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If you had to relocate, what would you miss?


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
why eat scrapple when you can have hogshead cheese?
Never tried it, but it sounds good to me! Reckon I'd eat any of the scrap meat dishes though. If chorizo doesn't scare me off then nothing will. The ingredient list on that sucker literally says "pork salivary glands, lymph nodes, fat". To me, it just says "pretty damn good scrambled up with some eggs".
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Sep 29, 2019
Never tried it, but it sounds good to me! Reckon I'd eat any of the scrap meat dishes though. If chorizo doesn't scare me off then nothing will. The ingredient list on that sucker literally says "pork salivary glands, lymph nodes, fat". To me, it just says "pretty damn good scrambled up with some eggs".
Man, I eat tripas and menudo pretty often when I'm working down by Cotulla or Laredo. Nopales con chorizo is a regular breakfast for me at home though.


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
Man, I eat tripas and menudo pretty often when I'm working down by Cotulla or Laredo. Nopales con chorizo is a regular breakfast for me at home though.
Hell yeah! Man, speaking of nopales...I bought this sucker last year with the intention of occasionally eating some of it. But when I saw how damn long it took to grow one pad, I felt bad and now i just let it grow peacefully next to my smoker. Named him Smokey. He is kind of my bbq mascot. :D

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Jan 30, 2017
Hogshead cheese is kind of scrapple without the cornmeal (or oats). You boil down the meat and hocks with a bunch of spices, herbs, green onion then transfer to a mold and refrigerate to set up. Normally eaten on salty crackers during LSU Football games or used for sandwiches. If you heat it up it falls apart.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Hell yeah! Man, speaking of nopales...I bought this sucker last year with the intention of occasionally eating some of it. But when I saw how damn long it took to grow one pad, I felt bad and now i just let it grow peacefully next to my smoker. Named him Smokey. He is kind of my bbq mascot. :D

View attachment 149605
Knock off a pad, throw it in some sandy dirt, and it'll start another Nopal... do this enough times, and you have yourself enough to eat regularly. It's also good blended with OJ (and it cures hangovers better than menudo).

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BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Hogshead cheese is kind of scrapple without the cornmeal (or oats). You boil down the meat and hocks with a bunch of spices, herbs, green onion then transfer to a mold and refrigerate to set up. Normally eaten on salty crackers during LSU Football games or used for sandwiches. If you heat it up it falls apart.
Sign me up! (short of the LSU football)

Scrapple had got organ meats, though... is this hogshead cheese organ-heavy?

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Jan 30, 2017
@sean If we where living like we did in the 1700's yes, it would be organ heavy, particularly brain. That's how it got it's name, used to take the entire head, boil it down and then pick apart. I think the only thing they didn't use was the eyes and bone. I'm sure commercial stuff is mostly lips and tails but when I make it I use butt and hocks. The hocks provide the gelatin. The selling point of hogshead cheese is the heavy seasoning and finely minced meat.

But it's a mute point, if you're not an LSU fan "YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY!"


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
@sean If we where living like we did in the 1700's yes, it would be organ heavy, particularly brain. That's how it got it's name, used to take the entire head, boil it down and then pick apart. I think the only thing they didn't use was the eyes and bone. I'm sure commercial stuff is mostly lips and tails but when I make it I use butt and hocks. The hocks provide the gelatin. The selling point of hogshead cheese is the heavy seasoning and finely minced meat.

But it's a mute point, if you're not an LSU fan "YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY!"
Hahaha! Nothing against LSU, I just can't get into SEC football... or ACC... or just about any southern conference for that matter. I was born at a Big10 school, and went to a Mountain West school, so rooting for anyone outside of those conferences feels like I'm being unfaithful to my heritage. Anyhow...

Yeah, when I made scrapple at home (wife has said "never again," since we couldn't get the smell outta the kitchen for months) the recipe called for beef/pig hearts and livers, a boatload of spices, and buckwheat & cornmeal. Grinding up boiled beef heart is no joke... but yeah, it left my kitchen smelling like the slaughterhouse next to bullring in Tijuana.

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Jan 30, 2017
I understand loyalty. Modern recipes for Hogshead don't stink since you are not using all the organ meats and blood.
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Feb 4, 2015
Everybody talking about food, what about other things? I can tell you what I am not gonna miss when I leave Missouri. Humidity, tornado warnings, frigid ass temps in the winter!
I will however miss all the wide open country side.
Don’t forget the way we can transition straight from summer to winter (or vice versa) in a matter of hours, or the meth labs
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Jan 30, 2017
Tough when you worry about missing your meth lab. I have to imagine meth labs are great sources of patients to train dental college students and they also keep the plasma centers in business.


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
Everybody talking about food, what about other things? I can tell you what I am not gonna miss when I leave Missouri. Humidity, tornado warnings, frigid ass temps in the winter!
I will however miss all the wide open country side.
I definitely wouldn't miss:
  • Stifling heat
  • Extreme humidity
  • Mosquitoes
  • Hurricanes
  • Living an hour from the beach but having to drive 8 hours (2 of them in 4WD) if I want to go to a beach that isn't an absolute trainwreck
I would deeply miss:
  • So many fishing spots
  • Beautiful scenery once you make it out of the major metro areas
  • Wide open spaces and personal space
  • Being able to swim for 7-8 months out of the year
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Mar 14, 2011
Montreal, CANADA
Montreal food and drink culture...smoked meat sandwiches, poutine, the bagels, local brews...to many to list but all of it lol. The "joie de vie" here can't be beat.

If I can have all of it minus the winters tho...
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Jul 4, 2017
I can get that frozen here in San Diego. Not the same, I know, but it saves me the flight to Philadelphia...

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Its not. My daughter doesn’t have it in RI either but she stocks up when she visits.

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