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Headaches While Smoking

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Jun 18, 2012
Scranton, PA
If the draw is too tight I can see it happening.

What environment are you smoking in? Many B&Ms and cigar bars don't have an adequate or well maintained smoke handling system, whether it be smoke eaters, HVAC, or both.
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Dec 17, 2011
Drink more water. I noticed I was getting then when I sat outside on really hot days. Once the temp broke they went away. I noticed they decreased if I drank more water an hour or so before smoking then had a glass or two as I smoked. Once the temp cooled off, I just drank less water.
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Aug 23, 2012
If I smoke a lot I get a bad hangover from nicotine. That includes bad headaches. We are talking 8 to 10 cigars though. That would be my binge rate on cigar night for our club. Lol
I thought it was just me but I also get a hangover of sorts if I smoke alot. Good to know I'm not the only one. Lol
I don't smoke everyday but today is the first without a cigar in about 5 days... Wicked Headache!!!

OP: How recently is this?


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Sounds like it's not a nicotine hangover, but an actual reaction to the nicotine.

Best advice was already given - pop a couple advil half an hour before smoking, drink lots of water, and stay in a well-ventilated area!
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Sep 23, 2009
Headaches as well as stomach pains are classic signs of nicotine poisoning... sounds scary, but trust me you are not going to smoke yourself into a coma.

All the advice given about full stomach, not being in the hot sun, being hydrated are all helpful.

One tip I will add is to consume something with a HIGH sugar content - this will almost immediately counteract the effects of the high nicotine concentration. Soda, candy bar, whatever - it will make you feel better inside of 5 minutes almost every single time. This is actually the reason why PORT has historically been considered a good pairing with cigars - back in the 19th century many cigars were much much harsher and stronger due to inadequate fermentation and the drinking of the fortified wine with it much higher sugar levels would help to counteract the excessive nicotine levels.

Hope this helps,

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Aug 30, 2012
Miami, FL
From what I've read on this thread thus far, everyone's tips and comments seem very helpful and on point. Outside of the previously discussed possibilities, I have had this happen to me a few times when I had not made a clean cut in the cigar and had a tight draw (refusing to fix the cut and continually drawing on the cigar left me light headed and with a pounding headache) as well once from a cigar gifted to me that was pretty on the "stale" side and not properly taken care of. There was also a long time cigar smoker from my local lounge that started experiencing constant headaches while smoking but when he stopped smoking Maduros they went away.
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Oct 25, 2011
Cumberland County
So I guess I figured this out. Started taking a multi vitamin about 2 weeks ago and I stopped getting the headaches. So sorry for the guy who said he would take all my sticks, looks like ill be keeping them after all. Lol
Thanks for all the help guys!
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Aug 23, 2012
Sydney, Australia
I was getting this a bit too, so i tried hydrating heaps and that helped a bit, then i realised i hadnt had a coffee in about 2 and a half days. had one, and the headache ebbed away.
My wife then told me I'm addicted to coffee. I said I'm ok with that
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Aug 23, 2012
Sydney, Australia
This is actually the reason why PORT has historically been considered a good pairing with cigars - back in the 19th century many cigars were much much harsher and stronger due to inadequate fermentation and the drinking of the fortified wine with it much higher sugar levels would help to counteract the excessive nicotine levels.
and science once again delivers an awesome coincidence! thats cool to know.
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Aug 17, 2012
Newburgh, NY
There is one particular stick that I have tried 3 separate times and within minutes I experience the most intense headache ever. Its the Perdomo La Tradician Cabinet Series limited Golf Edition. I bought a 5 pack a while ago and the first one gave me the headache. I waited a good while before trying another but got the same result. After the third I knew it was the stick. Not sure why the reaction. I can smoke other Perdomo's but just not that specific one.