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iPhone 4S


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
That depends on a number of issues.

First, are you eligible for an upgrade? If not, I have no idea what the unsubsidized cost on these would be, but my answer would be no. I'm guessing somewhere around $5-600 unsubsidized? Not worth that. On the other hand, if you are? I would say yes. Especially if you take advantage of that Ebay buyback above. You will not only cover your cost, but make money on the deal (assuming your phone has been well taken care of).

Here's what to consider as to moving from the 4 to the 4S.

The only "software" issue you will take advantage of is Siri. While Siri is TRES cool, only you can decide if it is really worth of an upgrade. Everything else in IOS5 will be available to you on your 4 (unless they've not mentioned something).

The hardware improvements:
  • A5 1GHZ processor that Apple says will make the phone "twice as fast". My 4 is plenty fast, but faster is always better I guess.
  • 8MP camera. Upgrade from a 5MP. Also said to be MUCH faster (the example they used was an Android and it was like 1.1 seconds to 3.7 seconds or something like that). Better chip all over so better pictures. 1080P HD recording as well.
  • Battery life. I don't tend to have a ton of battery life problems, but all of the increases were managed without a loss in battery life. They are claiming 8 hours (that's talk, there are a bunch of different numbers depending on what you are doing).
  • Faster download and better reception via a redesigned dual antenna set up. The antennas switch intelligently between sending and receiving speeding up the phone to what is close to 4G speed on some networks.


Laguito No. 2
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Jun 21, 2011
Siri's exclusive to the 4S? Bummer.

I am pretty happy with all the software changes in the iOS update. That should keep me happy with my iPhone 4 until I upgrade next year. I hope the iPhone 5 is a more significant upgrade than the 4S seems to be.
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Jul 20, 2011
Near Twin Cities MN
I was bummed that it was not the iPhone 5...then i kept reading past the headlines and saw that everything that the iPhone 5 was supposed to get (besides the new shell and bigger screen) was put into it.

So that means i will be getting one for sure. iPhone + Tapatalk = BOTL.org ANYWHERE

Cigar Cowboy

BoY...in Hell!!!
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Nov 29, 2009
SoCal by way of Texas
Yes I can get an upgrade w/ a two year contract on Verizon.

I can get another 32 GB iPhone 4 for $199. or I can get the 32 GB iPhone 4S for $299. I am perfectly happy with the iPhone 4. Is the iPhone 4S that much netter than the 4? I Geuss it is just $100.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Yes I can get an upgrade w/ a two year contract on Verizon.

I can get another 32 GB iPhone 4 for $199. or I can get the 32 GB iPhone 4S for $299. I am perfectly happy with the iPhone 4. Is the iPhone 4S that much netter than the 4? I Geuss it is just $100.

Sell your 4 on the Ebay instant sale (they buy it outright) in the next 7 hours and you won't even pay for the new phone. Or at least you won't pay much for it. I forget what they are offering for the Verizon i4. It's different (less) than the ATT version.
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Sep 21, 2011
San Pedro, CA
Yes I can get an upgrade w/ a two year contract on Verizon.

I can get another 32 GB iPhone 4 for $199. or I can get the 32 GB iPhone 4S for $299. I am perfectly happy with the iPhone 4. Is the iPhone 4S that much netter than the 4? I Geuss it is just $100.
yeah, it really is that much better. it's running the iPad 2 chip, which improves web speeds and graphics rendering... pretty much everything is faster. the battery life is still impressive, and it's also utilizing GSM (world phone capabilities... if you pay for it).


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
For the AT&T 32GB, I would probably get $276. To get the full dollar amount, it has to be "Looks new like it just came out of the box." The terms say if you select "Excellent" condition and once they receive it and notice any scratches, they will not honor the price and give you a counteroffer. Most people will have cut their service from that phone so what are they gonna say no to the company doing a counteroffer? It's not eBay buying these phones, it's a 3rd party company that will resell these.

If you want that full dollar amount, you better make damn sure there are no slight scratches at all.

Here's the options:

POOR - Broken housing/display and/or missing components
FAIR - Has scratches, scuffs and/or dents
GOOD - Minor scratches without scuffs and/or dents
EXCELLENT - Looks new like it just came out of the box


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
Yes I can get an upgrade w/ a two year contract on Verizon.

I can get another 32 GB iPhone 4 for $199. or I can get the 32 GB iPhone 4S for $299. I am perfectly happy with the iPhone 4. Is the iPhone 4S that much netter than the 4? I Geuss it is just $100.
You need to consider that if you upgrade, you are entering into a new 2 year contract and you will then have to make this same decision next year when the iPhone 5 comes out. I personally am waiting.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
For the AT&T 32GB, I would probably get $276. To get the full dollar amount, it has to be "Looks new like it just came out of the box." The terms say if you select "Excellent" condition and once they receive it and notice any scratches, they will not honor the price and give you a counteroffer. Most people will have cut their service from that phone so what are they gonna say no to the company doing a counteroffer? It's not eBay buying these phones, it's a 3rd party company that will resell these.

If you want that full dollar amount, you better make damn sure there are no slight scratches at all.

Here's the options:

POOR - Broken housing/display and/or missing components
FAIR - Has scratches, scuffs and/or dents
GOOD - Minor scratches without scuffs and/or dents
EXCELLENT - Looks new like it just came out of the box
Good info. Probably best to just choose "good" and not risk it (unless you feel it doesn't even qualify for that). The difference for a ATT 3GS 16GB is about $40. For something like the 4 32GB it's substantially more. The "Good" offer is $276. Still allows you to upgrade your phone for next to nothing.

Oh, and the website is crazy jammed, so your best bet is to download the EBAY Instant Sale app on your phone and go that route. I did that just to check for some friends and it works fine.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Michael, just to clarify your 'dilemma', are you getting a new phone and therefor a new contract one way or the other?


BoM Oct '11
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Dec 27, 2009
Fort Myers, FL
as I understand it... If you are the main number on your plan, then you are eligible for upgrade pricing every 12 months regardless if your contract is up or not. They will just require you to extend your contract for a 2 more years. This is not an issue with me since I have had the same carrier since 1999 and they were known as cellular one then.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Ok how about this mess (for a tech short bus guy)
I have a brand new (look wise) in a otterbox since the day i've owned it iPhone 3G 8G. Ive owned it over 2 years maybe 3. Works fine but runs slow( when I went to 4.0 a while back.
- Is this like new 3G even worth anything?
- should I stay with AT&T or go Verizon? havnt been in a contract for over a year.
Any other phone options out there I should consider?
Thanks for the help in advance,
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Sep 21, 2011
San Pedro, CA
i would say it's still worth something, but not a whole lot. it's not total crap, but compared to the new stuff it's not very good. as far as your contract i'm not sure about the difference in pricing as i haven't lived in the US for 3 years. i would consider some of the HTC phones (i.e. EVO), they are really sweet offer a ton of services (apps, and gadgets). good luck!!


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
JFire, I can't get onto Ebay's instant sale app, but I would guess if it is really in that perfect shape it is probably worth at least 100 bucks. Plenty of cool phones out there now, I just happen to be an iPhone fan. Oh, and as to the Verizon ATT question, is there something about ATT that makes you want to switch? Verizon has a blank spot in there coverage around my house, so it makes it an easy decision for me.

Sent from my personal space using my iPhone
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Jul 20, 2011
Near Twin Cities MN
So who all has this pre-ordered? i think its pretty slick that i was able to pre-order this from verizon with no more than a name and a phone number. Siri looks pretty slick, but we shall see if its anything more than the Droids voice to text system.


BoM Oct '11
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Dec 27, 2009
Fort Myers, FL
Ok how about this mess (for a tech short bus guy)
I have a brand new (look wise) in a otterbox since the day i've owned it iPhone 3G 8G. Ive owned it over 2 years maybe 3. Works fine but runs slow( when I went to 4.0 a while back.
- Is this like new 3G even worth anything?
- should I stay with AT&T or go Verizon? havnt been in a contract for over a year.
Any other phone options out there I should consider?
Thanks for the help in advance,
I do not think there is much demand for the 3g. The new os is not going to even be available for the 3g, and like you said they have become so slow with all the new apps and software designed for the newer phones.

As far as staying with AT&T... I have been with them since they were Cellular One back in the late 90's and love their service. That being said like any carrier it all depends on where you live, and how good their service is in that area. Also if you are going to stay with the iphone, keep in mind you are unable to talk and browse with Verizon. To me this is a nice feature, one example is if the wife calls lost, I can jump on google maps and find directions for her without having to call her back.

And other options for phones... There is tons, and all have great features I am sure, but I am an apple geek so I have never look elsewhere.
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Feb 5, 2011
Dover, NH
I cant get the upgrade price till Feb, I might do it then since my 16GB 4 is pretty full and I want a 32GB but i might wait till the summer see if there is any talk on the 5. We will see.