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Couple of botl etiquette questions.

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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
Just a couple of questions that have been on my mind- I guess you could call them etiquette questions, specifically related to this board:

1) if you get bombed or make a trade, do you hold onto those sticks and not send them elsewhere? Or wait a certain period of time? Not necessarily something you like or don't- just a general question. I, not really on purpose, passed along a good stick that someone else just sent me. Just curious if that's a general thing that happens or not.

2) regarding asking around about "overseas" sources for a certain type of stick... I'm really not looking to buy anything but just like everyone else like to peruse different sites and window shop. I don't know what the trusted sources are as mine are personal friends, but limited selection. I guess the question is.... I know it's frowned upon to show up and start asking around... But when is the time to ask? Would be good to know for myself and any other newer folks on the board.

What say you?


BoM April '14
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Feb 6, 2012
I try to hold onto the cigars that are gifted to me. They are marked with a separate band so it doesn't get mixed in with the others. Sometimes I bomb them to another brother if they make the mistake of saying they have never tried it or if its their white whale. I've seen the stuff I've gifted out get bombed out to others. Doesn't bother me. I tend to bomb brothers that I know that will smoke it though. Good example is Jdog and thejavaman. Those two are chimneys... As for the sources, I wouldn't ask anybody about it unless you know the person pretty well. Make some friends on the board. That's what this place is for. Lots of guys with tons of knowledge that will share once you show that you are here to stay and not here to take advantage others and disappear. Once a good rapport has been established I don't think asking would be in bad taste.
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Subjective questions, so you're going to get a bit of a variety of answers......

Some of my 'top of the head' thoughts....

-Your cigars are your cigars to do with as you please
-However....:) ..... If someone has taken the time to pick something out to send you specifically to try or just because....well, if you haven't had it before, it might be best if you smoke it yourself (and provide some feedback as to how you liked it.) If you've traded for or bought cigars, I think it's fine if you pass them on.
-Another however....many will frown on the practice of selling cigars that you've been gifted....or reselling, at a profit, cigars you've bought from other botl

-As to sources for Cuban cigars --- you'll know when its OK to discuss with someone via txt, email, pm, etc --- if you don't know someone, or you're unsure, it may not be appropriate (yet?)
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
Good input. Yeah it was a stick I would have loved to try myself but I threw it into a bomb just because. Don't think the original owner would be offended and I certainly wouldn't if someone rebombed my sticks. Was just curious about the general consensus on this.
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
Subjective questions, so you're going to get a bit of a variety of answers......

Some of my 'top of the head' thoughts....

-Your cigars are your cigars to do with as you please
-However....:) ..... If someone has taken the time to pick something out to send you specifically to try or just because....well, if you haven't had it before, it might be best if you smoke it yourself (and provide some feedback as to how you liked it.) If you've traded for or bought cigars, I think it's fine if you pass them on.
-Another however....many will frown on the practice of selling cigars that you've been gifted....or reselling, at a profit, cigars you've bought from other botl

-As to sources for Cuban cigars --- you'll know when its OK to discuss with someone via txt, email, pm, etc --- if you don't know someone, or you're unsure, it may not be appropriate (yet?)
Good point- I would never resell. More of a passing along the love thing.

And just for the record I'm not really fishing for a source. Just wondering how you folks feel about it.
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Nov 7, 2013
Mid NY
Regifting or trading dog rockets or yardgars IMO is fine.... now regifting HTFs I agree with shadowcam, only do it if 1) you have tried one before or the person who gifted it to you gave you two of them 2) it is a follow botls must have or "white whale" and it isnt your cup of tea.
If you still dont know ask the person who sent it to you if they would be offended if you shared.

Reselling is a HUGE no no... that shouldnt even be mentioned unless said person is terminally ill or crazy financial problems
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Aug 17, 2012
I NEVER regift a stick. Even if I have a duplicate, I'll send my own rather than the gift unless I lose track of which is which. Every stick ive been bombed over the last year and a half has or will be smoked by me, or maybe my dad haha
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Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Little bothers me more here than a member who I don't know PMing me for a source, or asking "where did you buy those?". If you don't know my name, you probably shouldn't be asking me for my sources. Kudos to you for inquiring about the etiquette in the right way.
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
That seems to be the consensus so I'll make sure to shy away from doing it. It really was more of a function of putting something nice in a box rather than anything else - ie this would be "better" than what I already had.

Should have asked around first as I personally don't see it as a big deal. But I'll make amends accordingly.
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
Little bothers me more here than a member who I don't know PMing me for a source, or asking "where did you buy those?". If you don't know my name, you probably shouldn't be asking me for my sources. Kudos to you for inquiring about the etiquette in the right way.
Yeah like I said, I have a source that I trust. It's really more of a question of if something is mentioned on a thread that is of real interest to me, and I don't have a source for that specifically... You get the idea. It's a future planning question.
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Jan 5, 2014
Arvada, CO
Take it from me spend sometime before asking about sources haha. With bombs if I ever get one it will be smoked by me and I'll send things I've purchased on my own. Just seems right.
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Dec 20, 2012
Queen Creek, AZ
I don't regift either. All the sticks I have that have been sent to me get their own band with a UN and also labled on my spreadheet with the UN. I like to try and thank the gifter when possible.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Personally it doesn't bother me if a person trades something I gift them if they have already had it. It's a gift and I try not to let that stuff bother me. It is rude though to sell those smokes IMO for trivial reasons.

As far as sources everyone is different. It never bothers me if someone asks my opinion or what I think about oversea sources. Like I said though this is a different depending on who you ask and obviously various situations.

You should never truly get upset about something. I was upset one time over a gift that someone sold very early on. I later found out that that person fell on very hard times and needed the money in a bad way. I will never judge quickly again. We all have things that happen in life and sometimes we just see people in a different way on our board but in real life a loved one may be ill or someone could be losing a house. These are the things that I think of first when these matters come to mind. Every situation is different. Just politely ask if it bothers you and also remember they may not even be the same cigars.
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Aug 17, 2012
I'll ammend my comment to add, it does not bother me one bit if someone rebombs a stick I send them. I just personally do not do it because I like to honor the intent.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Personally it doesn't bother me if a person trades something I gift them if they have already had it. It's a gift and I try not to let that stuff bother me. It is rude though to sell those smokes IMO for trivial reasons.

Once I send it to you, it's yours. Smoke it, re-bomb it, shove it in your ex-wife's nose. It's yours to do as you please with.
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Jun 3, 2013
I just dropped the ball on this one (not with you), I did offer a legit source though?!
Little bothers me more here than a member who I don't know PMing me for a source, or asking "where did you buy those?". If you don't know my name, you probably shouldn't be asking me for my sources. Kudos to you for inquiring about the etiquette in the right way.
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Apr 30, 2013
Greensboro, NC
I am okay with the re-gifting of a bomb. Selling in my opinion is definitely wrong though. I think it's a good thing to ask these questions when you join, so you don't ruffle any feathers. Just like with biological brothers, you should feel comfortable asking your cigar brothers questions you think are important. Never be afraid to ask a question you think is important.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
I think everyone has covered this one completely. On both ends

I think of it this way. This is our sick and twisted family. We watch out for each other and want what's best. So show respect and you'll receive it.

It's really that easy. Enjoy.