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How many do you carry?

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2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
Sancho Panza said:
If every able bodied citizen carried, there'd be much less crime.

Now I understand some with tempers best not carry, particularly if they have road rage. I have a friend that applies to, but for now, he's in Iraq, & carrying anyway.
I wholeheartedly agree.

Question, because I honestly don't know.

If one has a concealed carry permit, are there rules/regulations about drinking or using drugs that will lead to immdiate revocation of the priveledge?
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Dec 18, 2004
I stand corrected on your firearms experience. Yes, those who can't control their tempers may want to consider not carrying. (We were typing at the same time).

Can't imagine pulling a firearm on someone for anything other than being in fear for my life, limb or property like car, or home.


2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
Jwrussell said:
Hmmm..even though I don't currently, there are multiple reasons to carry. Personally, I'd probably only carry where I felt it necessary as it's kind of a PITA to conceal in the clothes I wear. Wearing a jacket/coat in FL isn't much of an option. However, I can absolutely see the reasoning behind carrying everywhere. Very much a case of, "better to have it and not need it, than...", ya know?

As to carrying more than one? Well, the obvious answer would be back up, but I'll let Sancho answer for himself as that's quite an arsenal to be toting around. Most folks I've spoken to on the subject carry a pistol and a knife. A small few carry a small back-up pistol.

Todd: you pray to God you never have to, but again, see the comment above. As to your last comment? I'd ask for a little clarification, because honestly, no I don't really understand.
Ok, say we are herfing. I'm drinking. I'm getting beligerant and really piss you off, hell maybe I piss on you.

If you aren't carrying you would kick my assand that is all you could do.

If you were carrying and I pissed you off to the point you lose control and whip out your piece and shoot me in the arm/leg/foot whatever.

The second concerns me more. Both are possibly lethal. Both are likely never to occur but you never know, sometimes folks just snap.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Sancho Panza said:
sure it would, Florida has nearly identical firearms laws to Mississippi (one of them apparently copied the other) & reciprical agreements with many States on concealed carry...without a permit, though, in Florida, it's a Class 3 felony to carry concealed...
Maybe I'm misunderstanding then? Sounds like mounting the holster inside the car, not IN the console, but out in the open? Do I have that wrong?
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Dec 18, 2004
well, I don't use drugs & rarely drink until drunk...I'm a sleepy drunk, so @ my last 4 day herf took one sip of a Mojito, that's all...but, alcohol & guns don't mix...so you have take extra care...if you have children, I'll even unload & lock the ammo & pistol separately, except the one on my person
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Dec 18, 2004
Redwood City, CA
if everyone carried there would be less crime? You really think so?

Do countries that have stricter gun laws have MORE crime?

I guess, again, we live in different worlds.

If I knew for a fact that someone other than a law enforcement officer was packing, I would under no circumstances allow my 19 month-old or my wife anywhere near them.

It's the environment you grow up in I guess. I was never around guns, live in a very safe area with hardly no crime. We didn't go hunting for deer, bear, or anything else. I am not a gun collector or a member of the NRA.

If I did experience any of those things my reference point may be different.
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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
Jwrussell said:
I'd be careful about that bro'. I don't know WV's laws on the matter, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't fly in FL.
Don't worry, I am well versed on the laws anywhere I carry, including FL where I have a non-resident permit.
As for WV my license allows me to "carry concealed, on or about my person". The same would hold true for FL. In most states (but not all) concealed is concealed, whether in your vehicle or walking down the street.


2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
The weird thing for me is that I have met a few brothers from the boards at the DC herf, one of them recently posted that he never leaves home without his peice and I instantly had a changed impression of everything from that day that had to do with him. Not negative at all. It just changed. That's why this has piqued my interst.
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Dec 18, 2004
Wasch_24 said:
Are their rules about consumption and carrying permits?
I'm sure there are in some states. As far as snapping, a police officer is just as likely to snap as the next fellow, are you afraid of one of them carrying around you?


2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
windowrx said:
Don't worry, I am well versed on the laws anywhere I carry, including FL where I have a non-resident permit.
As for WV my license allows me to "carry concealed, on or about my person". The same would hold true for FL. In most states (but not all) concealed is concealed, whether in your vehicle or walking down the street.
Were you carrying at the DC herf?


2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
Sancho Panza said:
I'm sure there are in some states. As far as snapping, a police officer is just as likely to snap as the next fellow, are you afraid of one of them carrying around you?
Truthfully, when ever I see someone I don't know or have never seen weilding a wepon with one I have the same feeling, so yes.

Basic training marksmanship training really concerned me for the first few days. All these kids, I say that because I joined at 21 and everyone else was 17/18, under all that distress from the experience of basic training carrying loaded weapons around. It bothered me a little at first.
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Dec 18, 2004
Do countries that have stricter gun laws have MORE crime?

Have a look @ the SKY ROCKETING crime in nearly gun less GREAT BRITAIN. CRIMINALs know the chance of their victim having a firearm are but little.


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Dec 12, 2004
I have a carry permit here in VA, and so does 4 of my other friends.

I got the permit because I am, like many others here, into firearms and also for personal protection. I generally do not go into areas that are dangerous, carry large amounts of cash or put myself in harms way. Howver, I'm sure most victims of violent crimes, robbery and carjackings felt the same way until it happened to them.

I'm sure there are people who have been carrying for many, many years and never have had to use their weapon to defend themselves and that is great. Beleive me, the last think I want to do is shoot someone. But if me and my wife are out and our lives are in danger and it gets to the point where we cannot escape (always option 1, gun or no gun).... and its the bad guy(s) vs. us...I am going to do everything I can to make sure we are not hurt.

Bottom line, it's better to be prepared with a gun and not have to use it than not be prepared and wish you had a gun.

Guns cannot be used in VA to defend your personal property....in the case of an intruder with a weapon inside your house that is different. If someone is running out of your house with a TV you cannot pop them in the back and go get your TV back......you will go to jail.

Todd....I used to be the same way. Hell I even remember how nervous I was the first time I went to an indoor shooting range.

Consequences and ramifications of actually using your weapon vary on the situation.


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Dec 12, 2004
Wasch_24 said:
Were you carrying at the DC herf?
If he did, he did a good job of concealment. And I hope he wasn't....that would be a BIG no-no in DC.
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Dec 18, 2004
I don't recall ever having carried a loaded weapon in a non range or livefire scenario, maybe blanks.

Yes, once, when I was pay officer, back when we paid in cash, I was issued a .45 & one loaded mag, but there was no round in the chamber.


2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
1f1fan said:
If he did, he did a good job of concealment. And I hope he wasn't....that would be a BIG no-no in DC.
That's what I was thinking.

I have a co-worker that carries all the time. He keeps his IWB holster on, empty, all day. Ha also has mace and a loaded magazine on his belt all day every day.

It is just very forgein to me. I guess that is because I have only used firearms outdoors. Hell, even cleaning the rifles inside seemed stragne to me for a very long time.
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Dec 18, 2004
DC has probably the strictest anti-gun laws in the u. S. Look how low the crime rate is there.

1f1fan said:
Bottom line, it's better to be prepared with a gun and not have to use it than not be prepared and wish you had a gun.
Better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6.
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