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Arizona Shootings

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Dec 28, 2008
Beaumont, CA
What happened today was horrible. A child was executed for no reason!! WTF is that?

What really saddens me are people using this as political propaganda (Goebbels is smiling in hell right now). Today is a wake up call. It is time for our leaders to centralize their agendas, and start fixing this country. Our problems are not about guns, racism, and religion. Today is about a few people who use the above referenced issues in order to seize power, fame, and fortune. Unfortunately too many people are too God damn stupid to see this. Both sides of our political system are guilty. If things are not changed quickly, we will continue to see horrendous events. Today's event was done by a single wing nut. God forbid intelligent, funded, and well trained groups start doing these types of things.

History is cyclical, and the writing is on the wall. Only can "We the People" can change it! There is no reason to re-create the wheel. We just need to true it up every now and then. It is that simple.
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Feb 23, 2009
What can you say about this? It's just a horrible tragedy.
Exactly. What thoughts are there to have? This is a despicable act. Thoughts and prayers to the victims and strong consequences to the perpetrator. Not much more to say...
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Feb 23, 2009
NY Times’ Krugman Blames Shooting on GOP, ‘Hate-Mongers’ Beck & Limbaugh

New York Times’ columnist Paul Krugman took to his blog site Saturday to blame Republicans and conservatives for the attempted murder of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Despite the somber occasion, Krugman chose to be combative and shamelessly used Saturday’s tragedy to berate those ideologically opposed to him.

Beck certainly does encourage the whackos and Palin did have this Congresswoman in her crosshairs... I think it's to soon to say what motivated this young POS but it's safe to say those named do encourage negative elements.
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Sep 24, 2009
Eau Claire, WI
I don't know guys. According to the article, he was described as a loner, pothead who didn't care for religion. That doesn't sound like the Palin/ Beck/ Limbaugh demographic to me. I'm betting his motivation was probably some personal twisted ideals that had nothing to do with any of those people.
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Dec 28, 2008
Beaumont, CA
I don't know guys. According to the article, he was described as a loner, pothead who didn't care for religion. That doesn't sound like the Palin/ Beck/ Limbaugh demographic to me. I'm betting his motivation was probably some personal twisted ideals that had nothing to do with any of those people.
I would have too agree. This s**t bag lived in his own f'd up universe.
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Dec 15, 2007
Omaha, NE
I don't know guys. According to the article, he was described as a loner, pothead who didn't care for religion. That doesn't sound like the Palin/ Beck/ Limbaugh demographic to me. I'm betting his motivation was probably some personal twisted ideals that had nothing to do with any of those people.
I bet you're right. Sounds like the guy was just crazy. Everyone is racing to place blame for this, but who knows.

That said, I don't care for how nasty a lot of the political rhetoric has become on both ends of the political spectrum. People need to remember that there are fringe types out there who are willing to take extreme rhetoric seriously and literally.


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Give me a break, Conservative leaders are no more responsible for this because of "riling people up" than Liberals were responsible for the crimes committed by citizens when Bush was in office and the Liberals were "riling people up."

If a guy bombs a bus while shouting "For the Queen!" that does not make Her Majesty responsible in any way, even if it was a bus full of people who were against the Monarchy.

Crazy people do crazy $h*t. If it's not with guns, it's with IEDs or computers or arrows or rocks or poison or ...


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
I will not jump onto any political band wagon or my own soap box on this tragic event; another time and place for that. It is very sad that the innocent are caught up in this. I do pray for all those involved directly and indirectly.


Daddy X3
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Sep 13, 2009
San Jose
Dont go thinking logically or injecting facts into the discussion NJ. People need to blame political talking heads for the these murders. You know blame anyone with a different political viewpoint. Hell lets just blame anyone with a conservative agenda and a microphone or a following for any attack on any non conservative. Clearly they are all to blame here. No one even knows the motive yet and I am suprised to see people start pointing fingers already.



King Dude
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Apr 28, 2009
Olivehurst, CA
Beck certainly does encourage the whackos and Palin did have this Congresswoman in her crosshairs... I think it's to soon to say what motivated this young POS but it's safe to say those named do encourage negative elements.
To blame this on beck and Palin is really lame. They had nothing to do with this and that just makes you look bad. As for the gun issue that should be left to another thread.

With that being said all the victims involved and thier families will be in my prayers, this is tragic.


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Surprised no thread on this yet. Any thoughts about the mass shooting in AZ today involving the congresswoman and federal judge?

So sad obviously for all involved (9 year old child killed as well) but to be honest in a society that's as attached to guns and the right to bear arms, I'm really surprised things like this don't happen more often.
It is very traggic but you have to remember...People kill people and not guns. I am a true believer in the right to bear arms. If you look at other countries without this right you will find outlaws/criminals still carry guns while the law abiding citizen is at his mercy.


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Jul 12, 2010
Not all people who own guns are dangerous. Its the stupid people with guns that are dangerous, it just so happens that there are stupid people. Its also a shame that people think that violence will change the way our goverment does things. That is a sad misfortune for all involved, but has absolutely nothing to do with our society having the right to bear arms.


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Jul 12, 2010
I agree extremely sad. Guns don't kill people do. Thats why we need gun control. You must monitor the people that have the guns. I hope this is not a political statement.
:innocent: Yeah lets monitor the law abiding citizens with guns, but not worry about the other guys. :angerFU:


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
We have gun control in the US. It's much harder for good citizens to get guns than criminals, and well over 90% of gun-related killings are by those who obtained guns illegally.
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Oct 31, 2009
Events are going to be lock down harder than ever from here on out. A very sad day indeed.


Indiscriminate Bomber
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Dec 31, 2008
But it is one of questionable feasibility according to one website I just visited there are 311,859,540 people in the united states. And there are around 80 million gun owners, I despise the national debt now, I would hate to see what the cost of "MONITORING" over 25% of the population. Wow what would those taxes cost us?

We could ban guns like England did, ohh wait they have a crime rate that is STILL higher than ours years after they banned guns.
By monitor and I do beleive we should, I mean when someone comes to purchase a gun, he is investigated. Close the loop holes for people purchasing illegal arms. Stop illegal gun shops. Every gun has a #. Keep an eye on that. There is to much killing in this country. BTW you mentioned that poverty as a criteria for killing. I hope you never lose your way of making a living. I know many people below the poverty line that would not lead them to kill someone. That we look down on people from our high status is some of the reason that this country is failing right now. It stinks how we treat each other. Very sad!!!


Watcher of the Sky
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Mar 12, 2009
Damn shame, so senseless. According to U.S. Census statistics the #1 motivation for murdering someone is having an argument. Maybe we should ban speech.
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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
For anyone to try to characterize this tragedy as being the fault of Sarah Palin, the Tea Party or conservative talking heads is ludicrous. The liberal leaning media outlets that are pumping this stuff out non-stop should be ashamed of themselves.
This is the act of a whack job. These kinds of things have been happening forever. This just happens to be the first time a member of Congress and a judge were among the victims.
Sarah Palin had a map of states with crosshairs on locations where her group felt they needed to focus on gaining the political seats. This makes her an accessory to murder? Our world is full of gun related idioms and symbolism. It's used all the time in everyday speech, commentary and advertising. Sane people don't take any of this to mean that they need to pick up a firearm and shoot people who are on the other end of the commentary. No one in WV is seems to thing that our former Democrat Governer Manchin (now Senator) was suggesting that we shoot people who support the cap and trade bill when he posted this [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIJORBRpOPM"]video[/ame].
Were liberals responsible for the actions of the SLA and the Weather Underground in the 60's or the earth first type groups today? Hell, no.
It is ridiculous and damaging to future political debate for left leaning commentators or political figures to try to blame this on anything other than the actions of a deranged individual.