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What’s the best way to develop my palette

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Nov 22, 2018
West Virginia
Update on this.
I am not gonna say I have the most refined palette but I feel that it’s pretty good now that I’ve been smoking for about 8 months. I am able to taste majority of notes i cigars sometimes Wood is muted and just taste pepper can’t tell if it’s black,white,red or whatever but I definitely feel it’s better then before. I still feel it’s pretty wide open because I like majority of sticks I smoke just some more then others. I still would like to do a experiment with natural and Maduro wrappers on the same stick to see the difference a wrapper makes.
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Jan 30, 2017
Also be aware there is a common additive in toothpaste (SLS?) that screws up your palate. Depending on how serious you are about this you may need to go to a SLS free toothpaste or just use a baking soda, coconut oil paste.
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Apr 25, 2018
Also be aware there is a common additive in toothpaste (SLS?) that screws up your palate. Depending on how serious you are about this you may need to go to a SLS free toothpaste or just use a baking soda, coconut oil paste.
Real cigar guys quit brushing all together for this reason. I’m on year 2 no brushy brushy.

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Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
There are alrealdy good answers to your query....not all of us smoke cigars the same but we do share commonality as far as technique. There are ways by which we can enhance the experience and taste flavors and it's a continued exposure to any particular brand. There are some "no-nos" that need to be heard....don't bring in outside flavors that will mute your experience....like strong acidic flavors...spicy foods, brushing your teeth right before smoking....antiobiotics will dull your taste buds as will certain medications. Don't drink too hot a beverage where it "burns" your tongue and leaves your taste receptors in a tizzy. How you draw your cigar....nice methodical cadence so you aren't sitting there "hot boxing" it where you are almost burning your mouth and tongue. Leave at least an inch of ash at the end to insulate it so that it isn't burning so hot and let the smoke just casually make it's way around the inside of your mouth.,,,almost like it's soaking and the cooler the smoke inside the more taste you're going to get and those commercials and movies where the smoker blows the smoke out like it's water,,,,don't do that! It's about how the smoke is being soaked into your tissues.....almost like chewing tobacco or snuff where one gets as much of the taste and texture of the smoke...i.e....."chewy" is what we commonly refer to. Density of the smoke is another factor.....volume which will give your taste buds a nice ride and to achieve this you need a cigar that is packed a bit more tight so that you dont feel like you're smoking a paper towel roll,,,,thin and where the smoke is really not what you want to where it's almost like comparing a thin breakfast steak to a 2 inch Ribeye....in order to get a rich taste you need enough of the smoke to give you a rich sample. Just a few tips I've learned in 56 years.
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Apr 25, 2018
Oh man really? I like the baking soda and coconut oil because it helps make my breath bearable.
Either way. It’s crazy outta all these guys were the only ones that have figured it out. Not worried about my breath cause cigars cover that up pretty easy

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Jan 30, 2017
My wife has instituted a post cigar regime from me. Change shirt and leave outside, wash face, brush teeth and gargle with baking soda. Then and only then can I sit in the den!! But she says she doesn't mind the smell of cigars!! Figure that?


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
My wife has instituted a post cigar regime from me. Change shirt and leave outside, wash face, brush teeth and gargle with baking soda. Then and only then can I sit in the den!! But she says she doesn't mind the smell of cigars!! Figure that?
My wife tells me when I drink beer and eat chili dogs to drive to the next state and stay there until she gives the "all clear"....about 4 days.


It's not @ Logix
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Nov 16, 2014
Write your own reviews while you smoke. Writing reviews was probably the number 1 thing for myself in being able to pick up notes and distinguishing between similar notes. It was fun at times other times it was tedious but I just did it for a while and there I was. I remember smoking and wondering how people know what the flavor is and especially when seeing something like grapefruit or soggy cheerios, but I understand it now.

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Jun 21, 2019
I've found that smoking WHILE reading reviews on halfwheel, etc, have really helped the most. Obviously, not everyone has the same palate or taste buds, so I find that these descriptors used are rather subjective.