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PS3 vs. Xbox


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
i'd be more concerned about next gen consoles.. but who knows.. that could be a few years from now
2014, probably late 2014 for the PS3. And they'll keep releasing games on the PS3 Through 2016, and probably continue firmware updates even after that. The hardware on the PS3 isn't nearly tapped out yet.

The 360 has been tapped for at least a year already in terms of hardware, so the pressure is on them more to come out sooern. Still, the earliest you'll see is spring 2014. They might try to rush and do Christmas 2013, but that's a bad idea--they might outsell Sony again, but they won't make as much money (the 360 has outsold the PS3, but has not made as much profit).
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Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I have had both consoles and I definitely prefer my 360 especially since they have upgraded the dashboard. I like the online aspect way better on 360. The new slim model is quieter than the PS3 and the Kinect is pretty awesome. It is mostly preference though. My biggest reason I love my Xbox is the controller. So it really depends on the person.
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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
Xbox here. I'm not convinced the cost of blu ray DVD's provides that much extra quality so the ps3 player isn't and issue for me. the old xbox's did have problems. I went through 2 of them. The new model has been rock solid. I've never owned a ps3 but friends I have that have both prefer the xbox for gaming online. S to the cost of online play, I have close to 300 hours on BF3 so that works out to 16 cents an hour and thats just one game.

I stream netflix on it and do have a peave that when leaving netflix it tends to lock up.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Xbox here. I'm not convinced the cost of blu ray DVD's provides that much extra quality so the ps3 player isn't and issue for me. the old xbox's did have problems. I went through 2 of them. The new model has been rock solid. I've never owned a ps3 but friends I have that have both prefer the xbox for gaming online. S to the cost of online play, I have close to 300 hours on BF3 so that works out to 16 cents an hour and thats just one game.

I stream netflix on it and do have a peave that when leaving netflix it tends to lock up.
I am glad I am not the only one obsessed with that game. That is one of my favorites. I haven't even considered MW3 yet. The online gameplay is a blast.
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Jan 18, 2012
Long Island
The reason why I feel the xbox is better, is strictly because of the games. When GTA and Metal Gear was exclusive to PS, one really needed to have a playstation. When PS lost exclusive rights to those games, and xbox got them - the switch to xbox became important because of titles such as Gears of War and BioShock.

Yea, the ps3 might be a more powerful system and have bluray - but bluray has not taken over mainstream technology yet.
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Feb 8, 2011
Blu rays pretty nice to have though. Especially with the prices of big screen hdtvs coming down a much as they have. Makes the purchase that much easier when your getting a blu ray player you can game on too. The ps2 was a way a lot of people justified DVD players, the ps3 does the same with blu ray. I think MS made a mistake not putting a hi def drive in the 360. It be a lot different now if they did.

Lets not forget there are still good ps3 exclusives too, uncharted??. So i kinda feel the better games argument is a bit moot as its more preference then anything else .

Most games are on both systems your only giving up a couple either way. With how expensive its getting to develop there will probably be even less exclusives if any at all in the future.

Psn is free and you get blu ray that sells it imo.

Sent from my DROIDXified ICS D2
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Feb 8, 2011
Xbox here. I'm not convinced the cost of blu ray DVD's provides that much extra quality so the ps3 player isn't and issue for me. the old xbox's did have problems. I went through 2 of them. The new model has been rock solid. I've never owned a ps3 but friends I have that have both prefer the xbox for gaming online. S to the cost of online play, I have close to 300 hours on BF3 so that works out to 16 cents an hour and thats just one game.

I stream netflix on it and do have a peave that when leaving netflix it tends to lock up.
If you dont think the blu rays provide that much more quality then i dont know what to say. Cause its nearly night and day

Sent from my DROIDXified ICS D2
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Feb 8, 2011
Touche, touche. Uncharted is not Halo or Gears though. God Of War is probably a better argument.
To you it may not be but to someone that doesn't like shooters it could be. Im just saying. For me the blu ray was the most important thing. Thats why i got a ps3

Sent from my DROIDXified ICS D2


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I can understand that. The blu-ray on the PS3 is one of the best ones around. It really just depends if you like to have a disc or not. I get most of my HD movies from Zune. I can buy them and stream or download them at anytime. If you don't have high speed internet though that can be a problem.
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Oct 5, 2009
I went ps3 after my Xbox cd drive failed. I loved the 2 halo's I played but the free online game play and blueray convinced me the ps3 was the way to go.

I disappointed as we've just bought a new tv and I find out the bf3 output was going to be 1080 but it's 720. That's the reason I suck at the game not that I'm rubbish at games :)


BoM april 09
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Nov 11, 2008
Wouldn't you like to know?
Kinda funny how times have changed. It used to be PS3 had all the games that were worth buying a consul for now not nearly as much. For me PS had always been my first choice mostly due to GT. Never bought either ad GT HD Took to long to come out. Shooters on either format suck. Pc with kb and mouse is the best interface by far