreamed of a pre-Castro Cuban.
Joya de Nicaragua dark corojo.
A home rolled cigar made with home grown tobacco.
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Jan 30, 2017
My wish list is on my puter and when I see sales or something I haven't been able to find I try to shorten the list. All the stuff you guys go crazy for, the stuff the reviewers slobber over if it's anywhere near what I like will go on the list.

Hard as I try to be judicious in adding to the list and no mater how many cigars I buy the list just keeps getting longer!
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Sep 27, 2008
Philadelphia Burbs
So when cigar page is having a scorcher, I login to their mobile scorcher and add everything to the cart that interests me as I swipe thru. That becomes a list of sort because it seems to carry through to the next scorcher. I guess that is kind a wish list because it is over a thousand at this point. You can only see it during the scorcher( maybe glitch maybe not)
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Apr 10, 2012
I was thinking about this thread and found it interesting that (for me) new stuff/thoughts go in this order:

1. Desire to try new stuff and find a gem
2. Planning to buy certain things and making a mental list (never written down)
3. Looking for new stuff at B&Ms, maybe picking up a few
4. Looking online and realizing samplers with new stuff have to much stuff I don’t want and shipping for singles is nonsense
5. Revisiting stuff that I smoked over that years and thinking how it’s changed to something completely different or is surprisingly the similar
6. Forgetting my mental list entirely

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Jan 14, 2017
Grand Prairie, Texas
I was thinking about this thread and found it interesting that (for me) new stuff/thoughts go in this order:

1. Desire to try new stuff and find a gem
2. Planning to buy certain things and making a mental list (never written down)
3. Looking for new stuff at B&Ms, maybe picking up a few
4. Looking online and realizing samplers with new stuff have to much stuff I don’t want and shipping for singles is nonsense
5. Revisiting stuff that I smoked over that years and thinking how it’s changed to something completely different or is surprisingly the similar
6. Forgetting my mental list entirely

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Mine would be swap 1 and 2. Then use three to knock items off of list. With a sprinkling of 4 and 5.
I’m starting to realize there isn’t really much new under the sun. So my purchase choices off my list are more influenced by my current tastes. It’s more challenging, and sometimes frustrating, for me to try and purchase with the future in mind.

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BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
This thread was not started to get a list to bomb people. I was browsing a site and realized I had a wish list that I forgot about, so I thought I would ask you dudes about it.
We believe you, Micky. You're not shaddy like @Opie or @wantacigar ... those guys are a pair of regular Northeastern hooligans. :D

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Aug 20, 2019
I used to keep a list but that was just so I would get an email when the cigar came back in stock. Never worked out for me, I would get the email and by the time I got around to going to the site the cigar was out of stock.

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Oct 7, 2019
Santa Barbara, CA
So when cigar page is having a scorcher, I login to their mobile scorcher and add everything to the cart that interests me as I swipe thru. That becomes a list of sort because it seems to carry through to the next scorcher. I guess that is kind a wish list because it is over a thousand at this point. You can only see it during the scorcher( maybe glitch maybe not)
do exact same thing. I got to the 4500 mark or so I’ve scrolled through so many and ended up with a cart of 30 items. Then round that down to a few.
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Oct 4, 2019
So when cigar page is having a scorcher, I login to their mobile scorcher and add everything to the cart that interests me as I swipe thru. That becomes a list of sort because it seems to carry through to the next scorcher. I guess that is kind a wish list because it is over a thousand at this point. You can only see it during the scorcher( maybe glitch maybe not)
That's genius. Does the price stay the same from one scorcher to the next? I am going to have to try this...