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Sighted Man's Truth: The Circle of Leaf

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Mar 15, 2016
Unfortunately gentlemen, I'll have to be out on this one. My schedule is way too busy to smoke that many cigars, let alone roll them... it saddens me, but I must know my limitations. Give me some more time to develop the new hobby, and I'll be happy to dive in.
Life is long, God willing, with plenty of rounds to come.
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Jun 11, 2015
With my schedule, I barely keep up with my smoking. I actually bought some commercial sticks just to avoid smoking my homerolls for a little.
I'm going to try to build up some inventory to participate in the second round. This sounds awesome!
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May 9, 2014
Newark, Dull-Aware
Bliss: 9505514352937275093947 -- inside the priority box containing your FXSS CT Shade leaves. I dampened them up so hopefully they won't get too beat up en route... but open the box immediately & dry what you won't use right off. Smells smellicious. Didn't have room left over for but two binder samples.

Dom 56: 9500114352937275093951 -- got your tabla reconditioned. Didn't make much diff. Do you want it back or can I gift it to some other newb?

Hoppy: 9500114352937275093968

Fusion: 9500114352937275093975

Nick Garrett: 9500114352937275094002

Nic Templeton: The post office database doesn't like your address. Please PM me your correct addy so I can make certain this dealie is accurately aimed.

Each wee white cardboard box includes an Uppowoc Cynosure (perfecto w/ an eyeball on the band), an Uppowoc Flan (ROTT & separately bagged & shrouded in a rough aromatic leaf -- leave that leaf on & separate bag intact until we get round to smoking), and an FX Smith just cause nature abhors a vacuum and there was room in the box. I include that ROTT Flan just so our stashless newb brothers don't feel all alone.



CRA #99997657
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Jun 27, 2017
Farmington Hills, MI
Bliss: 9505514352937275093947 -- inside the priority box containing your FXSS CT Shade leaves. I dampened them up so hopefully they won't get too beat up en route... but open the box immediately & dry what you won't use right off. Smells smellicious. Didn't have room left over for but two binder samples.

Dom 56: 9500114352937275093951 -- got your tabla reconditioned. Didn't make much diff. Do you want it back or can I gift it to some other newb?

Hoppy: 9500114352937275093968

Fusion: 9500114352937275093975

Nick Garrett: 9500114352937275094002

Nic Templeton: The post office database doesn't like your address. Please PM me your correct addy so I can make certain this dealie is accurately aimed.

Each wee white cardboard box includes an Uppowoc Cynosure (perfecto w/ an eyeball on the band), an Uppowoc Flan (ROTT & separately bagged & shrouded in a rough aromatic leaf -- leave that leaf on & separate bag intact until we get round to smoking), and an FX Smith just cause nature abhors a vacuum and there was room in the box. I include that ROTT Flan just so our stashless newb brothers don't feel all alone.

Gift it. If it helps a newcomer I'm all for that.
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May 9, 2014
Newark, Dull-Aware
I too have a package like that. I intend on giving them a test smoke and report this coming weekend.
HOLD ON... I believe our test sessions are scheduled for November.

I mean, the FX is just for the flatfish, so it doesn't matter.
The Cynosure is aged and ready
The Flan, tho, needs time to soak goodness from it's shroud leaf

But Bliss's schedule was to smoke all 12 in succession over 12 days in November for best comparison.
I too think we'd get a better comparo smoking them in rapid succession. Tough to compare what you smoke today to something you smoked last month.
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