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Today's Smoke (2004-2022 Archive)

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Nov 12, 2010
LADC EE and followed it up with an Illusione Epernay. Why not?
Both great smokes, but the Epernay is tops!
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Sep 15, 2010
So yeah, I smoked a T52 Toro and while the flavours were delicious, it had quite possibly the worst burn I have EVER experienced.

It started with the very prominent veins causing the burn to dip all over the place. Sometimes it would dip as far as half an inch on one side.

Then, 2 inches in, suddenly...



Yeah, I wasn't getting any smoke. But I WAS getting a delicious flavour of bitter grass and tar. Just lovely.

There was a plug so bad that it was like a few small rocks in the middle of the cigar.

So I clipped it down and re-lit it. Of course, cutting it like that causes the wrapper to unravel, so I'm fighting to hold the cigar together while I'm smoking it.

Then, when I was down to about where the label would have been (so about 2 inches left)...ANOTHER PLUG.

I ended up just throwing it away at that point.

I would have expected this kind of thing from a $2 Gurkha (which I smoked the other night and it burned perfectly).

I would NOT expect that from an $11 Liga Privada.

That's just unacceptable to me.
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Sep 15, 2010
Has no one else experienced problems with an LP?

Am I like the 1-in-a-million on this one?

I've smoked 3 LP's and this is the first time it has happened, but man, it was baaaaad.

Maybe it was a very, very isolated incident. I sure hope so, because I have a bunch more.


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Aug 15, 2010
Isn't this your second "incident" with this smoke? maybe you got a bad box/bunch or so new that they are wet beyond belief.

EVERY LP product I've smoked, and I have smoked them all, has had stellar burn and draw. PERFECT. Weird.
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Sep 15, 2010
Isn't this your second "incident" with this smoke? maybe you got a bad box/bunch or so new that they are wet beyond belief.

EVERY LP product I've smoked, and I have smoked them all, has had stellar burn and draw. PERFECT. Weird.

Nope. I smoked a No. 9 Toro which had no problems whatsoever, I just found it a little bit simplistic in flavour.

I also smoked a T52 Toro which was absolutely divine. No burn problems or anything, at all.

It was just this one. The flavour and everything was PERFECT until about 2 inches in. It turned bitter, and the smoke production got less and less.

I gave the cigar some light squeezes up and down, underneath the burn, and found a series of about 4 "balls". They actually felt like small rocks or ball-bearings inside the cigar.

I had to snip an inch off to clear them. Lit it back up and everything was fine again.

Then, about another inch and a half down, it happened again. 3 or 4 small "rocks" of tobacco bunched up inside the cigar that made it turn bitter and impossible to get smoke out of.
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Jul 27, 2009
Has no one else experienced problems with an LP?

Am I like the 1-in-a-million on this one?

I've smoked 3 LP's and this is the first time it has happened, but man, it was baaaaad.

Maybe it was a very, very isolated incident. I sure hope so, because I have a bunch more.

I've burnt through a large number of T52 Robustos and Toros. Out of all of them, I've only smoked one that was bitter and disgusting (it did have a decent burn, however).
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Nov 12, 2010
I just smoked a Liga Privada Dirty Rat and boy was it beautiful.
Sorry about the issues that you had that would pi$$ me off.


Will work for Dirty Rats
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Sep 23, 2010
Nashville, TN
So yeah, I smoked a T52 Toro and while the flavours were delicious, it had quite possibly the worst burn I have EVER experienced.

It started with the very prominent veins causing the burn to dip all over the place. Sometimes it would dip as far as half an inch on one side.

Then, 2 inches in, suddenly...



Yeah, I wasn't getting any smoke. But I WAS getting a delicious flavour of bitter grass and tar. Just lovely.

There was a plug so bad that it was like a few small rocks in the middle of the cigar.

So I clipped it down and re-lit it. Of course, cutting it like that causes the wrapper to unravel, so I'm fighting to hold the cigar together while I'm smoking it.

Then, when I was down to about where the label would have been (so about 2 inches left)...ANOTHER PLUG.

I ended up just throwing it away at that point.

I would have expected this kind of thing from a $2 Gurkha (which I smoked the other night and it burned perfectly).

I would NOT expect that from an $11 Liga Privada.

That's just unacceptable to me.
I have a feeling you might be getting another chance at the T52 soon... :cbig:
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Jun 25, 2009
Tulsa, OK
Has no one else experienced problems with an LP?

Am I like the 1-in-a-million on this one?

I've smoked 3 LP's and this is the first time it has happened, but man, it was baaaaad.

Maybe it was a very, very isolated incident. I sure hope so, because I have a bunch more.

I'd say, you just got a bad stick.

There was an incident where I had draw issues on a No. 9 as well as a t-52 canoeing heavily. That's only two out of about 4 boxes worth I've smoked over the past two years, the rest were perfect.

Of course, the same could be said with every top brand. You'll always get those few duds.
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