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Rating - 100%
4   0   0
Feb 8, 2015
Washington State
3 - cgraunke
7 - smoqman
11 - deadrift
12 - sailorag
13 - jkittle99
17 - stogiebear
19 - purepoker
21 - hopzilla
22- Jesse
23 - lomey
24 - scroni
25 - greekelite
26 - daleo8803
27 - redneck toy
28 - jonesry09
30 - imabeast
31 - icehog3
32 - brandoncpm
33 - kill kill 33
34 - cigar jedi
37 - jaybird
40 - mista40
42 - kgd
43 - bubb
44 - tonyrome
47 - brewinhooligan
50 - jonboy
52 - marshall9779
56 - west texas cliff dance
60 - whtwtrman79
63 - broadleaf
66 - bondo 440
68 - davewitter
69 - apnutter
72 - avatar
73 - StogieNinja
77 - smokinbrew
78 - hoshneer
81 - jsnake
82 - mossome
84 - env
87 - tandr2005
88 - rupe
92 - sirspanksalot
97 - rfraser
Rating - 94.7%
20   1   0
Dec 13, 2014
3 - cgraunke
7 - smoqman
11 - deadrift
12 - sailorag
13 - jkittle99
17 - stogiebear
19 - purepoker
21 - hopzilla
22- Jesse
23 - lomey
24 - scroni
25 - greekelite
26 - daleo8803
27 - redneck toy
28 - jonesry09
30 - imabeast
31 - icehog3
32 - brandoncpm
33 - kill kill 33
34 - cigar jedi
37 - jaybird
40 - mista40
42 - kgd
43 - bubb
44 - tonyrome
47 - brewinhooligan
50 - jonboy
52 - marshall9779
55 - erikcooper
56 - west texas cliff dance
60 - whtwtrman79
63 - broadleaf
66 - bondo 440
68 - davewitter
69 - apnutter
72 - avatar
73 - StogieNinja
77 - smokinbrew
78 - hoshneer
81 - jsnake
82 - mossome
84 - env
87 - tandr2005
88 - rupe
92 - sirspanksalot
97 - rfraser
Rating - 100%
4   0   0
Feb 8, 2015
Washington State
3 - cgraunke
7 - smoqman
9- deadmans point
11 - deadrift
12 - sailorag
13 - jkittle99
17 - stogiebear
18 - johnnyb
19 - purepoker
21 - hopzilla
22- Jesse
23 - lomey
24 - scroni
25 - greekelite
26 - daleo8803
27 - redneck toy
28 - jonesry09
30 - imabeast
31 - icehog3
32 - brandoncpm
33 - kill kill 33
34 - cigar jedi
37 - jaybird
40 - mista40
42 - kgd
43 - bubb
44 - tonyrome
47 - brewinhooligan
50 - jonboy
52 - marshall9779
55 - erikcooper
56 - west texas cliff dance
60 - whtwtrman79
63 - broadleaf
66 - bondo 440
68 - davewitter
69 - apnutter
72 - avatar
73 - StogieNinja
77 - smokinbrew
78 - hoshneer
81 - jsnake
82 - mossome
84 - env
87 - tandr2005
88 - rupe
92 - sirspanksalot
97 - rfraser
Rating - 100%
4   0   0
Feb 8, 2015
Washington State
So you're saying I lost?! :-X
Nope. I don't know the #, only my wife does. It's the 2 closest #s.
lol can i get a second number X-P
Oh sure... No, why don't you just pick ALL the #s left that way you'll be sure to win!!!

In case you couldnt' tell I'm being sarcastic lol, but the answer is no.
Rating - 100%
4   0   0
Feb 8, 2015
Washington State
Alright the time is here. My wife as spoken the number of beer givery..... 74

So contrats to @StogieNinja and @Avvatar who are the closest and will be receiving my hand picked beer samplers. I'll PM you both for addresses and some minor details.
Guys I've really been struggling about what to send and how to keep it equitable. I've changed the beers choices slightly but will keep in line with my original idea to offer people some local, non conventional, and relatively rare beers.

I've also got some good news, so wait for more info in the next post!!!!

PS, @StogieNinja I hop you know I'm removing all the labels and just call them "mystery beers" lol