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Foundation Cigar Co.

Mr. McSquirelly

Joe Bananas
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Mar 18, 2014
San Francisco, Calif.
I don't think so, it goes to the back story of potentially why Nick and SS left DE to form Foundation and Dunbarton. Interesting though that both Nick and Steve as far as I know had very little to do with the flavored \ infused stuff. It just seems that they both left as DE was still climbing instead of them already being at the top. Now its up to Willie Herrera to formulate the blends.
Which is a win-win for cigar smokers: Instead of three smart guys working on a single brand, we now have three smart guys working on three brands--which means more great cigars for the humidor! The pictures that @NicaNick has shared above say it all!!! (y) Very exciting! Those wrappers look amazing! If you want to get a little taste of what to expect, check out Casa Fernandez cigars. The fact that Foundation is blending with Aganorsa leaf just has me reeling with expectation and anticipation. :wacky:
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Apr 26, 2015
I can't wait to try some stuff from Foundation and Saka's new line but due to the way JD handled his selling to Swisher I will and have been passing on spending money where Drew Estate/Swisher is involved. If you ask me they got out with perfect timing.


Attitude + Effort = Results
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Aug 3, 2014
South Dakota
Foundation 1st cigar $13 a stick I'm i the only one sick of all the higher prices? Disappointing!! I'm sure I'll hear the tobacco can only be found in one part of the world and can only be harvested at noon on a cloudy day by a old man bla bla bla hope this changes soon.

Craig Mac

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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
Foundation 1st cigar $13 a stick I'm i the only one sick of all the higher prices? Disappointing!! I'm sure I'll hear the tobacco can only be found in one part of the world and can only be harvested at noon on a cloudy day by a old man bla bla bla hope this changes soon.
I understand your frustration, but it's the nature of the market these days that allows cigars to enter at whatever price point they desire. From what I read the cigars are priced between $9-$13 for the 5 different sizes.

All of that being said, having spent time with Nick at the tradeshows and on the factory floor at Drew Estate I can tell you that he isn't one to come up with some marketing BS as to justify a price point. He truly has a passion for the industry and the art of making cigars, but more than that he is a contributing member to BOTL. Not just in his participation as a manufacturer but he has also made a lot of contributions over the years behind the scenes. He is all about the tobacco, not how many bracelets he can fit on his wrist or having his chest hair popping out of his half buttoned shirt


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
If you want to pay bargain prices, look to the big companies and the mainstream releases. If you want something more unique or interesting from an artisan, you're going to pay more. That's the nature of just about everything.


Attitude + Effort = Results
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Aug 3, 2014
South Dakota
If you want to pay bargain prices, look to the big companies and the mainstream releases. If you want something more unique or interesting from an artisan, you're going to pay more. That's the nature of just about everything.
Figured I'd get spanked! That's all I like now a days is "artisans" cigars. But unless its caldwell or viaje I shouldn't be critical of the brand:( Was really hoping for the $7-$10 range. oh well just dissapointed, sure they'll be great and will love to try them out.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Figured I'd get spanked! That's all I like now a days is "artisans" cigars. But unless its caldwell or viaje I shouldn't be critical of the brand:( Was really hoping for the $7-$10 range. oh well just dissapointed, sure they'll be great and will love to try them out.
That was hardly a spanking. And criticism is fine too. My only point was that sometimes we as consumers want what we can't have and think it's unfair, but really it's just the nature of business. If you want that quality from a boutique product, you need to be willing to pay more for it.

I can get hamburger really cheap at the grocery store, but I want ethically raised meat that's grass fed, so I pay a whole lot more for it from a local farmer. I can't complain about the prices because I'm demanding a certain level of quality that quite simply can't be had any cheaper at this small of a scale.
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Dec 13, 2014
Figured I'd get spanked! That's all I like now a days is "artisans" cigars. But unless its caldwell or viaje I shouldn't be critical of the brand:( Was really hoping for the $7-$10 range. oh well just dissapointed, sure they'll be great and will love to try them out.
At any rate, you can get some of the ones priced at $9 and see how they are and if the other may be worth $13 to you. At least the lowest priced isn't that high

Mr. McSquirelly

Joe Bananas
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Mar 18, 2014
San Francisco, Calif.
I might add here that the AGANORSA leaf he's using is from TABSA's 'cuartos anejamiento' and will probably be some of the best Nicaraguan tobacco that can be found on the market right now. One look at the wrappers from pictures that @NicaNick provided above and the promo shots here, http://halfwheel.com/foundation-cigar-co-announces-first-release-el-gueguense/89856, make me believe that this could easily be a $13-$18 cigar. He has the reputation and brand-equity to easily push that price range, IMHO. Let's face it. The tobacco he is using is not cheap. Eduardo Fernandez grows some of the best leaf in Nicaragua, and it is used by some of the best blenders in the region. Giolito uses it, Don Pepin used it in his first blends, and the Casa Fernandez line, I think, is pretty damn good for the price.

"It’s great to work with guys who really know their tobacco. They have welcomed me in with open arms and have given me access to their special cuartos anejamiento or, ‘aging rooms.’ I have personally selected some very special vintage tobaccos which possess some amazing flavors and complex characteristics. The variety of Nicaraguan tobaccos they have in the warehouse is incredible and some of the blends I have worked up are, well, let’s just say we are all very excited about them. The tough part in working up a few nice blends is deciding which cigar you like the best.”

Now one of the brains behind the Liga line is using tobacco from the 'cuartos anejamiento' at TABSA and sharing ideas with Arsenio Ramos! I predict these cigars will be phenomenal and well worth that price point. For those who don't know, Arsenio Ramos is one of the oldest Cuban blenders/rollers alive today. He rolled cigars in Cuba for 50 years, maybe even before the Revolution. His knowledge of growing, aging, blending, and rolling tobacco is priceless. He is an actual living legend, right up there with Alejandro Robaina. So $9-$13, IMHO, is a steal, considering the age and quality of the tobacco and all the experience behind the blending.
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Sep 23, 2009
Fwiw, I am going to be guilty of being in around the same price points on Sobremesa and make no apologies for it...

I know I wanted to create a top shelf liga from truly the best leaf and with exact attention to detail in its construction... and $10-$15 is what it costs once it ends up at the retailer's shelf... no way around that regardless of who you are, case in point: Padron Anni, Opus X, Davidoff, Liga Privada, HR, etc etc...

Now whether you can afford it, that is a different story. Or whether you think it is worth the money even if you have it, only you can decide that. Whether you even like the blend, well that is just a matter of personal taste. But IF someone is being honest and providing you truly an ultra-premium cigar, then the price is the price.

I really don't understand the consumer mentality of those that bitch about overpriced cigars. I mean there are hundreds of choices of cigars that range all the way from $3 to $25 each. And plenty of really tasty ones in the $8 range. IMO there are so many great bang for the buck choices from JDN, Perdomo, Aj Fernandez, etc it isn't like consumers don't have great options or cigars to choose from.

I have smoked Nick's pre-release sticks while in Nica and was impressed by it and feel his price point is more than fair, actually a little low given current costs. Yes, I said it is a little low and being someone who has bought millions of dollars of leaf and responsible for the manufacture of millions of cigars I know exactly what it costs as does he.

So is it expensive? Yes, but it is not overpriced.

One more thing, lets say Nick set out to make an $8 retail price point cigar and did so. I have no doubt it would be a solid smoke, but honestly is that what people are expecting from him as his first release? Imagine the pressure he is under to perform given everyone's expectations... do you really think first releasing a mid-point stick where he isn't able to use the cream of the cream is a good choice? People are going to be hypercritical of this first blend, so not only do I not blame him for utilizing the choicest of leaf, I would regard him as an idiot if he did differently.

I think Nick and I are in the same boat in this regard: everyone's expectations are through the roof and we are both doing everything possible to try to meet these truly almost unattainable expectations. IMO neither him, nor I would feel comfortable releasing a "good" cigar, we want it in our own opinions to be FUCKING GREAT, to know we did everything possible to make it as exceptional as possible.

And then if consumers decide they don't like it, we will at least know we did our very best.



ps: A big part of the problem is so many people keep buying into the bullshit of so many Don Nobodies and are spending $12+ on cigars that should be $7-$8 at most in the first place. Nicholas is not a Don Nobody, he is as legit as they come.
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