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Rasshat reviews A, B, C going out


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
Rating - 100%
218   0   0
Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Sadly, I think Matt really did bbq this stick.

And by waiting for wife and kids to leave, he means waiting for bm to open so I can go buy a random corona size stick for review.

It's ok Matt, we are all here for you


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
Rating - 100%
218   0   0
Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Sadly, I think Matt really did bbq this stick.

And by waiting for wife and kids to leave, he means waiting for bm to open so I can go buy a random corona size stick for review.

It's ok Matt, we are all here for you
And he'll probably end up guessing right...
Corona with a lime is not a good guess!


Actual Size
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66   0   0
Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Sadly, I think Matt really did bbq this stick.

And by waiting for wife and kids to leave, he means waiting for bm to open so I can go buy a random corona size stick for review.

It's ok Matt, we are all here for you
Dammit!!! Busted!!!

Okay, so tell me what it is, I'll go buy one, smoke it, give you a blind review, then purposely guess the wrong stick...

Better yet, I'll guess now... Ron Mexico corona, with a lime...


Actual Size
Rating - 100%
66   0   0
Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Rasshat Blind "B"
First, let me start by stating, I went up to my local B&M to pick up another "A" stick, but the did not have one, much to my dismay.
Second, I have to thank Rasshat for this opportunity yet again. While I am still not really good with picking out flavors, these reviews have brought me to the next level, in that, I focus more on the cigar rather that my phone, the movie I'm watching, or a conversation I'm having with whomever is around.

With that being said. While typing this review up, I will be smoking and somewhat ignoring another cigar.

And now, what we have all been waiting for...

Construction. A few veins, but all in all, relatively smooth.
Prelight draw was nice, what I could only describe as perfect. Not too loose, not to right, and full of flavor. Not sure how to describe the flavor, but it sure is tasty. <insert pic here, tapatalk is being bitchy>
Lit with torch, nice even light, toaster very well.
First third. That flavor!! Still can't put a finger on it, it's laden with flavor, but not an overpowering, if that makes sense. It's a very nice change to yesterday's review. Retrohale is full of peppery, spicy goodness. I can taste a little pepper to it, but that's about all I can pick out. It's like a new mix of flavors for me, it's almost distracting me from this. It's awefull (full of awe) and just plain tasty. As I roll into the second third, I notice the ash, nice, tight ash. I gently roll the cigar in my ashtray to avoid using the laptray, and it comes of easier than I was expecting. I then purge the cigar as per a suggestion from our glorious ring master here.
Second third. I am still awestruck by this flavor. So... Tasty.... Don't know how to put it into words. Well, that's something you don't see everyday. Some kids come rolling up with what I can only presume is their father, or one of their fathers, to my neighbors house and proceed to randomly place pink flamingos throughout their lawn!!! This makes my day!!! Anyhow, back to the review. Wow, talk about perfect timing. I smoked said cigar at around 4am, and during this typing is when the flamingos were placed. In my notes, I put my reasoning for doing my reviews at 0400-ish being the lack of distractions and here I am, getting distracted. Regardless, I pick the first thing in the morning time frame because of the lack of distractions. I never thought that this cigar would be my biggest distraction. This is one of those cigars that I wouldn't mind smoking another one right after this one, it is just so damn tasty! Hell, Texas Connie agrees. <insert picture here, tapatalk still a bitch>
The final third can be summed up in one word... Wow!!! The flavor, the one I cannot differentiate, is wow, the pepper and spicy, both in mouth and retrohale are just... Wow!!!
Final thought... Wow!!! The only thing that would improve this stick would be another.
Appearance 18/20
Lighting and burn 14/15
Construction 29/30
Taste 36/35
Total score 97
Yes, I know I scored 36 out of 35, but the tastiness of this cigar more than made up for any issues anywhere else...

My guess? Yeah, I don't know. Knowing what I do, I cannot call it Tatuaje, crowned heads, or Caldwell as I think Rasshat has had two of everyone that's been made so far. So, my guess is still: Ron Mexico Corona with a lime (no, not sean)


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
Rating - 100%
218   0   0
Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Great read Matt! Sounds like some high school hijinx going on next door which is funny. Reminded me of my high school days when the cheerleaders put an entire kitchen set, foosball table, and about everything else you could find at a garage sale on my parents lawn. Not to mention a door leaning in front of our door so you opened up to a door...add the covering my Plymouth Sundance with national geographic magazines and it was a sight to behold.

Nonetheless, great review.

Just waiting on Sal then everybody can go wipe out the stock on these. You'll be happy with the price point :)
Rating - 100%
56   0   0
Sep 4, 2014
Valley Stream, NY
The setup: Outside on the balcony today. May be one of the last nice outdoor smoking days I get here in the North East, and I wasn't letting it go to waste. No discernible wind. Skipped the coffee again but the allergies have been acting up and needed a cup of green tea to sooth the throat.

The stick: Corona sized. May be a triple cap, but looks more to me like a double with a long tail on the wrapper. Very smooth wrapper. Not oily to the touch, but not dry either. Again well constructed. Foot appears evenly bundled. A cold sniff reveals cedar, maybe it's just the season getting to me but getting some pumpkin pie.


The light: double V cut again. Cold draw is smooth and easy. Soft flame Butane lighter. Lot easily but a little uneven, probably me not the cigar lets see how it develops.


1st third: Little spicier then the cold aroma would imply. Getting pepper backed by leather but still a very smooth smoke. Good smoke production and mouth feel. Thick smoke but dissipates quickly, not heavy in the air. Smooth even draw.
Spice is mellowing but pepper still strong. Earthy undertones, almost petey

Getting a Straight dense ash. Dark charcoal grey. Holding on tight way past an inch.


Cedar is still there, in fact getting a little more woody on top of the paper. Really full flavor on this one. Took almost a third but the burn is getting better. Still not razor sharp but Almost fully self corrected. Purged after the first third

2nd Third: Pepper returning as the prominent flavor. Getting a malty undertone. Think this would pair great with a nice hearty brown ale or porter.
Same side creeping up again. Maybe slightly less evenly bundled than the foot would suggest.

Touch up with a single flame torch and purge going into last third
Getting harder to draw. Tight spot perhaps.

Spice is really hitting the back of my throat now. Couldn't get a clear pic but tar bubbling up at the cut. Young sample perhaps, could explain the burn issues. Revised the cut with a guillotine and much better draw. Perhaps should have started that way with the smaller RG but wanted to stay consistent with my first review.

Last 3rd: Burning hot into the last third. Even with slow draws. Pepper is right up front with no hints of the cities I was smelling before lighting. Afraid the tar bubbles are back even with a purge and the draw is tightening back up. Last third is getting bitter, probably a result of the tar.

Despite the burn problems, ash was still firm end even the whole way through. The entire stick ended up as three neat intact ashes in the tray.


Overall: Going to base my assessment mostly on the first 2/3 of the stock because of the tar issues. Very spicy stick, jump up and slap you in the face full bodies. Really enjoyed the flavor.

Started off as a great burn and I suspect I was just bad luck and not overall construction that led to my issues. Always a possibility with a hand made product from natural materials. I definitely plan on pickings up a couple more once revealed to give it another go.

Total dart at the wall, but I'm going to go with Camacho Criollo Corona.

PS I had picks but Tapatalk is being a bratty little fucker. Will try to wait them in when I'm in front of a laptop.
Last edited:


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
Rating - 100%
218   0   0
Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Another nice review. Love the honesty about the experience. Can't win them all.

B is the Matilde Corona. A five pack can be had for $29.25 shipped at one place I frequent.

I'm glad erjaq sent me one because I sent four out here and one to Jim for his birthday since I had hoped he never had one :)

Glad you guys enjoyed, Sal needs a revisit! Great reviews. Nobody guessed it as anticipated.

C might be an even tougher guess
Rating - 100%
56   0   0
Sep 4, 2014
Valley Stream, NY
yeah, my motto is I'll try anything twice. Too many good or bad, too many variables for a single point sample of anything. Chaos theory and all that. ill definitely keep an eye out for a few more of those, especially at that price. This first half was definitely saying $8-10 stick to me.


Chulo Savage
Rating - 100%
78   0   0
Aug 21, 2014
Lakeland, FL, USA


Actual Size
Rating - 100%
66   0   0
Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Another nice review. Love the honesty about the experience. Can't win them all.

B is the Matilde Corona. A five pack can be had for $29.25 shipped at one place I frequent.

I'm glad erjaq sent me one because I sent four out here and one to Jim for his birthday since I had hoped he never had one :)

Glad you guys enjoyed, Sal needs a revisit! Great reviews. Nobody guessed it as anticipated.

C might be an even tougher guess
Wait a minute, are you not reviewing this one?

I call foul!!!

You owe us a review!!!


Actual Size
Rating - 100%
66   0   0
Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Awesome reviews, fellas. Looking forward to the last three.
Ever done a blind review?
I have not. I'm not the best at picking up the flavor notes lol. Some sticks I can pick out some interesting flavored, other times I feel like I just get basic notes.
The great thing about it is that you focus more on the flavors and try to determine what you are smoking. Might I suggest you bone up now? Get a couple of sticks, read a few reviews on them, maybe watch a few video reviews, then, somewhat knowing what the tastes are, the flavors, the nuances, you can pick them up when you write your reviews. It may take a couple of try's, but you'll get it.