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Cigar breath - what's YOUR home remedy ?

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Feb 17, 2014
Seattle, WA, USA
My wife despises the smell of smoke - of any kind. If I smell like a cigar then it's gonna be me and Rosie Palm on the cold side of the bed for a few days. As a result, I've been trying to find ways to kill the order without destroying my sense of taste (which I nearly did once).

I'm eager to get feedback on other techniques, but here's what I've tried thus far:

  1. Naturally you want rinse your mouth out, but I went too far with Listerine once and literally lost my sense of taste for several days. I still find the non-alcohol version which prevents this isn't powerful enough for cigar breath, so I've learned to keep it off my tongue and just use it to clean the rest of my mouth.
  2. Brushing your teeth is a must, but brushing the insides of the cheeks, gums, tongue, inside of lips, under tongue and roof of the mouth helps a lot.
  3. Clean your lips with a wash cloth very well - sucking on a cigar gives your lips a bitter taste so even if you got your mouth perfect the wife will taste the bitter lips and send you on a date with Rosie Palm.
  4. Using a newer model Sonicare toothbrush helps a lot. 30k strokes per second of the newer models pretty much gets the smoke off of whatever it hits after a few tries. If you have the Ultraviolet cleaner you can rotate heads to kill the smoke germs. Keep in mind that after one brush your toothbrush will now smell like an ashtray, so additional brushings (and I do three to four) should be with a different odor free toothbrush head. Soaking your toothbrush in Efferdent or Listerine can help sanitize it in as little as 30 minutes.
  5. Floss - but honestly I'm bad about not doing this
  6. Keep hydrated while smoking (and alcoholic products dehydrate so double up if you are drinking booze while smoking). Cigars deplete your Vitamin C so I've been alternating between Screwdrivers and plain OJ so that I get about 32 oz of liquid in me per smoke. I also pee a lot. :glassesgr

Tonight I tried another tip that seems to have worked well - Fennel seeds! Here's the article I found:


These are bit like putting broken sunflower seed shells in your mouth that have a licorice flavor - but not in a good way. I love love licorice, but these things kinda taste like a$$ (and not in a hot robobabe kinda of way). I sucked on about 15 of them for roughly 10 minutes before I had to toss them. The entire time I use my tongue to scrape them all over the inside of my mouth and as much as I could on my cheeks. I didn't like it, but it did help A LOT. I'd definitely do it again next time.

Now if you are wondering WTF is a Fennel Seed and what kinda granola eating hipster store do you have to go to get them, I can only say that I found them at my local QFC (a division of Kroger). I went looking for them where they have the hippy nuts section and couldn't find them. A lady nearby heard me say WTF is a Fennel Seed and how the F am I going to find one, so she held up a little bottle of these and ask if that's what I was looking for:


I apologized for my F bomb outburst (she laughed) and I got what I needed. These were stupid priced at $7.99 at my store, but I'm sure there's some place like Sams or Costco where you can get a dump truck full for about a dollar.

They work and I recommend them. Just have something handy to spit them in and some tasty gum nearby because your tongue will feel like you've just licked a shoe that's had a long walk through the city streets - in the bad part of town.

- Ron :ccool:
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Jul 10, 2013
Central New Jersey
So I make a "chew" which includes fennel seeds Rosemary anise seeds crushed red pepper flakes and cloves. I got the idea from a dude at work that got me hooked on beetlenut ( pan parag ) it helps I found that anything green and leafy like Basil or parsley works the best ( fresh not dried) since I grow the Basil parsley and Rosemary it's always available


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Apples work great as a snack and as a cleaner a half hour after smoking and a half hour before brushing. Get a good quality apple like a honey crisp Braeburn or Gala.
And as far as the no sex threat. Tell her have fun licking her own apple.
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Jan 12, 2011
Hilton Head Island
Regarding the no sex threat, who says you have to kiss to have sex? I often find myself flipping through the channels on TV or checking email on the iPad.
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Jun 5, 2012
Fayetteville, GA
I don't like to brush my teeth after smoking cigars. OR use mouthwash, OR anything for that matter. I enjoy cigar taste/breath and it goes really well with my coffee the next day. My wife won't go near me if I've been smoking anyways, so it's a fruitless exercise to cleanse the breath. Has anyone noticed that you can really smell your smokes when taking a shower after smoking? It seems like the steamy air softens the tobacco smells in your sinus' and you can smell them again....love it! Some cigars taste better the next day!
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Aug 26, 2012
It might be a bit odd but I often will have Chicken Tikka Masala.

In the rice they include a sort of anise tasting kernel that really wipes out any remanent of cigar breathe. Of course you have to be ok with having 'indian food' breathe hahaha
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Feb 17, 2014
Seattle, WA, USA
I'll have to give Apples a try - I like the idea of biting into a Honey Crisp a lot more than those darn fennel seeds. Thanks jolietilfire!

Just brushing and gum isn't enough for my wife.

If this doesn't work then I'll have to try Lipher's secret recipe - not sure about chili flakes though (but I might try since I enjoy spicy stuff).