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Is The Rapture "end of Times" Really Here?

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Oct 3, 2010
I believe the bible is true and if these guys read it they would come accross Mark 13:32 where it says “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

These guys don't know what they are talking about.
Honestly, no one knows what they are talking about.
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Oct 11, 2010
Dallas, TX
I believe the bible is true and if these guys read it they would come accross Mark 13:32 where it says “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

These guys don't know what they are talking about.
Here, here.

The Bible also warns us of false prophets and these folks fall into this category. It is my sincere prayer that those who honestly seek God will find Him. I also pray that the masses are not tricked and duped by these folks.
These guys speak the truth. Very refreshing to read these on a public forum.
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Oct 31, 2009
Wow.....pure garbage. No one knows when it all ends. There will be a rude awakening for some on the 22nd.


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
I believe the bible is true and if these guys read it they would come accross Mark 13:32 where it says “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

These guys don't know what they are talking about.
EXACTLY! I too beleive the Bible is truth, but human beings are flawed. When we read Scripture we often put our own spin on things because of what we want to see ... and we always read it through the glasses of our own culture, training, and understanding.

You absolutely can NOT make the Bible say anything you want to, as some like to state. But it's quite possible to misunderstand it.

Besides, I personally think the popular understanding of a "Rapture" is probably wrong anyway. But that's a topic for another time, lol.
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Apr 21, 2011
London, ON
EXACTLY! I too beleive the Bible is truth, but human beings are flawed. When we read Scripture we often put our own spin on things because of what we want to see ... and we always read it through the glasses of our own culture, training, and understanding.

You absolutely can NOT make the Bible say anything you want to, as some like to state. But it's quite possible to misunderstand it.
To this I would add that while you cannot make Scripture say what you want you can make it appear to if you take verses out of context. "I know the plans I have for you..." comes to mind.
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Apr 15, 2011
Boston, MA
How about we call up someone like A.J. Fernandez or someone of equal importance in this industry and create us an End of the World series of smokes? Smoke one on every predicted date. If it's false, we get another hurrah. If true, at least we died doing something we love.

At any rate, the Bible didn't give a date for the end of the world, so I'll take it on faith it'll happen when it'll happen.
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May 11, 2011
Personally, I'm sticking with my plan to have an "End of the World" party on December 21 2012. Not because I believe that date is significant in any way shape or form, but because it falls on a Friday, and will be an excellent excuse for a party, some "end of the world" movies, and a nice smoke afterward.

Still, I may light one up on May 21 to celebrate the great anticlimax. And if this "blind squirrel" happens to be right, I'll be too busy enjoying the grand tour of heaven to worry about being upset.
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Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Good to see this thread has not degenerated into one of the classic Politics/Religion discussion where somebody starts running around with their hair on fire. End of the World scenarios have been around since Adam and Eve took the kids to pre school and it's always been mans curious nature to try to think what God is going to do next. It's never been mans charge to figure anything out in this world as it has already been done for him...the problem is that man wants to do things his way so he incorporates his desires in such a way to fulfill his dreams. Religion is not merely a dogma or belief but rather a factual everyday commentary on who we are..why we are here and what we choose to do about that. Disbelief changes nothing and is of no consequence except to the individual themselves but they will still reap the rewards of their labor. For the believer it's a win win situation and for the disbeliever...it's a 50/50 deal. Myself, I like a sure thing and disbelief tends to be a dirt road going nowhere.


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
It's amazing how this stuff finds it's way out in the middle of nowhere. That's what really got my attention. The sign was really on a back road and not like a downtown billboard.
Just found it wierd and funny.


Actually a Corona Gorda
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Sep 21, 2010
Good to see this thread has not degenerated into one of the classic Politics/Religion discussion where somebody starts running around with their hair on fire. End of the World scenarios have been around since Adam and Eve took the kids to pre school and it's always been mans curious nature to try to think what God is going to do next. It's never been mans charge to figure anything out in this world as it has already been done for him...the problem is that man wants to do things his way so he incorporates his desires in such a way to fulfill his dreams. Religion is not merely a dogma or belief but rather a factual everyday commentary on who we are..why we are here and what we choose to do about that. Disbelief changes nothing and is of no consequence except to the individual themselves but they will still reap the rewards of their labor. For the believer it's a win win situation and for the disbeliever...it's a 50/50 deal. Myself, I like a sure thing and disbelief tends to be a dirt road going nowhere.
Pick up a book by Jiddu Krishnamurti if you're interested in hearing a different perspective on belief. Disbelief is really no different than belief... however, total freedom from belief is a different thing entirely. It isn't something you can strive for or attempt to gain, though, either.
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Mar 21, 2011
Dominican Republic
I'm Christian and this guy is nuts. And even though I am a Christian, and I find Dawkins to have crazy/stupid arguments against the existence of God, I will use his words against this guy:
"He will inevitably explain, on May 22nd, that there must have been some error in the calculation, the rapture is postponed to . . . and please send more money to pay for updated billboards." Sadly, that's what will happen.
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Mar 21, 2011
Dominican Republic
How about we call up someone like A.J. Fernandez or someone of equal importance in this industry and create us an End of the World series of smokes? Smoke one on every predicted date. If it's false, we get another hurrah. If true, at least we died doing something we love.

"End of The Word" series...haha...a huge double toro or churchill to wait for the 22nd in case in didn't happen. :p
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Sep 29, 2009
New York
"He will inevitably explain, on May 22nd, that there must have been some error in the calculation, the rapture is postponed to . . . and please send more money to pay for updated billboards." Sadly, that's what will happen.
And that there is the big problem with faith-based belief systems. Weak authentication strategies lead to little or no protection against false prophets.

When *I* start a religion messages from god will be cryptographically signed!



Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Pick up a book by Jiddurtmi Krishnau if you're interested in hearing a different perspective on belief. Disbelief is really no different than belief... however, total freedom from belief is a different thing entirely. It isn't something you can strive for or attempt to gain, though, either.
I actually studied this in college and the essence of his belief system is that he leaves it up to each individual to sort life out in a mirror type of existence from his own mind and observation. He blames outside stimulus of religion or politics as warping the mind and it can't be free unless it is allowed to freely think without these encumbrances. It's a philosophy that pretty much let's the mind of anybody dictate right and wrong with no preconceived notion or any kind of morality and when you think of the Hitlers, Mussolini, Jeffrey Dahmers and Osama Bin Ladens I tend to get queasy with his beliefs because he's really saying that there is not authority except within yourself.

I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

His statements follow no logic and are so ambiguous that you can't follow this type of "enlightenment"...except thru self and we all know of how enlightened man is when left to his own devices.:blob: