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Dec 13, 2004
Tampa, FL
ok, so if my facts are correct now, the incidents took place after he was a coach, but still while he was associated with, and used school facilities? And an incident was witnessed in a Penn locker room? And Paterno knew of the incident?


BoM 11/09, 4/10 BoY '10
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Mar 12, 2009
But he was allowed on campus, using football facilities, until just last week.
Yeah, that is true. I am not sure why a past coach would have access to the facilities whether he had a clear or tarnished past anyway.

I believe, according to the report, that he was not allowed to be accompanied by a child on campus after the 2002 incident.
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Jan 21, 2005
Springfield, MO
Here is part of Penn State's alma mater:

May no act of ours bring shame

JoePa failed that, as the entire university continues to do. They're all cowards. Here is the President's statement, in which he provides more support and care for the Penn State officials than he does for the victims (which he doesn't even mention!):

"The allegations about a former coach are troubling, and it is appropriate that they be investigated thoroughly. Protecting children requires the utmost vigilance.

With regard to the other presentments, I wish to say that Tim Curley and Gary Schultz have my unconditional support. I have known and worked daily with Tim and Gary for more than 16 years. I have complete confidence in how they have handled the allegations about a former University employee.

Tim Curley and Gary Schultz operate at the highest levels of honesty, integrity and compassion. I am confident the record will show that these charges are groundless and that they conducted themselves professionally and appropriately.

Graham Spanier"

That's despicable.


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Dec 13, 2004
Tampa, FL
Supposedly, Paterno is the one that reported the incidents to the University as a mandated reporter. The University Officials are the ones in fact that failed to report the incident to law enforcement as required by PA law. The District Attorney reviewed the facts and Paterno did not commit any crime.

So, why should Joe step down? He did his job? He violated no law. Did he witness the incidents? Im just asking.
legally, i guess you are correct.

Morally, thats a whole other ballgame. Do you want your kid to go too a school that is run by people who would look the other way, or just cover thier own asses, on an issue like child molestation?

where was thier responsibilty to the comminity? seems protecting footbal was job #1

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
ok, so if my facts are correct now, the incidents took place after he was a coach, but still while he was associated with, and used school facilities? And an incident was witnessed in a Penn locker room? And Paterno knew of the incident?

Paterno only knew after an assistant told him about the incident, which occurred in a university locker room. Paterno then reported the incident as required by law to the University. The two University Officials did not notify law enforcement as required by PA Law, thus Paterno committed no crime and no charges are pending against him. Did Paterno know before this incident? No idea.

Is the University going to get their ass handed to them in a lawsuit. Yep! But Paterno in all probability will not be held financially liable, unless the plaintiff can show Paterno had knowledge and allowed Sandusky access.

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
legally, i guess you are correct.

Morally, thats a whole other ballgame. Do you want your kid to go too a school that is run by people who would look the other way, or just cover thier own asses, on an issue like child molestation?

where was thier responsibilty to the comminity? seems protecting footbal was job #1
Oh, don't even make me look like I support child molestors. Trust me, they all need to go to jail. Anyone that knows me, knows this.
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Jan 21, 2005
Springfield, MO
Paterno is the only one who did the right thing..
No, no he didn't. And it's shocking to me how many people share this same view. JoePa didn't want to get involved and shuffled it off to someone else, that's really all he did.

He was supposed to represent integrity and character. To me, and many other people, there's not a lot of character involved with "doing the bare minimum." He enabled other kids to get raped because of his inability "to do the right thing."


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Sep 17, 2010
Baltimore, MD
I think there was a blurb on Mike & Mike that was directly on point....

IF he came out and said that the graduate assistant told him that he saw something that made him uncomfortable - but did not tell him the details, then the act of only reporting the incident to the AD could be forgiven/ understood.

HOWEVER, if the graduate assistant told him the details of what he saw and he still only reported it to the AD then what he did was totally wrong.

Unfortunately, we still don't know the details of that conversation since the press conference was cancelled.
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Jan 21, 2005
Springfield, MO
I wonder if any of these JoePa supporters could look one of the parents of the alleged victims in the eye and say that "he did the right thing?"

Worse, I wonder if you were a parent of one of the alleged victims....I don't think you'd be saying that he did the right thing.

And just no one misunderstands me, I'm not saying he's criminally liable for anything. But I am supporting all of the criticism he is receiving because that is not based on legality, but instead on morality.


BoM 11/09, 4/10 BoY '10
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Mar 12, 2009
I wonder if any of these JoePa supporters could look one of the parents of the alleged victims in the eye and say that "he did the right thing?"

Worse, I wonder if you were a parent of one of the alleged victims....I don't think you'd be saying that he did the right thing.

And just no one misunderstands me, I'm not saying he's criminally liable for anything. But I am supporting all of the criticism he is receiving because that is not based on legality, but instead on morality.
I hope I am not being grouped into your JoePa supporters. I am a PSU grad and hold the university above any one employee. I feel as though Joe could have and should have done more, I would have.

Lets hold the few people involved responsible and not try to burn PSU down for this.
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Jan 21, 2005
Springfield, MO
No, Penn State is a proud and distinguished university. In no way should it be a mark on the school itself.

It's just those who held the greatest power did the least, and that's sad. Sad for the victims, sad for the alumni, sad for everyone.
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Apr 18, 2007
Pompton Lakes, NJ
No, Penn State is a proud and distinguished university. In no way should it be a mark on the school itself.

It's just those who held the greatest power did the least, and that's sad. Sad for the victims, sad for the alumni, sad for everyone.
Exactly. If the school takes quick and decisive action, the schools reputation will not be harmed. Fire him, let him step down, remove his statue, remove the street sign. Move on as a great educational institution that happens to have a excellent sports program.

The institution is bigger than the man.


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Dec 13, 2004
Tampa, FL
wait a minute, we are talking about Paterno because he is the face of Penn. Now lets talk about other higher ups at Penn. It seems that those with higher postitions than Paterno were active in a coverup. Lets see how high this goes. To me, it seems that the time for decisive action has past
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Jan 21, 2005
Springfield, MO
Pennsylvania state police commissioner Frank Noonan said Monday in Harrisburg that Paterno fulfilled his legal requirement when he relayed to university administrators that a graduate assistant had seen Sandusky attacking a young boy in the team's locker room shower in 2002. But the commissioner also questioned whether Paterno had a moral responsibility to do more.

"Somebody has to question about what I would consider the moral requirements for a human being that knows of sexual things that are taking place with a child," Noonan said.

"I think you have the moral responsibility, anyone. Not whether you're a football coach or a university president or the guy sweeping the building. I think you have a moral responsibility to call us."
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Apr 18, 2007
Pompton Lakes, NJ
wait a minute, we are talking about Paterno because he is the face of Penn. Now lets talk about other higher ups at Penn. It seems that those with higher postitions than Paterno were active in a coverup. Lets see how high this goes. To me, it seems that the time for decisive action has past
The AD and an administrator have already stepped down. If the President knew anything, he should be gone, and I expect he will (if he knew).

If you are on the board, you can take decisive action when you have been informed and have investigated the facts. Remember, it's not a court, you are not entitled to a jury of your peers. Was JoePa notified that a child was being sodomized in the shower (yes), did he use his power and position to assure that it would never occur again on his watch (no), did he do just enough to satisfy the legal interpretation of his responsibility (sure).

Maybe his age played a factor, I have no idea, but he is damaged goods. Doing just enough doesn't save him. School reputation and tv revenue will dictate that somebody's head has to be on a platter.

Angry Bill

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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
I am not defending or suporting Paterno or PSU. Its a tragedy that any University has to go through this, ruining the reputation of The University, Football programs and the lives of any innocent child that was abused by monsters. Personally, I thought Paterno should have retired a long time ago. My opinion. The real victim is not PSU, its the child or children that were molested by this piece of Shite monster.

OK.. Two Officials have been indicted and will go through the criminal process for failing to report child abuse. Sandusky will stand trial. But, the one question, which I have not seen a deifinitive answer on is what Paterno was told exactly by the graduate assistant. If in fact Paterno was told that a child was being sexually molested with the details, and he failed to act then Paterno failed to live up to the PSU tradition. But without that information, some are assuming Paterno knew all the details. How many others at PSU knew?

The Sports Illustrated article linked to this thread is skewed one sided. I base my work on facts and not on spectulations. That's what attorneys base things. Instead of bashing Paterno on criminal or moral grounds, lets get ALL the facts. I want to hear the GA tell exactly what he or she told Paterno.


BoM Apr 12'
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Jul 28, 2010
Brookline, MA
Angry Bill,
Sorry, there is a 25 page indictment out there for the AD.
It is posted out there for all to read.

That is enough fact for me to condemn Joe.

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA

This one, I am assuming it is a copy of the actual INdictment, but I am only assuming. Pretty daming for Paterno this one. I'd say based on his testimony, he knew.

For folks that do not know the Grand Jury Indictment process, it is as follows in LA County.

Witnesses testify before a closed door panel of 18 to 24 jurors. These jurors serve for one year. The District Attorney is the only party that questions and present documents to the jurors. After reviewing the facts presented to the Grand Jury, the jurors decide if the law has been broken or not, as well as which crimes/numbers of crimes have been committed. THe indictment is prepared and presented to the District Attorney's office, where the suspect is then arrested on the Grand Jury Indictment. This process allows for no lower court arraignment and pushes the criminal case forward.
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