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First time pipe smoke

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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
Hey there guys. So I'm at the cigar lounge, playing poker, having drinks, and smoking cigars with my buddies.
I end up drinking a bit too much and find myself purchasing 2 oz. of tobacco and a corn cob pipe (always wanted to try pipe smoking). I loved it!!
Problem is at the end of the night, there was a hole in the bottom of my brand new corn cob pipe. I think I'd like to try a "real" pipe so as to not throw away 7 bucks every time I smoke (price of corn cob pipe).

You guys have any recommendations for a first time pipe?

Man this is the rabbit hole I did NOT want to go down, but here I am :) It was a nice change up from cigars and I'd like to explore this hobby a bit more :)

Thanks in advance!
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
I've been usingmy corn cob for months without issue, so I would think that you just happened to get one with a manufacturing issue. Sorry to hear that, since it could have easily tarnished your first experience.

I like pipes a lot but, for me, it's not a replacement for cigars but rather gives me an alternative. Sometimes I want a cigar, sometimes I want a pipe.

For a first purchase, I would take a look at Dr. Grabow. They're inexpensive, smoke well, and will last a long time. Don't forget to pick up some pipe cleaners and a tool. They're both cheap. And sign up for the Newbie pipe trade!

Welcome to the slope
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Feb 4, 2015
Welcome to the piping! I am new as well, and also find pipe smoking extremely pleasurable. With respect to pipes, I think the number one rule is to always buy with your eyes (from a reputable maker). In other words, make sure you really like the way your pipe looks. If you can handle it, even better. It's important to think your pipe looks good :).

Besides that - consider what you want the pipe to be made of. Murchium pipes are great in that you can smoke and smoke and smoke. Or so I have been told. I don't own one. The briars are another great material, and you can smoke more than one bowl through it in a day. But after you are done smoking the pipe for the day, you should let it rest for 24 hours. Hence, if you wish to smoke every day - buy two.

Finally, consider if you want a filtered pipe. Europeans are seemingly into filters where us in the New World tend to dismiss them. I am contrary by nature I guess as I went out of my way to get a filtered pipe. Why? The filter does a great job of stopping tongue bite. A side effect of doing some newb things like smoking too fast.

If you are going to use a filter - I highly recommend using the balsa filters. They work really well for me.

Many people claim you should buy a "cheap" pipe and find out if you like pipe smoking. I don't subscribe to that philosophy personally as a poor pipe will cause you to dislike pipe smoking - where a good pipe can only enhance and lets face it, if loved, will probably be with you for your entire life. Besides, a good quality pipe doesn't need to be too expensive as my recommendation will show below.

All said and done - choosing a pipe is a very personal thing. So I will only suggest a pipe maker that sells pipes anywhere from $68.00 (I have a 68 buck one and it's great) - to $600.00 (I don't have a $600 one yet lol). They make many with the 6mm filter that I like (you don't have to use the filter). That maker is Savinelli. I have bought here with good fortune:


And am buying my second from here:


Good luck!! Piping IS relaxing - finding tobaccos you like is fun!! I like my Savinelli :)
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Jun 19, 2014
Northwest Indiana
I tried briars, I've gone through about a dozen of them in various shapes and sizes and they just don't work for me.
I love my cobs.
A good cob will last a long long time. My favorite is the Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman.
I've burned out a couple of the super cheap cobs, and have a few more that have lasted 6 months of almost daily use. I don't do anything to maintain them other than a pipe cleaner down the stem on occasion. But the Country Gentleman I've worn out and replaced stems, but never a bowl.

I think the most frustrating part of getting into piping is the learning curve. But once you start to figure it out, it's very rewarding and you forget about the early problems. In fact, the mention of tongue bite and filtered pipes made me chuckle, as this was something I went back and forth on early into my piping hobby. Had major issue with tongue bite. I smoke fast, I know this, and I'm not planning on changing that. So I tried some filter pipes and they helped cut down on that issue. But, eventually I ditched the filters for whatever reason, probably ran out, and don't use any filtered pipes anymore. And I've not had any issue with tongue bite either. I really only smoke 3 blends and I've over time learned exactly how dry they need to be (very) to smoke to my satisfaction.

Takes time. Stick with it, experiment, and join the noob sampler trade. I'd offer to help in the thread, but can only really offer a sample of three blends so that does no good.
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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
Really great replies thank you guys!
Why can I only smoke once in 24 hours with certain pipes?
Maybe that's why i burned a hole through the bottom of the cob pipe i got yesterday? I think I smoked 3 bowls back to back...
Thanks for the links as well, I have lots of reading to do I think. Not sure I'm ready to drop 70 on a pipe just yet...
On another note, how long does it take to smoke a full bowl on average?
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Sep 10, 2014
The 24 hour rule is for briar pipes because the wood absorbs moisture. The rest time in between allows the pipe to dry out again. I consider this rule to be more a recommendation. There are many times I have smoked one bowl after another in the same pipe with no ill effects. Back in the day people had just one pipe and smoked the sh!t out of it until it was so caked up they just bought another.

I suspect the cob you purchased was a cheap Chinese variety. Get a genuine Missouri Meerschaum cob. I still have the first MM cob I purchased over a year ago and it's still a fine smoker. Cobs are resilient and can hold up to the abuse of smoking several bowls throughout the day.

As for average time it takes to smoke a bowl, this will depend on the size of the bowl, the type of tobacco you are smoking, and how fast you smoke. Rarely do I finish a bowl in less than 45 minutes, most of the time it's longer.
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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
Thanks guys. I picked up an MM pipe ($7) and smoked a bowl with it just now. Not that I know what I'm doing yet, but the bottom didn't break from the heat this time!
I watched a bunch of vids this morning too, and my experience was even better than last night.
Now to figure out what wood pipe i want and how to pick a tobacco to try. The one i bought last night was 2 oz of HSM Battlesnake. It's really nice.

Is that considered an "aromatic" pipe tobacco?
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
I think everything was covered here on some basics of the pipe smoking. I'm also a cigar smoker who picked up the slippery slope of pipe smoking from a good family friend. What I did, aside from being here on the best forum, is watch youtube videos on pipe smoking. I watched a guy who has a channel and he goes by "StogieFarts" minus the quotes. I watched all of his beginner videos about 1,000 times before I actually picked up a pipe. I also found out that an employee at my local B&M is the shops "pipe guru" and pretty much schooled me 1 on 1 for pipe smoking 101. Which was a big help.

I started out with my Dr. Grabow pipe which was $20 and it smokes like a champ. I don't go to it that much as I've established a nice little collection for myself with some help here in the BOTL Newbie Pipe trade. I have now a small collection of 6 pipes and 2 of them need some proper christening as their brand spanking new.

Unless I missed something, which I'm surprised no one mentioned....DO NOT USE A TORCH LIGHTER for your pipe smoking. Keep those lighters with your cigars. If I'm not mistaken, it will ruin your pipe and actually set it on fire. If I'm wrong with that info, someone please correct me. You'll need to use a soft flame lighter. I got one that had a tamper tool already built into the lighter. A soft flame lighter to basically describe it is a bic lighter. Local B&M's I'm sure will have them. I know mine has cheap ones and a little more higher end ones as well. Or you can use matches as well. I have yet to try that and my luck I'd burn myself in the process. I'm safer with a lighter.

Welcome to the slippery slope of the pipe world!!!
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Jun 19, 2014
Northwest Indiana
Thanks guys. I picked up an MM pipe ($7) and smoked a bowl with it just now. Not that I know what I'm doing yet, but the bottom didn't break from the heat this time!
I watched a bunch of vids this morning too, and my experience was even better than last night.
Now to figure out what wood pipe i want and how to pick a tobacco to try. The one i bought last night was 2 oz of HSM Battlesnake. It's really nice.

Is that considered an "aromatic" pipe tobacco?
You'll love that cob.
Never heard of that tobacco though, and the Google didn't have anything to offer.
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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
Yep definitely won't use a torch. Been using a bic for now as a match won't stay lit where I'm at, and I have to smoke outdoors.
I think I'll get a Dr. Grabow next, not really looking to drop 60-80 on a pipe just yet. I went over to pipesandcigars.com and put a sampler of aromatic stuff in my cart, haven't pulled the trigger yet though. Is that a good place to shop at?

I think that blend I have may just be a house blend that my shop makes, as I couldn't find it online anywhere either. I just don't know if it's an aromatic or not. All pipe smoke I've ever smelled, smelled really nice and this is no different, so not sure what classifies a tobacco blend as "aromatic"??

Had another bowl today, it lasted an hour, and was awesome!

Thanks for the heads up on StogieFarts. i watched like all of those videos while smoking my pipe this afternoon.
What a great day! A diesel unholy cocktail in the morning and a bowl in the afternoon. Kicking back with a blonde ale now and am contemplating smoking another bowl.... i know it goes against that 24 hour rule, but it's the only pipe I've got right now!
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
Yep definitely won't use a torch. Been using a bic for now as a match won't stay lit where I'm at, and I have to smoke outdoors.
I think I'll get a Dr. Grabow next, not really looking to drop 60-80 on a pipe just yet. I went over to pipesandcigars.com and put a sampler of aromatic stuff in my cart, haven't pulled the trigger yet though. Is that a good place to shop at?

I think that blend I have may just be a house blend that my shop makes, as I couldn't find it online anywhere either. I just don't know if it's an aromatic or not. All pipe smoke I've ever smelled, smelled really nice and this is no different, so not sure what classifies a tobacco blend as "aromatic"??

Had another bowl today, it lasted an hour, and was awesome!

Thanks for the heads up on StogieFarts. i watched like all of those videos while smoking my pipe this afternoon.
What a great day! A diesel unholy cocktail in the morning and a bowl in the afternoon. Kicking back with a blonde ale now and am contemplating smoking another bowl.... i know it goes against that 24 hour rule, but it's the only pipe I've got right now!
I've ordered from pipes and cigars. They're great. It's even better if you order early morning hours or like tonight. They ship out earlier in the day. And for me I get everything in 2 days or so.

There's nothing wrong with house blends at all. I smoke some from my local b&m too.

As for pipes, P&C has some cheaper ones too. Browse the site and their garage sale. You might find one for a reasonable price that won't break the bank.

And check out 4noggins.com also!!
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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
Thanks man!! Anyone have any recs of bulk blends to try? Looking to order tonight.

Problem is I don't know if the house blend I bought is an aromatic or not so I'm not sure what to order.... Gonna throw in 2 more cobs as well.
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Jun 24, 2014
Central Illinois
I am a newbie piper. I have about 5 cobs, all Missouri Meerschaums. I smoke the crap out of all of them on top of my briars. I have never spent more than $5 on one. I would get a few of those cobs and figure out the things you really like smoking before investing in a briar. Just my opinion.
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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
Thanks Mike,

That's exactly my plan. I'm going to order 2 more cobs tonight. I just have NO CLUE on what bulk blends to purchase. I wish I knew if the tobacco i have is an aromatic or not.... that would help my decision making process!
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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
Most pipers don't smoke aromatics as much as other styles, not to knock them if that's what you like but they are more likely to smoke hot, wet, and give you tongue bite

Cobs rule for the price

Pick some Dunhill blends hard to go wrong, early morning pipe, nightcap, navy rolls, and 965 are classics

If u want an aro sutliff molte dolce and p&c Vermont meat candy are good to me and I generally don't care for aros

There are so many bulks it's hard to give recommendations without knowing what u like, do u want something that reminds you of a cigar

C&d habana daydream, old joe krantz

H&h freight train....

The Seattle pipe club blends are great too plum pudding and ms river

You can look at our blend of the month threads and see what we chose, though every one on the list is usually a quality choice
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Jun 24, 2014
Central Illinois
Thanks Mike,

That's exactly my plan. I'm going to order 2 more cobs tonight. I just have NO CLUE on what bulk blends to purchase. I wish I knew if the tobacco i have is an aromatic or not.... that would help my decision making process!
go to smoking pipes.com or tobaccoreviews.com. That will tell you what type of blends you are smoking. I'd recommend not buying bulk to start, just in case you don't like it. Everyone is different, and you may not tolerate certain blends as well as others. When you get a good grasp of what you really enjoy, then you can pick up a cheap briar and learn how to break one in and maintain it.
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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
I'm choosing bulk because I can buy 1oz at a time on pipesandcigars :)

I don't want something that reminds me of cigars, this is a nice change of pace and is different. How do you know if what you're smoking is aromatic? This tobacco I bought smells really really nice so i figured it was an aromatic, but then again don't all pipe tobaccos smell like this?