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He was our Brother, Our Best Friend and Our Asshole.... RIP Rev.B

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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
My Newb trade was with him and he kicked my ass in a way that I'll never forget.

I was new to cigars (like, a few weeks into the hobby "new") and signed up for the trade. I proudly sent him my five cigars (because I didn't know what BoTL Math was yet) and, in that fiver, were two Ghurkas and a Thompson-branded cigar. Man, if I had waited even a few more weeks to sign up for the trade I would have known not to send that junk.

But, Rev accepted the fiver with graciousness and gratitude…

And then proceeded to fuck my mailbox up with 10 cigars, comprised of Tats and Fuentes, and other really nice sticks. And when I expressed shock and awe at his generosity, I was informed by many that that is what being on BoTL was all about. And so I found my cigar home here.

All because of Rev.

Gonna miss you, brother. :cry:

P.S. And then there was his Apple Pie…


Spent loot on Scotch,Women&Cigars -rest I wasted.
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Mar 2, 2015
South of you
Rev sent an awesome MAW my way last year. So sorry to hear this, condolences to friends and family. RIP Brother.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Rev and I got to chat a few times, when I was in my lowest place... he gave me one of the best talks I ever had. With his words, he gave me the clarity I needed to pick myself up and move forward. I'm sad that I've got to wait until the after life to give him that hug I promised him - which he was going to get whether he liked it or not.

Rest Easy, brother.


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
Bryan Strand (Rev.B)
This Big man had/has a heart of gold, one of the most giving Brothers I've met, His laugh, his smile and he told u like it is , no fluff , no candy coating That is Rev B.....
As Eddie said , Rev has touched so many people on this Board. There is soooooo many Rev stories out there, and He will be smiling at us as we keep telling these stories.....

His Famous "Apple Pie Moonshine" made a couple trip to Nica, and Rev was very Proud when I told him His shine had gone international....
So tonite I'll smoke my last Tat J21 (one of Rev Fav) and a glass of Apple Pie Moonshine, Cheers to my Southern Brother.....
Rev next time I see u, U had better have a Manson Jar full of Shine ....

Rest in Peace Bryan Strand (Rev.B)
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Feb 19, 2012
Very sad news. He was a hell of a guy and one of the best BOTLs ever. Anyone who traded with him always came out in the losing end. You could never out do Bryan on a trade. He will be sorely missed around here.