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How many do you carry?

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BoM Sept. 05
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Jan 11, 2005
Roxborough Park CO, Soon to be Wapiti, Wyoming
When I lived in Idaho I had a concealed carry License and now that I am back in Colorado I have one. I can not ever remember actually carrying a weapon concealed. I believe in our right to bear arms and had the permits because I could.... not really for protection or any other purpose. I believe this is why most of us that have permits have them....that is we can't stand the thought that someday we won't even be able to own a gun.
It's the little at a time scenario....first no carry, then no weapon someone considers an assault weapon, then handguns, etc., etc.
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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
fuente said:
if everyone carried there would be less crime? You really think so?

Do countries that have stricter gun laws have MORE crime?

I guess, again, we live in different worlds.

If I knew for a fact that someone other than a law enforcement officer was packing, I would under no circumstances allow my 19 month-old or my wife anywhere near them.

It's the environment you grow up in I guess. I was never around guns, live in a very safe area with hardly no crime. We didn't go hunting for deer, bear, or anything else. I am not a gun collector or a member of the NRA.

If I did experience any of those things my reference point may be different.
You might be surprised to learn that there are many times more concealed carry permit holders in this country than there are law enforcement officers and that leo's are somewhere in the neighborhood of ten times more likely to commit a crime involving a firearm, including rape and murder, than non-leo's.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Holy crud this thread is growing by leaps and bounds!

Window and Sancho, we have different understandings of the laws. I'll have to go back to my reading material at home I guess.

Todd: I can see where you are coming from, but I guess it's a glass half full/empty type thing as well. I guess I just have a little more faith in my fellow man that I'm not going to be able to piss off the large percentage of folks out there enough that they'd want to kill me. See, it also has to do with how you view firearms, firearm safety and the like.

Believe it or not, I was taught my very basic beliefs on gun safety from my Grandmother ages ago. When in CA she used to carry a little 22 in her car. Even had to use it once. I grew up in NJ so needless to say, had little exposure to firearms until I left the state, but had always been fascinated by them. Anyway, that lesson from my grandmother was this: If you ever find yourself in the situation where you feel the need to pull a gun on someone, you better be ready to aim to kill and you better pull the trigger. If either of those two things are questionable in your mind you better not pull it.

On top of that, I see gun ownership as not ONLY a right, but a deep responsibility. If I thought it remotely possible that I could lose my temper far enough to pull a gun on someone I would have no business owning or carrying.

Think of it this way as well: Lots and lots of people carry pocket knives. They can do just as much damage in the situation you are talking about. Would it change your perception if you found out they were carrying a pocket knife as much?


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Dec 12, 2004
If anyone wants more info on laws packing.org is a really good site. For those in VA please check out vcdl.org

Todd...I find that my driving is more cautions and my willingness to confront someone lets say in a road rage situation is less because of the responsibility that goes with carrying a weapon. I find that I try to avoid confrontation even more than I usually would. That said....I'm sure there are some hot heads out there that are not as responsible.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
fuente said:
if everyone carried there would be less crime? You really think so?

Do countries that have stricter gun laws have MORE crime?
Fuente, if you are of the mind, I would suggest checking up on crime in England and Australia. Both have extremley strict gun control laws. Sancho already pointed out DC. And there are a bunch of studies out there that show that the states with CCW laws have seen a reduction in crime since said laws were passed (not to say there aren't studies (statistics ya know?) that refute some of this).
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Dec 18, 2004
Jwrussell, when you first apply for a permit in Mississippi, they give you a printed copy of the Law; when you have a Curio & Relic Federal Firearms License, they also mail you a book with all the State gun laws in them.


BoM Sept. 05
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Jan 11, 2005
Roxborough Park CO, Soon to be Wapiti, Wyoming
1f1fan said:
If anyone want more info on laws packing.org is a really good site. For those in VA please check out vcdl.org

Todd...I find that my driving is more cautions and my willingness to confront someone lets say in a road rage situation is less because of the responsibility that goes with carrying a weapon. I find that I try to avoid confrontation even more than I usually would. That said....I'm sure there are some hot heads out there that are not as responsible.
You are so right....
I am so pleased we are keeping this civil as this is a highly volitale topic, but here are the facts. The anti gun people will always point to the terrible things that occur as a result of improper use of a weapon. It will be played up by the media and and they will say, see here is why.
The facts are 99.99999% of all gun owners are responsible, sensible, trained people that are fully aware of the consequences for improper use. For someone to fear these people to the point where they would not allow their children near them is just a lack of understanding and an overreaction. No offense to anyone there are many people that feel this way but they are just wrong.
Guns don't make people bad or irrational or careless. They are all ready that way and guns or no guns, these kind of people are going to do something bad regardless.


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Dec 14, 2004
On Lake Cumberland Kentucky
We keep some weaponry around the office here.
We sometimes have amounts of cash and something easy to steal (vehicles)
Never had to use them or thought it was gonna be needed.

I have heard an armed society is a polite society. But I disagree,
There is always some chickenshit guy with little man's disease that has to carry a bigger gun or show it off to impress the ladies or his "friends"

If you are required to be in a bad place where the danger could be there I can understand why you would carry. But to go to the grocery store or just normal errands, I dont see it.
But if you are licensed and have the training and are of sound mind and want to carry a gun then so be it, I don't have a problem with it.
But just like the crooks, use a gun in a crime get double penalty that is way it should be.

But I dont tend to run my mouth off or frequent bad places so I feel the danger level is low. And I try to stay away from road rage.
That is a plan that has worked for 40 years for me.
I guess having a relative commit suicide by a firearm skews my perception.
As does seeing a person actualy shot by someone in anger.


Master Baby Maker-Feb BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
windowrx said:
LOL, no I abide by the laws of any jurisdiction I may be in, so I was not carrying at the Herf.
Whew, I'm still glad that I didn't piss you off :smokingbo



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Dec 14, 2004
On Lake Cumberland Kentucky
There are a lot of people killed by cars every year.
There are a lot of people killed by guns every year.

In almost all cases it is not the item at fault it is the person in charge of the item at fault.
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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
fuente said:
I'm curious about something: For those of you that do carry weapons, is it because you are into the hobby, or because you are generally concerned that the areas you live in or frequent are so dangerous that carrying a weapon is warranted?

Not insulting anyone, just trying to comprehend why someone would need to mount a weapon in their car and carry a Glock under their trenchcoat...
That was me he was refering to in regards to "mounting" a weapon in my car. My reason for this is simply that if you ever do find the need for a gun, you'll need it in a hurry. When I carry it's usually with an Inside the Waist Band holster concealed under a jacket or light shirt. Therefore when I'm sitting in my car it would be nearly impossible to get to in a hurry. It's difficult to describe without showing you the car itself, but when in place it will be concealed from view from any perpective aside from mine as the driver and will comply with most of the states laws with the possible exception of Ohio where I rarely travel.
One example for quick access: Several years ago there was a fellow who shot and killed several people at a traffic light on Rt. 123 in Mclean VA in front of the CIA. I went through that traffic light nearly every morning myself at the time. I'd bet my bottom dollar that if you could ask any one of the people who was killed there if they had to do over again, they'd say they wished they had a "Glock" "mounted" in their car for quick access.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Sancho Panza said:
Jwrussell, when you first apply for a permit in Mississippi, they give you a printed copy of the Law; when you have a Curio & Relic Federal Firearms License, they also mail you a book with all the State gun laws in them.
Just as clarification, I wasn't trying to say that you didn't understand or know the law. I have a book that details the gun laws in FL at home. As much progress as we have made in some areas with gun laws, some are still much to vague, so I like to make absolutely sure I understand them and, more importantly, understand how they will be enforced.

I wouldn't have a loaded handgun out in the open (and that's how I read bolting a holster to the outside of a console) in my car almost no matter the circumstances. Regardless of if I was in the right or not, I just don't trust that I might end up pulled over for some reason by the wrong police officer who maybe doesn't understand, or chooses to misunderstand that portion of the law.

That being said, that set up sounds a heck of a lot easier to get to if needed than most.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
We were typing at the same time Windowrx. Thanks for the clarification. And as said above, I can certainly see how it would be much more handy that way. And probably less of a hassle than switching to a cross-draw evertime you got in your car.
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Dec 18, 2004
I abide by those laws, too, not because I'm yielding my right to keep & bears arms; but, rather, for the same reason I pay my taxes, even though I view the Internal Revenue Act as un-constitutional:

I don't wanna go to JAIL!
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Dec 18, 2004
the concealed whole of in part is for Peace Officer use, I think, on someone who doesn't have a permit;

I sure most understand to conceal from THEFT by hiding under the seat when you aren't in the car


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Sancho and Windowrx, I was thinking of those who do NOT have a concealed permit when I mentioned the concern on the "bolted holster" issue. Without a permit that would be illegal here.

Can you clarify your above post? Not following...
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Dec 18, 2004
yes, you're correct, I think, since I have a permit, I'm not really concerned with the other Florida gun laws...
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