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Things that Make Me Feel Old


Brandon | BotM Jan 2038
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Jul 28, 2016
Northwest Arkansas
Dude, I feel you on that........as soon as I hit 45, Boom I need reading glasses, wtf!? However, if you ask @Glassman & @bwhite220 I need coke bottled glasses......fuckers:shifty:
You know how I knew we’d be having this conversation right now? Because I put your glasses on and saw into the future. I felt like Dr. Strange.

STEP-FATHER, I but I see your point
Ah! Never mind then! You are in the clear and have a lot of cleaning up to do. Got it. Tell me how I can help!


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
1."My" music is older than my kids
2.Getting carpal tunnel in my right wrist
(Not what you think, I'm a southpaw)
3. Think the last 4 or so concerts I went to was too loud
4. Getting up to pee in the middle of the night
5. I like my tennis shoes a plain white, or black
6. Starting to get AARP crap in the mail
With all that said, they still ID me for beer at the only store in this 1 horse town. Lol

EDIT: 7. Still think Creed is a great band
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Lanceros, Cowgirls and Burritos
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Apr 15, 2016
W. Glacier, Montana
When a kid looks at their phone and says the internet is so slow. I had a StarTac mutherfucker!

Taking Aleve during a day off.

When St. Paddys day is now watching Boondock saints and eating dinner at a reasonable time.

When a night on the town is an hour of reading yelp reviews and then just saying fuck it and making a salad.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
The boy had never heard of Weird Al, I showed him the FAT video........you know that beginning part? "Yo homeboy, haven't seen you around Burger World, so where ya been huh?" "Oh you know, *around*" Anyway, he asks "What kind of video is this?" in kind of a horror/shocked voice.
Wierd Al, was the first concert my son went to. He was 9 and it was him, me and an old high school buddy. Awesome concert!


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
Dude, I feel you on that........as soon as I hit 45, Boom I need reading glasses, wtf!? However, if you ask @Glassman & @bwhite220 I need coke bottled glasses......fuckers:shifty:
Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me!
Case rested... ;) @qpzmide, Mick phone settings... this is why he won't use browser..


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Apr 5, 2015
Grapevine, TX
Just saw this thread and many of my "feeling old" triggers have already been mentioned, but I will add 2:
1. Gas was only 27 cents a gallon when I worked at a gas station part-time as a senior in college.
2. Seeing the lists of all you 30 and 40 somethings and realizing that I'm old enough to be y'alls father!!
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Jan 30, 2017
Crap Bob, you're right. These guys make me feel old. This stuff they are talking about happened yesterday for me. Gas 38 cents a gallon, old enough to remember watching the Ice Bowl on a black and white TV. 3 channels that went off air after the 10 pm news. Hitting on pretty young women and everyone just laughs, that makes me feel old, ...........and harmless.
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Apr 25, 2018
The first thing that made me realize I'm not a youngster anymore was pro athletes being younger than me.

The weirdest thing I realized was that I could be a lot of porn stars dad!!!! :(


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
The first time a freshman called me "sir" on campus at SDSU (I was 32...fuckin' punk)

When my son asked me what a phone booth was (we were watching Bill & Ted)

When I offered to make a fellow grad-student a mixtape, gave him said tape and he said "oh fuck... I thought you were just gonna put a playlist together on Spotify, or something. How do I play this tape?"

When my former bandmate's daughter introduced me to her boyfriend... and they were headed to the high school homecoming dance.

The first time I drank with my nephew, and he hurled in the bushes outside the bar.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


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Feb 2, 2015
Carlton,MN Western End of Lake Superior
When I tell people about my first car. I got my 64 VW by trading my 10 speed Schwinn to my brother for the VW. He got out of the service and wanted a car right now. When he found the 442 he wanted he had no use for the car but wanted a bike to ride around the lakes. Gas was 27.9 and my tank was very very low so I stopped and put .25 cent in and made it back and forth to work. My very first concert was Deep Purple and Fleetwood Mac was the back up band. No women in it at that time. They just released their Bare Trees album and Deep Purple was playing mostly off their Machine Head Album.
Yes I am a FOG ;)
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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
1. I saw Star wars the weekend it released -for $2.00. Popcorn was a buck.
2. Cars I had, and paid $500 to $1000 for in my teens are now selling for over $50k
3. I watched the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show.
4. I talk about the Fireball XL5 lunchbox I had in elementary school and my kids look at like I'm from anther planet.
5. We had to move the meds from the medicine cabinet to a Kitchen cabinet due to lack of room.
6. I really don't want to trust a fart sometimes.
7. My kids talk about this great new song they heard and I tell them I had the 45 when I was 12.
8. We are discussing getting a stair lift.
9. Thinking about a craftmatic style bed too.
10. At noisy restaurants I see friends lips move but just nod, cause I have no idea what they are saying.
11. More often than not I start to say something and the word or name just disappears. (sometimes I find it sometimes I don't)
12. I better stop, this is getting depressing


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
So damn many of these things.

To add to it:

1. My youngest asked me what life was like in the 1900’s

2. “Your music is old, and weird” (both boys)

3. A co-worker asked if he could date my youngest daughter because she is a year older than him. (She’s 22 and I said no, combined with a threat of physical harm.)

4. There are some parents at my youngest’s school that could be my children.

5. My boss was talking about his old hand-me-down truck... it was a 96

I’m sure there are others.
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May 7, 2017
Lexington, Virginia
1. Using my phone to magnify a menu in a restaurant.
2. Listening to my wife constantly complain about me asking her to repeat something.
3. Taking my family through the Marine Corps museum in Quantico and while looking at the displays which are in order by era, reading “my era” now has 2 or 3 eras after it.
4. Having a teenager laugh at your flip phone while your in line at the coffee shop. Jokes on him, I have a refurbished IPhone 6 now. Who’s the baller now?
5. Taking your son out to get drunk on his 21st bday while your wife DD’s and lecturing his frat buddies about how in my day, studying came before inverted keg hits. On a better note, when we dropped him off at the dorm, he gets out of the car and fell flat on his face. Just drove off like a boss. Keep tryin young blood, you’ll get there.
6. Is it just me or do to many B&M’s keep the walk in humidor to dark? I know they are trying to look chic but for God’s sake, it’s like trying to find a cigar by candlelight in an abandoned gold mine.