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Mar 8, 2011
Lewiston, Idaho
Got my first elk today with a .50cal muzzleloader. Snuck up on her and got her at about 40 yards, I was in a dense wooded area and she was in a small clearing with a bull. Nailed her right in the lungs, she made it about 5 yards before she dropped and I'm about the proudest I can ever remember.
Beautiful!! Congratulations.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
View attachment 104268 Harvested my first ever deer this morning. I had planned on a doe. But this little old guy gave me a shot and I took it through hitting him in the front shoulder. He kicked and stumbled about 20' and collapsed. It is hard to see in the pic, but he had 3 brow tines on each side along with 2 points on each side of his beams for a total of 10 points. Shot was 266 yds. All of his top teeth were gone and the guys at the processing guessed him to be at least 6 years old and maybe more. He's not a monster but I am really happy with my first deer. A very humane kill on an animal well past his prime.
AWESOME! Congrats!
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Oct 21, 2015
Peyton, CO
View attachment 104268 Harvested my first ever deer this morning. I had planned on a doe. But this little old guy gave me a shot and I took it through hitting him in the front shoulder. He kicked and stumbled about 20' and collapsed. It is hard to see in the pic, but he had 3 brow tines on each side along with 2 points on each side of his beams for a total of 10 points. Shot was 266 yds. All of his top teeth were gone and the guys at the processing guessed him to be at least 6 years old and maybe more. He's not a monster but I am really happy with my first deer. A very humane kill on an animal well past his prime.

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BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
Spent the week of Thanksgiving in Argentina dove hunting and fishing for golden dorado... AWESOME trip.. We (wife and I) shot 90 boxes of shells in 2 days and we'rent even hunting hard.. the sky is black with dove down there.. FREAKING UNREAL wing shooting..

The fish were good too.. I only managed to catch a couple of small dorado and a "large" yellow catfish (probably 2 lbs.. but considered huge for the species.. most are supposedly only about 1 - 1 1/2 lbs).. The wife caught 2 big dorado (8lbs and 10lbs) a couple of smaller ones... and a MONSTER piranha.. sucker was no shit 5lbs... I had no idea there were species of piranha that big.. I thought they were all pretty much little guys...

Pics of the fish and birds are on the wifes instagram (I cant figure out free photo hosting now that photobucket has started charging to share pics)..


1 BIG lesson learned while in Argentina... Pigeons taste pretty good... Parakeets taste like shit! :)

We had both fly in with our dove and popped a few of each.. Could tell very little difference from the pigeons and doves.. the parakeets tasted like a bag of buttered buttholes though... NASTY!

(shooting ALL birds is common practice in Argentina BTW.. they account for 30% crop loss down there.. there are roosts with literally more than a million birds.. they are a complete menace.. farmers practically beg hunters to come clear birds out for them.. shooting the birds feeds the local families (the bird boys come pick them all up and distribute all of the birds the hunters dont take with them to the local poor).. and keeps the farmers from having to blanket poison everything to save their crops (if you dont shoot enough birds, they lay down poison that kills everything.. foxes, rabbits, deer, etc..etc.. EVERYTHING gets laid to waste))....
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
Spent the week of Thanksgiving in Argentina dove hunting and fishing for golden dorado... AWESOME trip.. We (wife and I) shot 90 boxes of shells in 2 days and we'rent even hunting hard.. the sky is black with dove down there.. FREAKING UNREAL wing shooting..

The fish were good too.. I only managed to catch a couple of small dorado and a "large" yellow catfish (probably 2 lbs.. but considered huge for the species.. most are supposedly only about 1 - 1 1/2 lbs).. The wife caught 2 big dorado (8lbs and 10lbs) a couple of smaller ones... and a MONSTER piranha.. sucker was no shit 5lbs... I had no idea there were species of piranha that big.. I thought they were all pretty much little guys...

Pics of the fish and birds are on the wifes instagram (I cant figure out free photo hosting now that photobucket has started charging to share pics)..


1 BIG lesson learned while in Argentina... Pigeons taste pretty good... Parakeets taste like shit! :)

We had both fly in with our dove and popped a few of each.. Could tell very little difference from the pigeons and doves.. the parakeets tasted like a bag of buttered buttholes though... NASTY!

(shooting ALL birds is common practice in Argentina BTW.. they account for 30% crop loss down there.. there are roosts with literally more than a million birds.. they are a complete menace.. farmers practically beg hunters to come clear birds out for them.. shooting the birds feeds the local families (the bird boys come pick them all up and distribute all of the birds the hunters dont take with them to the local poor).. and keeps the farmers from having to blanket poison everything to save their crops (if you dont shoot enough birds, they lay down poison that kills everything.. foxes, rabbits, deer, etc..etc.. EVERYTHING gets laid to waste))....
I follow your wife on IG and was amazed by the pictures. Was hoping you got to share in the fun. Looked like an amazing trip!


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
yeah... Im a bit camera shy lol.. I make her pose and I take the pics.. I rarely let her take pics of me to post :)

It really was a very cool trip.. and surprisingly pretty affordable too...

Argentina isnt exactly cheap.. but its not crazy expensive either.. We got flights for "free" (air miles).. and we won the "Cast and Blast" at a Dallas Safari Club auction... All inclusive (drinks, meals, snacks, lodging, etc..) was just $2200 for 4 days of hunting and fishing... We also spent 2 days in Buenos Aires on the cheap (helps that the wife works in the hotel industry).. All in, including buying curios and trinkets, meals and hotels in BA, etc.. was less than $2500 for a week in South America..

Granted it would have been a good bit more if we paid full retail for the lodge instead of winning it at an auction.. but even at full price its honestly less than what people will pay per day for a trip to disney or cancun for a week..

This is the place we stayed: http://www.argentinasbesthunting.com/

If you ever decide you want to give a high volume dove hunt a try, I HIGHLY recommend them.. the lodge manager is a great guy.. as is the owner.. both were a pleasure to be around all week.. lots of fun.. the food is INCREDIBLE.. and the guide is one of the most passionate hunters I have ever met in my life.. dude can seriously put you on the birds and the fish.. and hunting is ALL he lives for.. he literally gets off of work, goes home, grabs his little boy, and hits the woods or the river.. he hunts and fishes no less than 300 days a year, and has been all over the globe doing it.. he was a ton of fun to hang out with for the week...


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
Hey Big Dave @mdwest it's wise to take pic more pic of ur wife, (much better looking than U) besides u wouldn't fit in the frame .......:happy::snaphappy:
Looked like a great trip my friend :finger:
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Jun 6, 2014
Joplin, MO
yeah... Im a bit camera shy lol.. I make her pose and I take the pics.. I rarely let her take pics of me to post :)

It really was a very cool trip.. and surprisingly pretty affordable too...

Argentina isnt exactly cheap.. but its not crazy expensive either.. We got flights for "free" (air miles).. and we won the "Cast and Blast" at a Dallas Safari Club auction... All inclusive (drinks, meals, snacks, lodging, etc..) was just $2200 for 4 days of hunting and fishing... We also spent 2 days in Buenos Aires on the cheap (helps that the wife works in the hotel industry).. All in, including buying curios and trinkets, meals and hotels in BA, etc.. was less than $2500 for a week in South America..

Granted it would have been a good bit more if we paid full retail for the lodge instead of winning it at an auction.. but even at full price its honestly less than what people will pay per day for a trip to disney or cancun for a week..

This is the place we stayed: http://www.argentinasbesthunting.com/

If you ever decide you want to give a high volume dove hunt a try, I HIGHLY recommend them.. the lodge manager is a great guy.. as is the owner.. both were a pleasure to be around all week.. lots of fun.. the food is INCREDIBLE.. and the guide is one of the most passionate hunters I have ever met in my life.. dude can seriously put you on the birds and the fish.. and hunting is ALL he lives for.. he literally gets off of work, goes home, grabs his little boy, and hits the woods or the river.. he hunts and fishes no less than 300 days a year, and has been all over the globe doing it.. he was a ton of fun to hang out with for the week...
Sounds like a great trip. Have you ever hunted Red Stag? I think that would be an amazing hunt. One I will never be able to do, but would be on the bucket list if I had money and was younger.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
Never hunted red stag, but we did talk to our guide Omar while we were there about it.. Most of the stag are much further north than where we were and can be pretty expensive hunts.. they have tons of axis deer and brown brocket deer in the province we were hunting (Entre Rios).. we even had a young brocket come within about 50 yards of us one afternoon when we were just getting set up for another dove hunt.. cool little deer!

We're talking about the possibility to going back next year to chase South American water buffalo and black buck.. both can be done pretty cheap and sound like a whole lot of fun...
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Jun 6, 2014
Joplin, MO
My oldest son and I are heading to the processors to pick up our deer meat this afternoon and are going to set up a couple of times and see if we can call in some coyotes pre-dusk. It is his turn to shoot first, so I am taking my old SKS. Most likely running shots once he pops the first one. I know it will be fun and hopefully productive. Coyotes get very little pressure and they are very plentiful.