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Official Tri-State Herf February 17th, 2007 Azucar Jersey City, NJ


3 Time BoM
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Dec 13, 2004
The Isle of Long
I am working on the wife for this event. I am trying to get her to go to NYC on Friday with me and hang out. It is what she will do Saturday that I am trying to figure out if I want to hit Azucar. Still an outside change I make Friday or Saturday, we shall see.
Just you and the wifey, or will your daughter come along too? They could go hit the American Girl place if she comes along. As geoffrie said, a matinee of a Broadway show would be good or an evening performance might be better as you would be herfin' away with us. There might still be tickets available if you do some checking. A stop at Rockefellar center would be nice, even if the tree isn't there anymore it's still beautiful. There are numerous outstanding museums of course.
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Jan 9, 2006
The wife will not go to the city without me. All the shoping ideas etc. would not be good so close to after Christmas. American Girl Store is a good idea, would take hours to go through that place. Another time of the year might work this out. Thanks for the idea fellas.
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Jan 9, 2006
Even if we take her to Katz's and the Empire State Building?

Oh she and/or our daughter would LOVE the city and your local charm that goes with it Geoff. It would be the "Ok honey, time for me and the boys to go smoke cigars now for the rest of the day". That would be the main issue.

Still working the angle of making this a one LONG day to drive up and spend the entire day up there and still come home to the warm bed in the same day. That is my best chance of going. That and what can I do for her as well to make her happy.