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CoffeeFest Atlanta!!!

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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
It was indeed a great time!

Among the highlights for me were getting to talk to people from all phases and levels of the industry, from wholesale to top retailers like Intelligentsia, Counter Culture and Zoka to home roasters and people just getting started. Tasting some great coffees and seeing awesome new machines. Attending cupping, roasting and business seminars. Talking to the folks (and watching them gloat) who bought the $130lb Best of Panama lot. Scoping out the hot, young, pierced and tattoed female baristas.
I also finally joined the Specialty Coffee Association of America and in doing so became only the 6th member in the entire state of West Virginia. I'm looking forward to joining the Roaster's Guild as well.
Best of all, spending some real quality time with my best friend ATCDub, his incredibly lovely wife Mary (don't tell him I said so) and their cool dog Tucker.
Rating - 100%
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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. I got all kinds of ideas for when I open the hottest new coffee shop this area has ever seen!

Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to afford it!