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Shit, Here We Go Again

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Jul 25, 2007
Austin, TX
Sorry to hear that Wade. You and your family have been through alot lately and it always seem to add more to the problems.

Prayers and thoughts for you, your Dad and your family through this tough time.



Caught in the Crossfire
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Dec 18, 2007
South Carolina
Wade, I’m very sorry to hear this. Your dad and your family are in the prayer pot.
There are very good and successful treatments these days. My FIL was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a little over a year ago. It was a massive inoperable tumor in one lung and leaking fluid into his chest cavity. The doctors gave him 6 months to a year. Today the tumor is less than 25% of the original size. He is off a lot of the meds he was on and his blood work results are good. He is doing well, cancer is in check, the doctors are very pleased and they have removed any time line for him. He has his energy back and is continuing work on finishing off the basement of their home.
Keep positive for him and the important thing is that he fights. Prayers will continue your way.


BoM Nov '07 & Jan '09
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Apr 9, 2007
Green Bay, WI
Well my Dad had his surgery on Tuesday the 16th. Everything went about as well as it possibly could. He had a pulmonary test earlier to determine if his right lung was strong enough to handle the job if the left was removed, and he passed that test.

The surgeon came to us after the procedure was over and said the tumor was the size of an orange, quite large. The good news was he didn't see anything that metastasized outside the lung but will still do testing on the lung that was removed to see if microscopic traces of cancer are in those lymph nodes.

The Dr. said that because the tumor was so large, the left lung was only operating at maybe 5-10% anyway, so the transition to only one lung was pretty much already done. He also said the right lung may even be more efficient now that the body isn't trying to use the left lung and will focus on just the remaining right one.

Two and a half hours after surgery while still in ICU, Dad was sitting up in bed, eating turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing and Diet Coke, not do damn bad.

Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, I'm positive they helped. Hopefully they'll still work for this coming Tuesday when we get the results of the lung biopsy!



Craft Beer Addict!
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Oct 14, 2008
Wade, it's great to hear that the surgery went well and he's on the road to recovery!

He's still in my prayers!


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Praise God, Wade! That is awesome news! i'll continue to pray for his recovery, but it's such a relief to be over that hurdle!