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June '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
i would be a little shocked if they did.. they have not really slashed the prices of ipods yet..

I will most likely not get this model, but when they come out with the second one after all of the kinks and everything have been worked out then I will get one


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
I'll be waiting. The plans aren't horrible but I can't see dropping $5-600 on a phone, no matter how good it is.

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
My wife wants one to replace her Palm Treo 650 smartphone, as well as her iPod. Makes sense to me; the iPhone doesn't cost anymore than those two devices put together did.

But about "slashing prices"....

Apple actually *has* cut prices on the iPods twice now. When they originally came out, the standard iPod cost $399 (which is what I paid). Then, about a year later, they dropped the price to $299. Eventually, about 4 years later when the Zune was announced, they dropped the price to $249. And of course, the features increased with every model release.

I would expect the iPhone to follow suit; Apple will (rightfully so, I might add) hit up all the "early adaptors" up for the most cash they possibly can, but will eventually cut a hundred bucks or so off them once the initial sales dies down, let's say in a year or so.

I'm not sure I'd call that "slashing prices", but I do think they will eventually lower the prices some.
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Apr 18, 2007
Brentwood, TN
I'll stick with my Blackberry 8800.
My problem would be there is no Blackberry Connect software and Goodlink hasn't yet made a product for it. So basically you'll end up with a device that can't receive your work email without a redirect program running on a machine that is never turned off. Pain in the arse if you ask me. Besides I get nice toys for free at work. Why would I buy anything? My nano is smaller and easier to take on runs anyway.
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Dec 14, 2004
unfortunately that won't happen. verizon is still stuck on CDMA, so their network won't ever be able to support the iPhone (which uses the newer GSM standard)

well, maybe after about 3 years they will release a CDMA version of it too, like motorola did with the razr, but personally, i dont see it ever happening
Why did it stay on the Edge network and not G3 the newer standard? I read that it can only go EDGE and backwards so anything on G3 this generation of the phone won't be able to hop on.

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
The Wall Street Journal asked Steve Jobs about the use of 2.5G (EDGE) instead of 3G (HSDPA) last week. Here's the excerpt:


WSJ: [Why did you choose EDGE over 3G?]

Mr. Jobs: [Paraphrased] Every AT&T Blackberry gets its mail over EDGE. EDGE is great for mail, and it works well for maps and a whole bunch of other stuff. Where you wish you had faster speed is…on a Web browser. It's good enough, but you wish it was a little faster. That's where sandwiching EDGE with Wi-Fi really makes sense because Wi-Fi is much faster than any 3G network.

When we looked at 3G, the chipsets were not low-enough power for what we were looking for. They were not integrated enough, so they took up too much physical space. We cared a lot about battery life and we cared a lot about physical size. Down the road, I'm sure some of those tradeoffs will become more favorable towards 3G but as of now we think we made a pretty good doggone decision.


Personally, I think everyone's hung up about the "not 3G thing" for no good reason. 3G isn't available everywhere yet, really just in major market cities....PLUS, the ATT EDGE networks just got a big speed boost last week; people all over are reporting getting 150 to 200 kbps download speeds on the iPhone.

Sure, that's not blazing fast, but it's pretty useable.
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Dec 14, 2004
My point is when 3G is available you can't jump on. I rather have it available when it is available. Sure EDGE is fine but I rather be able to trade up when I can. I have seen some shitty Wi-Fi speeds as well. Being on a Wi-Fi set up doesn't mean you'll get blazing speeds. You pay $600 for something I would like to have the bells and whistles that are available. You can always go down but not going up doesn't make sense to me. He brings up web browser. To me thats when you want the speed. Anyone can get email and not sweat speed.

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
Oh I agree jaxstraww, I'd prefer 3G if all things were equal....I just think it was too "bleeding edge" when they began designing the iPhone, and they weren't willing to make the necessary trade-offs at the time (battery use, chip size, etc.)

But then again, I'm not a product designer/engineer, so I have no idea what's true or not.
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Apr 24, 2007
well i bought one on friday night, my store had a bunch in stock. So i figured i'd buy one, it's a neat little phone but I gave it to my mom for her birthday. I still like my blackberry more to be honest.

avid toker

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Jan 13, 2005
20,000 leagues under the sea
Some stores here didn;t sell out either.....everyone that has a blackberry are waiting to hear about the tactile screen keyboard on the iPhone. I can't see it being better than a berry's qwerty keyboard IMO. Sure you might get used to it but I'm hooked to my berry's keyboard. I love the full stop button on the berry while on the iPhone you have to go through multiple buttons before you can type a period.

One improvement I might have made to the iPhone would have been GPS. I believe the iPhone has a "Maps" button but it's basically Google Maps over the internet if I understand correctly. What if you're not within WiFi range or out of the cellular coverage area, then a dedicated GPS chip would be handy. I'm sure they couldn't get that to fit in the iPhone ibut if they could have, that would've been sweet.

EDGE is faster which helps but I think it'll be a long time before the iPhone becomes 3G compatible. Not sure it really matters that much except everything overseas is practically on the 3G network.


June '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
I do not think that they should put it on the 3G network, until the network is good enough to handle it. cause right now it isnt.. I live in the city limits of Atlanta and there are times that the 3G will crap out on me, it just depends on where I am.. and as Ironic as it is, it does not work very well within a mile radius of cingulars home office building