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Prayers needed for my son...


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
We do appreciate your updates because we do care...the irony is we sometimes forget to be grateful until something like this happens and we are forced into reality as to how we really feel about those we love. Take nothing for granted....we hardly ever learn a lesson in life that comes too easy....we continue on as if everything is supposed to go like clockwork and when it doesn't....we lose our ability to continue moving forward. Pain, while a difficult experience.... most often is our biggest teacher and being able to "feel" pain teaches us to how handle our lives in a more positive way. Continued prayers are being sent .....nothing more precious than an innocent infant child...one of Gods greatest gifts to us.
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Jan 5, 2011
Dallas, TX
I'm praying for you and your family. I have no words to comfort you. Just know that the collective thoughts and prayers of the brotherhood are with you.
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Jan 15, 2015
I'm hoping everything turns out for the best. My kid had some trouble with feeding early on and was lised as "failure to thrive." I know how freaked that made me. I can't imagine what you're going through.

Best of luck.
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Oct 9, 2013
Easton, PA
Thoughts and prayers with you and the family. My son turned blue in my arms after he was born and spent 11 days in the nicu. One of the nurses told me something that I'll pass along to you...

While this is terrible and heartbreaking remember that he has the world's best set of doctors and nurses, and because of this the best babysitters. He is where he needs to be to get better.

Things like this suck, they make no sense, and they are hard to get through. Years from now you will look back and this will be a distant memory. My son is 2 and while I remember his time in the nicu, it doesn't define him or our relationship with him.

Be strong, know you've got a ton of support here.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Dear BOTL:

My beautiful wife gave birth to our third child, a handsome 8 pound 11 oz boy on 8/11. Few days later we were back home and thoroughly enjoying our time together as a family.

On Wednesday morning my wife starts saying how the baby seems tired. He stopped feeding shortly after that and was just not acting like himself (up until that point he had been our easiest baby in terms of feeding, disposition). Few hours pass, no change. He then starts to feel hot, but doesn't seem to have a fever.

My wife, God bless her, is insistent that something is wrong. Mind you we had just been to the pediatrician the day before and he appeared perfectly healthy. So she calls the doctors office and after dealing with several nurses who thought she was just an overly anxious parent, the doc got on the phone and agreed to see him right away just to make sure he was ok.

Upon examining my son the doc agrees he's concerned too and says he'd like us to consider going to the hospital to have some tests done. Before leaving he checks my sons temp again and he now has a fever....

Several hours later the ER docs sit down with my wife and I and explain that my son has bacterial meningitis and will have to stay in the hospital for several weeks to receive a slew of antibiotics.

It's been almost a week since then. My son has been further diagnosed with an extremely rare form of bacterial meningitis. As there's only ever been a handful of cases in infants, they're not sure about a lot of things (how he got it, if it is contagious, etc). However, the doctors / nurses we've met all seem confident that at the end of this roller coaster, my son will hopefully be completely cured and healthy.

Tonight has been especially difficult as they're running out of sites to stick IV's in my son and he had to be transported to another hospital in Philly to receive a PICC line (apparently it's an IV that is snaked through his body to be more secure and efficient with less chance of infection). He is going to have to go under general anesthesia tomorrow morning to have the line put in. We're told that if this procedure goes well he should be ok from here on out. On a positive note, his fevers have finally stopped (knock on wood) and he seems to be responding to the meds....watching your newborn deal with fevers of 103 and 104 degrees is not fun to say the least.

Any how, sorry for the long rant. I'm just stressed out and trying to juggle too many things at once I guess. My wife has been with him the whole time because he's breastfed -not to mention an army couldn't move her from his side! In the meantime I'm taking care of my 5 and 3 year old at night and at the hospital with my wife and son during the day.

If anyone who reads this wouldn't mind saying a prayer of sending some positive vibes our way, my family and I would greatly appreciate it. I can't stop thinking of how bad this could've been had my wife not been so insistent that something was wrong. It was very subtle and I can see how a lot of kids end up getting very sick, or worse, from this horrible infection. Again thanks for letting me vent, this was definitely needed.

You got it brother. I can not imagine what you and your wife are going through.
Take care and keep us updated.

Red Raider

Wreck 'em Tech
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Feb 29, 2012
123 Anytown Texas, 12345
Prayers for you, your wife, son, doctors and everyone who has a piece of this. The one thing that you can count on is that He has control and has plans to prosper us, not to harm and all things work for the good of God.

Easier spoken than living it, but know there are a lot of us praying for yall.
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Oct 4, 2009
Chicago Area
Damn Justin I'm just reading this now. Having a new son at home as well I can only imagine the hell you are going through. It sounds like you have a really tough family and that this will make you all even stronger. Please keep us updated and let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
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Mar 29, 2015
Medford, NJ
Hey guys,
Just wanted to give an update. The PICC line was successfully put in yesterday afternoon. They had a hard time sedating my son, but after a lot of meds they were finally able to proceed. Waiting for him to be discharged back to the hospital in south jersey near our home. Fingers crossed we should have smooth sailing from here on out. One more week of antibiotic treatment and lil man should be back home safe and sound.
Thanks again for all of the continued support....the "B" in BOTL could not be more accurate in describing this community!