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10 years of Botl and Jfire/Jolietilfire

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
Flex, we've had a lot of memories here in BOTL. Loved staying at your house for that BOM/Mega herf, (yes, I remember Brenda yelling at me and the hangover the next day) , enjoyed our friendship and brotherhood and love seeing your family grow stronger and bigger. I know you are proud of your incredible wife and two precious children. Lifelong friends brother. I can't believe it's been over 11 years for me on here. Here's to another 50 years. You are always welcome at my house.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Justin, Do you remember that one night a few years back where we are all in a videochat and you kept bumping 80's and 90's hip hop, while threatening to bust out your z cavaricci pants? I can't think about you and not think about z cavaricci's now...

Still looking forward to meeting you in person.
Yes @sean the days of DJ Fire! Hoping to meet you as well

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Oct 4, 2009
Chicago Area

ten years! thats almost 15 years!

ive had the honor of meeting and hanging out with justin on many occasions, as he is only about an hour drive from me (late night, doing 90 on the expressway). other than herfs at local lounges, poker nights, and superbowl parties, heres a few memories that i have that stand out in my memory...

first time we met there was a big herf at his place (around 30 people, i think). @ChefBoyRG54 was just getting into CCs, and he pulled out (i believe) a montecristo A with about 10 years of age on it, iirc (feel free to correct me on the exact smoke and year). anyway, an inch into the smoke ryan (aka chef, for those that dont know his name) says he isnt getting anything out of the smoke and tosses it onto the ground. justin says "wtf are you doing?!?", picks it up and starts smoking it, saying it has amazing flavor. he turns to me and says something like "god dammit, take a pull from this cigar". that was the first and last time ive taken a puff from someone else's cigar. he was right.. it was damn good. #NoHomo

same herf, jfire gives a few of us (that have never been to his house prior to this night) a tour of the lounge. this lounge is truly something you have to experience. you can tell a lot of thought went into building it out - and he did most, if not all, the work with only the help of @W.B. ... in the lounge he and i shared the last 2 drinks out of a bottle of pappy 21. i tried to refuse because i know that stuff is pricey as heck... but he just poured and handed it to me.

another herf he had i decided to bring my pup, since we were outside. everything went swimmingly until we started winding down for the night. my pup was found in the bushes and got tangled up in some super sticky tape fly traps. justin pretty much woke up the whole house looking for dog shampoo. (sorry brenda!)

although im not on here as much as i used to be (or as much as id like to be), i have to agree - many friendships formed here that i can honestly say will last a lifetime.

Chaz stole my story.

I don't believe that was the first time we met, but the first time I was at Casa de J Fire.

The monte A made for a great story, and I will never forget the generous pours of Pappy.

Was that the same herf with the drone?
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
This is exactly the reason that this board is so awesome. I have never really interacted with you, but would love to. If you want to add another state to your list, the 3rd annual SW Missouri herf is already slated for next September.
This thread was discussed multiple times this weekend at our herf and we all look forward to being in your position one day.
Happy 10 yr, brother!
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May 14, 2012
Can't believe I've missed this thread! I had similar beginnings on this board. I don't smoke as much as I used to (and even FAR less than compared to most people on this board), but I always come back. I've had the please of meeting J in person. What a class act. This board is unlike any other place online and in the world. The generosity blows me away on a daily basis.

Here's to the next 10 years, J!!!!!!