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Covid 19


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
Well, stuck at home for a few weeks, and something from the 70's began growing over here. ;)
Got a slot car track as a kid. I ran it so much christmas eve, it melted the plastic differential gears in the Scooby Doo mystery machine that came with the track. Lol. Lasted about two hours nonstop.
Had to use my $4 allowance the next month to buy a new car
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Sep 13, 2014
Got a slot car track as a kid. I ran it so much christmas eve, it melted the plastic differential gears in the Scooby Doo mystery machine that came with the track. Lol. Lasted about two hours nonstop.
Had to use my $4 allowance the next month to buy a new car
rut roah ! Dude, that's hilarious LOL

Ya know, all this virus skullduggery going on, and for weeks I've been tele-working over at one end of the basement. During slow times I get up to stretch and start picking stuff up and cleaning up and came across an older set first .... A 1/32 scale, which are cheap 5" cars. Typical Chinese Auction set. Thought it would be cool to challenge the wife to a race.
But it was pretty crappy and after tinkering with it, the dream would prove not worth the effort.

Then I came across this one, the 1/64 HO (1990's ? ) . Needed a lot of help, but stable now. Racing with the wife was fun for her too. She likes to run me off the road.
Gotta keep creative to keep the cabin fever at bay.
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Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
rut roah ! Dude, that's hilarious LOL

Ya know, all this virus skullduggery going on, and for weeks I've been tele-working over at one end of the basement. During slow times I get up to stretch and start picking stuff up and cleaning up and came across an older set first .... A 1/32 scale, which are cheap 5" cars. Typical Chinese Auction set. Thought it would be cool to challenge the wife to a race.
But it was pretty crappy and after tinkering with it, the dream would prove not worth the effort.

Then I came across this one, the 1/64 HO (1990's ? ) . Needed a lot of help, but stable now. Racing with the wife was fun for her too. She likes to run me off the road.
Gotta keep creative to keep the cabin fever at bay.
Well Bondo, at least yall found something fun to pass the time and make the most of these difficult times.
It could very easily go the other way, like this couple:


I am no rocket surgeon
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May 7, 2014
Montreal, Qc, CANADA
rut roah ! Dude, that's hilarious LOL

Ya know, all this virus skullduggery going on, and for weeks I've been tele-working over at one end of the basement. During slow times I get up to stretch and start picking stuff up and cleaning up and came across an older set first .... A 1/32 scale, which are cheap 5" cars. Typical Chinese Auction set. Thought it would be cool to challenge the wife to a race.
But it was pretty crappy and after tinkering with it, the dream would prove not worth the effort.

Then I came across this one, the 1/64 HO (1990's ? ) . Needed a lot of help, but stable now. Racing with the wife was fun for her too. She likes to run me off the road.
Gotta keep creative to keep the cabin fever at bay.
You found that gear you had lost?
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Sep 13, 2014
You found that gear you had lost?
LOL After spotting my Hazard County cop cars I'm surprised you didn't comment on the HO train transformer I'm using to power the track. :LOL:
I had a block transformer on there, but this is variable, and It seems to like 13VDC the best.

That gear's gone. It's in another dimension, somewhere. It was slipping anyway.
I ordered and received another full chassis Monday. But it's an 'auto word" and the clips are in a different spot than the stock car body. So I took a die-cast car apart (yellow Tbird) and made it fit on there. But it turns out, the metal body was too heavy, causing the car to fishtail and wipe out, when pushed hard. ( Even though these chassis have "tracking magnets" ). So I have since replaced it with a plastic body off another (Hot Wheel Sizzler) and things have improved.

Most vendors were selling a single gear for $2 .... with $10 shipping, That's why at first, I just bought a whole new chassis for $12
But since then, I finally do have a 3 pak of pinion gears coming . I think the seller was sitting on them a while. I threw him an offer, and got em for $6 shipped.

These sets are like $100 USD (used) . But there's a set like this on eblab for $70 shipped right now.

No, Yan, I did not find the gear I dropped. :LOL:
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Sep 13, 2014
As mentioned, the wife and I are alone, here. If you're both sick, you can't help each other. The CDC gov recommends , if you can, plan ahead for supporting a sick one, perhaps spouse or sibling, during the outbreak. They recommend you choose a room in your home that can be used to separate sick household members from those who are healthy. Identify a separate bathroom for the sick person to use, if possible. https://www.redcross.org/about-us/news-and-events/news/2020/what-you-should-do-if-caring-for-someone-with-coronavirus.html

Needed stamps today. Post Office had a plastic curtain hanging over the service counter area. Little opening at the bottom. Like I was "cashing out" at Vegas or something.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
I knew it would come eventually. Joplin has just announced a stay at home order. And the stores are limiting the number of people inside at a time.
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Jan 30, 2017
My Gastroenterologist just emailed his patients that they are moving to telemedicine during this crisis. I don't believe I have ever been to him without having some type of camera inserted into my ……….... I don't care what he says, I'm not buying a selfie stick and taping it to my cell phone!!


testing testing.....is this thing on?
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Dec 28, 2018
North Idaho
we have roughly 200 cases state wide here and none locally (YET)
live outside a small town so kinda just staying here (nearest neighbor is 5 miles) I'v been building AR's and have run out of money :cry:

and we have had about 6 inches of new snow I'm starting to go suicidal o_O


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
My Gastroenterologist just emailed his patients that they are moving to telemedicine during this crisis. I don't believe I have ever been to him without having some type of camera inserted into my ……….... I don't care what he says, I'm not buying a selfie stick and taping it to my cell phone!!
My chiropractor's office has gone to telemedicine as well. You're going to adjust my back and neck over the internet. He also advised the cost would be the same as an office visit. Can you say "Go **** yourself"?


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
My Gastroenterologist just emailed his patients that they are moving to telemedicine during this crisis. I don't believe I have ever been to him without having some type of camera inserted into my ……….... I don't care what he says, I'm not buying a selfie stick and taping it to my cell phone!!
Fun times in their office, I tell you.
I had an appointment a couple weeks ago to get scoped from both ends. (Ain't getting old fun!)
After a horrible day drinking that gallon of super ex-lax, we arrive at the clinic the next day for the procedure. They tell me I've been rescheduled due to the Covid-19 stuff. I politely, but firmly told them that if it doesn't happen today, I am not coming back. They squeezed me in. (pun intended)
Quick summary: "I'm not leaving until someone turns me into a chinese fingercuff!!"
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
Here on Long Island, I've heard from a few people, one being my boss that the apex (or "peak") is predicted to arrive this week. I also read that on the internet, but we know how that all goes right?? Our numbers from yesterday (Saturday) dropped slightly from Friday's numbers (I think I have that right??) and many more people have been weened off the ventilators and on their roads to recovery. I hope the numbers drop more but we shall see what happens this week. Honestly, I hope their right with this apex and this ends soon.

Someone (or a group, whoever) from my old stomping grounds area decided to do a "7pm siren sound off" and have all the local FD's within the town sound their firehouse and fire truck sirens at 7pm tonight. Well, it went facebook viral, next thing you know within a few hours, the rest of the local county FD's also joined in as a thank you to all the frontline staff working at the local hospitals. Here in my area, right on time at 7pm, I heard the fire trucks, firehouse sirens, car horns, pots banging, people cheering and fireworks. I was on my stoop with my wife and the dog and I broke down and cried a little. Amazing how word spread so fast and people stepped up to join in. I'm not so much on the "front lines" anymore so to speak, but I have many friends and family who are and I wish sometimes I can get back up there and fight this fight with them. But for now, I can just pray this storm ends sooner than later and things return to somewhat "normal."


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
My wife is staying home as of last Friday for at least the foreseeable future. Her boss doesnt mind, she just isnt getting paid. Its turning out pretty alright, as she has gone through most of the closets, and the kitchen cabinets and pantry and organized everything. Have about 4 trash bags of clothes and things to donate to the local animal shelter.
Now if I could only get her to paint the eaves, I'd be golden. Been having a kid mow since last fall, so I don't even have to do that anymore.
She'll probably be home another two weeks.
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
My wife is staying home as of last Friday for at least the foreseeable future. Her boss doesnt mind, she just isnt getting paid. Its turning out pretty alright, as she has gone through most of the closets, and the kitchen cabinets and pantry and organized everything. Have about 4 trash bags of clothes and things to donate to the local animal shelter.
Now if I could only get her to paint the eaves, I'd be golden. Been having a kid mow since last fall, so I don't even have to do that anymore.
She'll probably be home another two weeks.
If there’s one good thing coming from this insanity, on our days off together, my wife and I have been cleaning up the house and tossing out so much crap.