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Bulletproof coffee?

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Jul 23, 2013
I drink a version of this everyday. I add 1 tbsp of coconut oil and about 3 tbsp of heavy cream. It's also supposed to have grass fed butter but I didn't like that much fat floating on top. I used to drink coffee through out the day with peaks in energy and then crash. I have my one cup in the morning now and that's it. It is also a part of a high fat low carb (nsng) diet. You can't just drink bulletproof coffee and then eat sugars and grains and expect to benefit from it.
I add coconut oil to tea and it's pretty damn tasty.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
as someone who has accidentally left a butter dish on top of a drip coffee maker (and in the process learned how to strip and clean a Bunn), this is a bad idea.

as a wholehearted proponent of both coffee and milk fat, i geel compelled to try it at some point. but i am in no rush to...
I'll have to add my support to this....butter in coffee just doesn't meet my mental standards of what would taste good. I've added sugar, whipped cream, cinnamon and 2% milk but butter???? Somebody has to do a review on this and report back with a full blown 'cigarlike' review of butter in coffee....(suppressing my gag reflex as I type)
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Jul 23, 2013
Ok, I’ve been drinking BFC for a little while now and I’m hooked. I use a NutriBullet to blend it for 2 10 second bursts and it makes an awesome, frothy, latte-like cup of coffee that is not oily or greasy in any way. I start by adding 1 cup of freshly brewed coffee to the bullet

I use the best grass-fed unsalted butter I can find. Apparently grass fed cows produce milk that is very high in Omega 3 fatty acids, the good stuff found in salmon, etc. Kerrygold butter is widely available, but there are others you can find in health food stores. If you’re trying to avoid dairy you can also use ghee, which is clarified butter with all the milk solids removed. I use it regularly for cooking but have yet to try it in BFC. 1-2 table spoons is added to the coffee. I started with 1 and have worked up to 2.

I started using regular coconut oil but have recently switched to MCT (medium Chain Triglyceride) Oil. MCT is easily absorbed by the body and quickly converted to ketones and used as energy. I started with 1 teaspoon and have worked my way up to 1-2 tablespoons.

Occasionally I’ll add a little Collagen protein. It’s tasteless and doesn’t thicken the coffee.

Couple things to be aware of. Both butter and MCT oil contain 100 calories per table spoon, mostly coming from fat. The idea behind BPC is to drink it in the morning during an intermittent fast (16 hours). I typically do not eat after 7pm. I have BPC around 6am and don’t eat again until around noon. I find BPC gives me a great sense of satiety and I’m not hungry at all, and have tons of energy. I don’t recommend drinking it along with a full breakfast, especially one high in carbs. All the fat and calories in the coffee will quickly be store as fat. Also, it’s not recommended you add sugar, for the same reason. Your body will use the sugar for energy and store the fat. I’m not on a Keto diet, but I do not use processed sugar, limit my carbs to mostly fruits and vegetables, and eat moderately high protein meals. I’m not afraid of fat!


To the ones we can save, and those we can't.
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Sep 23, 2018
West Lafayete, IN
Just seeing this thread, not sure if I missed it, but if you use MCT oil, you HAVE to work your way up in usage, in my experience and from everyone I know who has had it, it will LIQUIFY your lower intestines, very quickly


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
You can't just drink bulletproof coffee and then eat sugars and grains and expect to benefit from it.

I’m out.

This sounds like something strictly for the fitness dudes. I love coffee in the morning, or with breakfast, but can’t have coffee for breakfast.