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I'm from Boveda, and I come in peace.

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Sep 16, 2014
Fresno, California
Welcome from a newbie in Fresno. Boveda products really saved my 1st Humidor from its mediocre performance. Always keep some ready for travel and the flavored cigars I'm sometimes gifted.
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Jun 18, 2014
Welcome. I have been a long time Boveda user. I use them till they get hard and all they liquid has dried up. I then throw a new one in my humidor, I don't throw the old ones away though. I have a passion for glazed donuts but when they are a few days old The glaze absorbs humidity and they get kind of wet, I cut the dried up Boveda packs open and sprinkle the contents on the donut and they are miraculously transformed into a fresh donut.

I have developed a bit of a facial tic where my eye muscles twitch but I'm sure it's not related to ingesting Boveda.
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Oct 24, 2014
Fort Hood, TX
Welcome from Texas, great attitude towards life! I love it man, how you take a challenge like losing your foot and overcome it with a positive outlook. :D Inspirational, thank you.
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May 22, 2013
Welcome. I have been a long time Boveda user. I use them till they get hard and all they liquid has dried up. I then throw a new one in my humidor, I don't throw the old ones away though. I have a passion for glazed donuts but when they are a few days old The glaze absorbs humidity and they get kind of wet, I cut the dried up Boveda packs open and sprinkle the contents on the donut and they are miraculously transformed into a fresh donut.

I have developed a bit of a facial tic where my eye muscles twitch but I'm sure it's not related to ingesting Boveda.
Oh c'mon! Everyone knows the salty taste of Boveda goes better on eggs!