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Tobacco beetle question.


The Skipper
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Mar 28, 2009
Coral Springs, Florida
That IS a larva trail.
Just putting them in your freezer will kill larva and bugs, but will not kill the eggs.
In the shop where I hang out and sometimes work...and at home, I have seen and dealt with significant beetle issues with cigars from a certain factory that does not freeze before shipping...and CC smokes. Not hating.....just saying..... and the rep. is aware of the issue.
Find a commercial freezer (meat market) and get your cigars to below zero....for a couple days. Then bring them home and put them in the fridge for a few more and then bring them back to 70/70. This is the only way I have been able to conquer the beetle problem. Unless it's been frozen below zero, it NEVER gets into my cabinet humidors.

BTW, buy some pectin.... and patch that Avion up and smoke it...:cbig:
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Oct 27, 2012
Orlando, FL
Just an addendum to the previous post for the sake of saying it, but CCs go through a deep freeze prior to being sent out of the country. If you are noticing beetles in recent production then it is likely a source issue not a production issue. Most NC manufacturers do not do this yet. For what reason I have no idea.


BoM March 2013
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Oct 27, 2012
always learning new stuff about this hobby, didn't know about trails with no entry or exit points.

That IS a larva trail.
Just putting them in your freezer will kill larva and bugs, but will not kill the eggs.
In the shop where I hang out and sometimes work...and at home, I have seen and dealt with significant beetle issues with cigars from a certain factory that does not freeze before shipping...and CC smokes. Not hating.....just saying..... and the rep. is aware of the issue.
Find a commercial freezer (meat market) and get your cigars to below zero....for a couple days. Then bring them home and put them in the fridge for a few more and then bring them back to 70/70. This is the only way I have been able to conquer the beetle problem. Unless it's been frozen below zero, it NEVER gets into my cabinet humidors.

BTW, buy some pectin.... and patch that Avion up and smoke it...:cbig:
FWIW, I have heard conflicting arguments about what freezing your cigars in your home freezer will and will not kill after a certain period of time in your freezer. All claim to be backed by science..... Do you have references or sources to support that you HAVE to use a commercial freezer? Not trying to argue your point, just would like to know more since you can find every possible answer on the internet regarding what freezing will and will not do.
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Jan 5, 2014
Arvada, CO
Checked every stick in the wineadore this weekend and no evidence from beetles. I did isolate the sticks from Bill but even they looked fine. I burned two of them with no problems this weekend also.
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Jan 26, 2013
Bethlehem, PA, United States
yes same here that was the only one I`m hoping maybe that happened before they froze them at the manufacturer.Sorry for the inconvenience Bro
Checked every stick in the wineadore this weekend and no evidence from beetles. I did isolate the sticks from Bill but even they looked fine. I burned two of them with no problems this weekend also.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I've seen plenty of beetle holes in my day and they WILL eat through cello. The photo I see looks to be not one of a typical beetle but rather as the other brother alluded to...looks more like a cut as I have seen plenty of those as well. When I see any type of "issue" with any cigar I will quarantine it and even if there is a cut but have not seen a cut like that turn into a beetle infestation..and this is well within 40 years of cigar smoking. Not saying that it's impossible...just not probable but if you feel better freezing it then do so.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
This is a Pepin Garcia/My father produced cigar? Correct. They freeze all their tobacco. So freezing it at home in a non commercial unit. Kind of doesn't make sense...... And btw that is a larva trail..... Insert dead horse beaten. IMO the most important thing is to SEGREGATE and KEEP THE STICKS well below 70.
I'm sorry to the guys freezing sticks at home. It's been proven to not get cold enough. Garcia freezes at -20. At least while I was there in 2010. Take my advice for what it's worth. But I'd be more worried a out keeping my stock at 65degs F or less.


The Skipper
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Mar 28, 2009
Coral Springs, Florida
I take the most conservative approach provided for in the literature. In my twenty years and hundreds of boxes of cigars, I have had newly opened sealed boxes that had a few cigars with holes....they were immediately frozen in my home fridge for a week, properly re-acclimated and introduced to my Vigilant cabinet humidor (which is climate and humidity controlled), and re-opened six months later to find re-infestation. After more research, I sub-zero froze that box, (along with about twenty others at my friend's restaurant walk-in)....and purposely left it in a desktop humidor, then checked it two months later...and it never had the problem again. That was my science.
If what you are doing works... then stay with it. This is what worked for me and I am sticking with it. You may have a home freezer that goes sub-zero. If so, I recommend it. So does "some" of the literature.
A .22 can kill a man, but I carry a Glock 40 for a reason... I wanna nuke 'em til their ashes hop.

always learning new stuff about this hobby, didn't know about trails with no entry or exit points.

That IS a larva trail.
Just putting them in your freezer will kill larva and bugs, but will not kill the eggs.
In the shop where I hang out and sometimes work...and at home, I have seen and dealt with significant beetle issues with cigars from a certain factory that does not freeze before shipping...and CC smokes. Not hating.....just saying..... and the rep. is aware of the issue.
Find a commercial freezer (meat market) and get your cigars to below zero....for a couple days. Then bring them home and put them in the fridge for a few more and then bring them back to 70/70. This is the only way I have been able to conquer the beetle problem. Unless it's been frozen below zero, it NEVER gets into my cabinet humidors.

BTW, buy some pectin.... and patch that Avion up and smoke it...:cbig:
FWIW, I have heard conflicting arguments about what freezing your cigars in your home freezer will and will not kill after a certain period of time in your freezer. All claim to be backed by science..... Do you have references or sources to support that you HAVE to use a commercial freezer? Not trying to argue your point, just would like to know more since you can find every possible answer on the internet regarding what freezing will and will not do.
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Mar 24, 2014
Brookline, NH, USA
I'm sorry to hear, but yes those are beetles, I'm in retail and I've seen them shipped several times before. they can and will eat cellophane (after all it's made of wood). The beetles always seem to know which cigars are best too. I've never said "Oh man they just shipped us a box of trinidad paradox that was infested with beetles"...my apologies to those of you that like Trinidad paradox
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Dec 5, 2013
Irwin, PA, USA
For those with beetle experience, what's the likelihood of having them with a humidor stored at 67-68 degrees? I noticed wrapper damage on an undercrown that created some burn issues and I'm hoping it's not beetles. Haven't checked the other cigars but if it's only one cigar it's most likely damage and not beetles right?

There was no hole in the cello and the hole was more triangle than round. I pealed away the wrapper and it looked more like an indentation. No hole in binder.
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Mar 28, 2014
This is great info, at first I though the only sign was a solid hole in the cigar. I will definitely keep a closer watch on my cigars for larva trails. I had 1 Beatle in the past, and actually found and killed it. It damaged 1 cigar. I froze my collection and have made damn sure to keep it under 65 since then.

Thanks for the insight.
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Feb 18, 2014
Seattle, WA
I just has this issue with a diesel in my desktop humidor. I think it was the only one and am keeping a VERY close eye on things. The holes aren't through the binder. Definitely beetles though right?