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Cubans vs Non-Cubans: A THEORY

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Oct 25, 2012
Jersey City, NJ
During my time as a serious cigar smoker (almost 3 years now) you always have that age old debate regarding which cigars are better, Cubans or Non-Cubans. There are those who will always say that CC's are the absolute epitome of what a good cigar should be: "Cubans are the best hands down". I however have a theory that I would like to get the opinions of the brothers on. Note that when I say CC's I am referencing cuban puros. Now let me preface my theory by saying that I have only ever smoked one CC in my life (a Partagas Serie D no4 and it was pretty darn good) and I by no means have a valid, educated opinion concerning CC's. Hence, my desire to know the opinions of my fellow BOTL's. That being said here we go...

In order to use a metaphor for my theory I draw upon the example of a chef and his available ingredients used to make his dishes. Let's say a chef from Maine was limited to only using ingredients cultivated and gathered from Maine. When someone orders a lobster at his restaurant he is going to have the ability to deliver a world class lobster to his patron because Maine naturally has the some of the best lobster in the world. But..what if a patron wanted a world class steak...what if they wanted world class chocolate for dessert....what if they wanted world class foie gras? He would be limited to cooking up the old milk cow Bessie and serving it to you or melting a snickers bar and putting in a fancy bowl and call it gourmet chocolate pudding...or grab a goose from the local high school football field and serving it with hoisin sauce and call it peking duck. Ok I'm being extreme and getting carried away but its to make a point.

My thought process is that CC's as phenomenal as they are, are very limited in their "ingredients". The non-cuban master cigar blenders have an entire world and plethora of fantastic ingredients at their disposal to make some of the greatest cigars possible. From sumatra, to cameron, to san andreas maduro, to dominican piloto, to connecticut brodadleaf and shade grown, to brazilian mata fina, to Nicaraguan tobaccos the ingredient list is vast. In my mind the non-cuban blenders have the ability to let there imaginations go wild with limitless possibilities of tobacco/flavor combinations. By this logic I would feel that in a macro sense that non cubans should be better then CC's due to the availability of a variety of excellent tobaccos from around the world.

I hope to get feedback from you guys and learn from your experience in regards to CC's and non-cubans alike. THANKS!
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Feb 22, 2012
Portland, OR
I have heard that cuba imports quite a bit of tobacco from other countries from some people who seemed to know what they are talking about. But what do I know?
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Mar 2, 2012
Northern New Jersey
It's all personal preference. That's as scientific as I can get brother. You smoke what you like and that's what counts. If your a fan of Fuente brevas, excellent... If you smoke BHK's all day, excellent...
There is no right or wrong answer!


BoM December 2012
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Nov 10, 2011
Columbus, OH
Good analogy, but regardless of what anyone says, this age old question basically boils down to personal preferences & tastes above anything else.
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Jan 18, 2012
Long Island
Cuban tobacco is the best tobacco in the world. I have no problem saying it, but the aftertaste of NC's makes it feel like my mouth is an ashtray.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Here's the thing about your example:

The best lobsters are in Maine, so the chef can serve a world-class lobster using local ingredients.

Well, the best tobacco is in Cuba!


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Smoke what you like, like what you smoke.

And though I prefer Cubans at this point, it doesn't mean that I don't know that there are scores of excellent non Cuban cigars out there, and many I still enjoy for a change of pace. An analogy might be that I ride a Harley, but I still know that the Japanese and Germans, for instance, build some wonderful motorcycles, and in some respects, a superior machine. I can appreciate the Kawasakis, the Yamahas, the BMWs, and respect that some of my friends prefer to ride those. And we can ride together and enjoy the ride, together and separately.
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Jan 11, 2010
I agree its a personal choice. One thing though... For me it's clear that Cuban tobacco has a distinct taste that is at times extraordinary and can't be entirely duplicated. My preference is for cigars that are not heavy bodied, and so to me Cubans excel in making the medium bodied smokes I enjoy most and are generally preferred. But, when I want a heavier bodied smoke or a Maduro... It's Nicarguan hands down.
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Oct 9, 2012
in a galaxy far, far away
I agree its a personal choice. One thing though... For me it's clear that Cuban tobacco has a distinct taste that is at times extraordinary and can't be entirely duplicated. My preference is for cigars that are not heavy bodied, and so to me Cubans excel in making the medium bodied smokes I enjoy most and are generally preferred. But, when I want a heavier bodied smoke or a Maduro... It's Nicarguan hands down.
John, I think you caught the crux of the discussion with the word distinct. The issue isn't really which growing area is better, as that can't be scientifically qualified. What can be discerned, however, is the type of taste that comes from CC and NC. Cubans do have a distinct taste that draws praise as being the best tasting tobacco in the world. I think that CC are the best because I prefer, hands down, the distinct taste of a Cuban over any other cigar. In that, I agree with Knickerbocker. I generally don't like the taste that is left at the end of an NC cigar.

By the same standard, Omaha beef is the best beef in the world to me because of its distinct taste. Can it be proven? Not likely.

Don't let ratings fool you in places like CA; the Cuban govt. can't advertise in CA. CA knows where their bread is buttered.

There are some really good NC out there, but across the board, with every marka and vitola, CC has always maintained the highest ratings and done it with fewer brand names, styles and tobaccos.

My .02. YMMV. Smoke what suits you.


BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
don maduro, i see what you are getting at with your original analogy, but i think you are missing a little bit of scope. yes, cuba does puros (speculation aside, i don't know enough to say), BUT they are not JUST using tobacco. there are differing strains of the plant, grown in different ways in varied locations, harvested from distinct parts of the plant, and that is all before the damn thing gets cut! sorting, curing, rolling, aging, all have distinct impact on the final product.

think wine: france bottles only french puros, and there IS a distinct identity in all from the terroir. but that is a lot of country, a lot of varietals of grape, and a lot of of vintners all with their own ideas and preconceptions of how to make wine. new world don't suck, but you can't talk wine without france (among others).

that being said, and to the heart of your post, i have always wondered what some of the great masters of tobacco (both sides) could do if the had free reign to use anything. on the one hand, i would hate to see the cubans dumb things down for their northern neighbor (like dropping all the smaller vitolas or something). on the other hand, while i could only imagine it would be insane to balance, i would love to see a multinational blend including cuban tobacco would look like when done well.
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Feb 12, 2008
Karachi, Pakistan
Apples and Oranges really.. I grew up smoking CCs they're the norm for me, its what I measure every cigar I smoke with, a barometer really. Others who started their journeys with NCs use them as a barometer and end of the day what's great and what's not really is up to individual taste. I've heard people say nothing tastes better than a Cohiba or an Opus. To each his own really no point beating about the bush and arguing one side of the coin or the other, there's no real right answer unless you're in the industry.
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May 28, 2011
I have heard that cuba imports quite a bit of tobacco from other countries from some people who seemed to know what they are talking about. But what do I know?
I woldn't be too sure about that. When you think about it, the biggest selling point of Habanos is that they're using (exclusively) Cuban tobacco. Production processes, rolling skills, fermentation techniques, these things can be replicated outside of Cuba. Every other aspect of the production except for the tobacco.

If word got put that they're skimming the leaf, that's their whole case destroyed. My guess is that if they're not completely oblivious of business basics, they'll keep rolling their cigars with pure Cuban tobacco, at least as long as the embargo lasts.


I sell cigars
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Sep 19, 2010
Manchester, NH
Its just another growing region in my eyes, nothing more and nothing less. All the major production countries produce terrible cigars and great cigars including cuba.