@Glassman, it appears you've taken to pipe smoking like a bum to a bologna sandwich.
Good for you sir!
I take pleasure in reading your newish pleasure (hope that didn't come off too weird).
@Glassman, it appears you've taken to pipe smoking like a bum to a bologna sandwich.
Good for you sir!
I take pleasure in reading your newish pleasure (hope that didn't come off too weird).
First smoke in the recently acquired Castello Old Antiquari, C&D Burley Flake #1. It has a slight Lakeland ghost, but I'll fix that by smoking a ton of strong Burley blends in it
Oy vay, now we're talking!
Would love to see some pics.
Hopefully, I'll be sipping on a Castello, Ser Jacopo or Don Carlos come early Christmas morning.
Escudo Navy Deluxe thanks to John. Really liking this.
Seems to be a great morning smoke for me.
Anyone have recommendations for something with a similar profile that's sold in bulk?
And what are y'alls favorites for early morning bowls?