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Keto - Gettin Healthy on Steak and Bacon. Info, Tips, and Recipes


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
To anyone researching this in the future, my experience has been pretty positive on this diet.
My "Keto- flu" lasted around 10 days. It's basically withdrawals from glucose. Keto- aid is critical for this diet to keep electrolytes in the system. Without these, you get all kinds of weird side effects like heart palpitations. My recipe is as follows:
1/2 medium lime
5- 1/4 turns of Himalayan Pink salt in a shaker like this:

Tip: leave the lid on, and turn upside down, then make your grind. Flip upright, take lid off, and pour into glass.
One scoop of potassium chloride.
This scoop is tiny. DO NOT EXCEED ONE SCOOP PER DAY!!
Potassium overdose is a serious thing. Some can get by without it, but I found i needed it to balance my electrolytes


Mix with 20- 24 ozs. of water and stir vigorously.
This will help with the keto flu by keeping your electrolytes in balance. Without which, very serious side effects can happen. Sodium supplements are part of the diet to maintain cellular health.
In ketosis, your body needs sodium supplements the whole time.
The wife is still going strong on the diet. 20# lost so far.
This really is an amazing diet for reduced inflammation in the body, which will benefit everything from hypertension, arthritis, and even asthma. There's even evidence of starving cancer cells.....

I was able to get rid of my beer belly without abstaining from alcohol. I switched from beer to Vodka, and had a couple shots more days then not.
My preferred vodka is Dripping Springs Vodka, made in the hill country of Texas. It is so smooth, a shot is followed up by a few swigs of water. Price per 5th is sub $24 even in my tiny overpriced town.
Anyone that likes vodka should check it out.20201218_151931.jpg
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Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Going to a modified/ low carb version of keto going forward.
Had my first Chic-fil-a sandwich in several months last week, and it was GOOD!
Congrats on your success and kudos for the tweaks you made for your individual hurdles.

I am much like you, went to a low carb diet, and I also remained 99% gluten free.

I'll bet that sammich was amazing after months of sacrifice. :cool:
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Jul 21, 2008
La Mesa CA
I can vouch for keto weight loss. I did the Medifast program (keto philosophy) 10 years ago and went from 322 to 170 in 7 months. I weigh 166 now. My diet has evolved by choice into getting 50% of of my daily caloric intake from vegetables; the only sugar I consume comes from whole fruit, never juice; no refined carbohydrates; and I don't eat anything after 5 pm. I eat high protein meats that are low in saturated fat, and get most of my fat from nuts, seeds, and grass fed beef, which is higher in healthy CLA fats than corn fed beef. It works for me. The important thing with weight loss, in my opinion, is to find out what works for you and stick to it. Everyone is different. I had to re-think my approach to food and find combinations that were healthy, tasty, and satisfying.


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
Get yourself one of those enamel steel roasting pans. With this, my friends, you can make the most delectable of meat in your oven. Any kind! Just spray it with some cooking spray, put your (seasoned/marinated) meat in there and go to town. The longer you have to cook it, the better.

Chicken thighs? 225 degrees for a few hours covered (your oven may vary), then uncover it and crank the heat to 425 for 20 minutes to crisp up that skin.

Can also do steaks in there. And lately a favorite of mine has been hamburger patties with onions. So easy to track portions/macros that way.

Get a roasting pan!


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
Forgot to mention...my absolute favorite seasoning for any type of meat (haven't tried it on seafood yet but im sure it would be good) is Uncle Chris' Gourmet Steak Seasoning. Order some and you will not be disappointed.