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Is it just me or...

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Aug 10, 2012
Truth or Consequences, NM
...has anyone else noticed on the 'for sale' sites that Viajes are being dumped? I never really fell into the Viajes trap (where every cigar is a 'limited edition') and I am happy about that. Funny that they seem to be on fire sale now. Though not surprising,,IMO.
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Sep 25, 2009
Long Island, NY
...has anyone else noticed on the 'for sale' sites that Viajes are being dumped? I never really fell into the Viajes trap (where every cigar is a 'limited edition') and I am happy about that. Funny that they seem to be on fire sale now. Though not surprising,,IMO.
Substitute Viaje with Tatuaje and the point is still valid.

Just saying.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
...has anyone else noticed on the 'for sale' sites that Viajes are being dumped? I never really fell into the Viajes trap (where every cigar is a 'limited edition') and I am happy about that. Funny that they seem to be on fire sale now. Though not surprising,,IMO.
Substitute Viaje with Tatuaje and the point is still valid.

Just saying.
You sir may be the ULTIMATE Tat hater.... Just saying. And this is from a few years of observation here. If you don't like them (which is obvious) just move on brother.
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Nov 1, 2011
Northern Colorado
...has anyone else noticed on the 'for sale' sites that Viajes are being dumped? I never really fell into the Viajes trap (where every cigar is a 'limited edition') and I am happy about that. Funny that they seem to be on fire sale now. Though not surprising,,IMO.
Substitute Viaje with Tatuaje and the point is still valid.

Just saying.
You sir may be the ULTIMATE Tat hater.... Just saying. And this is from a few years of observation here. If you don't like them (which is obvious) just move on brother.
You are all trailing on Viaje and you aster mad cause he mentions Tat. Both are the same to me.

D Quintero

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Nov 9, 2009
the standard viaje platinos is imho a very good smoke.

the "for sale" on them could also equally imply they get bought real snappy like.
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Jul 21, 2008
La Mesa CA
Some Viaje's are good to great smokes. The problem is that you never know if you are buying a rocket or a good to great cigar. It's a coin toss, and at the prices Andre asks...I'll roll the dice occasionally, but...ya know....
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Jan 11, 2010
Some Viaje's are good to great smokes. The problem is that you never know if you are buying a rocket or a good to great cigar. It's a coin toss, and at the prices Andre asks...I'll roll the dice occasionally, but...ya know....

Red Raider

Wreck 'em Tech
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Feb 29, 2012
123 Anytown Texas, 12345
This is coming from a guy who loves many of the Viaje's and owns quite a few
The problem (for me) is the price being paid for a marketing campaign. Some of the smokes are great (Daisy Cutter, Super Shot one of my favorites, "?" from 2010 and others) but with his scheme of only producing limitied releases, one must make the choice..... roll the dice and pay a very high price for a mediocre to good smoke or get lucky and get one of the gems... wait too long and they are gone

Possible Solutions:
1.Produce some regular production cigars that consumers can consistently find and enjoy at a reasonable price - this will help to grow a long term fan base
2.Produce cigars that are fairly consistent across lines from release to release - that will allow people who enjoy a particular cigar one year have a little more faith in the following release (This woule help the SnB line IMHO)

I still pick up the Viaje's and have/still chase a few - but nothing like years past. They have become too much of a marketing experinment IMVHO.

That being said - I may light one up this evening...

*edit* took me so blasted long to type this up - several others have said the same thing in much fewer words...
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BoM July '10
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Feb 6, 2009
Where players go to play
...has anyone else noticed on the 'for sale' sites that Viajes are being dumped? I never really fell into the Viajes trap (where every cigar is a 'limited edition') and I am happy about that. Funny that they seem to be on fire sale now. Though not surprising,,IMO.
Substitute Viaje with Tatuaje and the point is still valid.

Just saying.
Where is this tat fire sale and why was I not made aware of it!?! Honestly still see iso's everyday and various forums for tats and ligas...not so much. Viaje
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Sep 25, 2009
Long Island, NY
...has anyone else noticed on the 'for sale' sites that Viajes are being dumped? I never really fell into the Viajes trap (where every cigar is a 'limited edition') and I am happy about that. Funny that they seem to be on fire sale now. Though not surprising,,IMO.
Substitute Viaje with Tatuaje and the point is still valid.

Just saying.
You sir may be the ULTIMATE Tat hater.... Just saying. And this is from a few years of observation here. If you don't like them (which is obvious) just move on brother.
Not a hater at all.. Just trying to keep everyone honest in their praise and criticism of brands.


BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
i think the difference is the foundation. tat still does stupid limited stuff (which i love), but has the reds and cabi's, and even the P series to fall back on. viaje has a string of not entirely related seasonals and limiteds (which i have enjoyed, some immensely), but nothing on the regular.

as a corollary, I sell booze. i love when i get to talk bourbon and beer, but it is well crap like kentucky tavern and clear domestic crap like bud miller keystone whatever that keeps the light on and the neighborhood coming back.

why do you think fuente is still rolling, or padron. it ain't the opi and anny's, it's the curly heads and 8-5-8's and the thousands.

if it isn't paying the bills, you don't keep it. business.
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Sep 30, 2012
West Plains, MO
Would anyone care to share some of these sites? I've had a few I received in a trade I've enjoyed and would like to try more at a reasonable price. Thanks in advance.