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Post your interactions with famous people.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Eminem used to shop at the Meijer I worked at in Fraser post Slim Shady LP

Would always be shopping with Kim and Haylee. Remember him driving across parking lot in convertible Mustang, cutting me off in process, while having some large toy box in back sticking out for daughter.

Bagged his groceries. Yep, Bagged Eminems groceries. Boom
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Jan 5, 2014
Arvada, CO
Well my idea of famous is probably very different. The most memorable for me have been spent doing things with them. First was with Chris Benchetler, Sage Cattabriga-Alosa and Wells brothers skiing crazy lines for a few days. Since that experience I've had the pleasure of skiing with them and many other "famous" skiers. Next was riding downhill bikes with Aaron Gwin for the day. These people are on a different level and make everything they do look easy. It was fun yet scary trying to keep up with them. When I first got the invites I was afraid to meet them as I thought they would be jerks and high on themselves but I was wrong.
I also spent some quality time with this longhaired guy

@Smoqman Is a great human with a huge heart.
Last summer I ran into Rutledge Wood at the Syracuse airport. He was very willing to talk with me about his show and cars. Shared some stick time with Rudy a few years back at the GHR in NYC. All the people I've spent time with so far have been very down to earth.


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Apr 10, 2015
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Met Nick Hexum, and S.A. Martinez from 311. They're one of my favorite bands. Waited outside their tour bus with like 50 people for about an hour, until they finally came out. Super down to earth, and nice.

Also met the band Reel Big Fish (not sure if they really count as "famous") they were hilarious!

Was eating dinner about two years ago, at a local Japanese Hibachi grill. Kept hearing "sake bomb" over and over again, from the other side of the room. Turned around and glanced for a moment, and told my wife "that kinda looks like Mark Wahlberg". She turned around looked, then told me "that IS Mark Wahlberg". Didn't actually interact with him, but was pretty cool nonetheless.


Chulo Savage
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Aug 21, 2014
Lakeland, FL, USA

Got in an elevator in Dallas with Glen (Big Baby) Davis from the Celtics one time. He was with one of his buddies and a girl that had the biggest ass I have ever seen (seriously!!! I think she had implants). Always, I was in there with a couple teammates and we kinda shuffled over and had the whole "high school" dance thing going on. All of us on one side and all of them on the other. He breaks the silence with:
"Are you hockey boys scared of basketball players or something?"
We all just gave the quiet chuckle and stood there. The he proceeded with, "Oh wait, it's cause we black!!! That's fucked up!!!"
That got a real chuckle out of us but still no one engaged in the convo.
We hit their floor right after and as he was walking out he said back to us, "It's all good, I'm just a Big Baby". The three of them were dying laughing and we were standing there trying to figure out what just happened.
It wasn't unit we got to our floor that someone put two and two together. It was one of the funniest short interactions I have had with a athlete of another major sport.
I chatted with Ryan Jones once or twice....


Tobacco Whore
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Jan 11, 2012
Living in Nashville I have met lots of badass musicians and it gets crazier here every day as people move here from all over the world in droves. I have a small vinyl record label, so that is fun as well.

Hate country, so I avoid those "stars", although I will say in person Carrie Underwood is allllll that and more.


Brother Borealis
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Jul 19, 2005
Peters Creek, Alaska
Okay...nerd moment here. A favorite book series is The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Now, I'm no great writer of fan letters by any means but I did have a brief e-mail exchange with her about 20 years ago, or so. At the time, I was a working (part-time) magician and idly wondered in my e-mail how magic as a type of storytelling might fit into the world of her books. Her response was friendly, personal, and down to earth but she didn't say a great deal about my musings. Some time later, I was reading the newest book in the series when I was surprised to read a very brief mention of my idea. Not in any way pivotal, mind you...just a scene-setting description of a nameless character among many...and I'm guessing it was the subconscious product of an unremembered conversation but to me, it was unmistakable and pretty cool.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
I was the house manager (head of security) for special events at Northern Illinois University my senior year (it was a student job) and got to rub elbows with musicians (Ray Charles, Willie Dixon, REM, John Waite, etc) and speakers (Louis Farakhan for example. Enjoyed the musicians a LOT more.

I was buddies with some of the Blackhawks in the early and mid 90s, used to hang out with some regularly (including Stephane Matteau...MATTEAU, MATTEAU, MATTEAU! for you Rangers fans), Dave Manson, Jimmy Waite, Jocelyn Lemiuex. Played on a summer league rec. basketball league where our starting guards were Chris Chelios and Jeremy Roenick....went out for pizza and beer every week after the game.

Provided day long security a few years back for Ted Nugent for an event honoring his mother, got to hang out and listen to some crazy rock and roll stories.
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Jan 1, 2013
Detroit, Michigan, USA
I've met a few celebrities mostly sports figures going to super bowl and NBA all star.

Met Pat Riley and Don Nelson. Pat really looks more like a mafia don than NBA exec didn't realize how tall coach Nelson was. Met LaLa Carmelo Anthony's wife at the Nike store in Beverly Hills. Hung out with celebrity chef Gee Garvin at a lounge in Detroit he was in town for an appearance cool guy stayed and kicked it till way after close.

Grew up with Chris Webber hung with the fab 5 during their reign at Michigan was always fun to get the chicks that didn't get picked by them lol. Took a picture with the rapper Trina that was a prized possession till my ex tore it up still haven't forgiven her for that.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Went swimming with my kids and Tre from Green Day last weekend. Guess he's a member of the same club my wife's friends belong to. He was drunk, but was great with the kids. I guess he and his new wife are thinking about starting a family (?)
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Feb 4, 2015
Met Kid Rock in 1998, right around the time he was first gaining radio exposure in STL. Cool guy, and good to his fans. The concert later that night was one of the most hard core parties of a show I've ever seen - it was anything goes and everyone went hard in the pit, but nobody got hurt.

Was really into the local music scene when I was younger, and a lot of bands would go out and mingle with the crowd after their shows. None of them ever made it to the big time, but the Urge came pretty darn close and I still have a lot of love for them. If you haven't heard the Urge, here ya go -


Retired VCR Salesman
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Nov 6, 2015
Hmmm.. countless chicago white sox from 2003-2008. Probably the whole Hawks team from 09-10. Went to school with a chick that ended up being a pretty big porn star. Used to email with the Black Keys back in like 08 before they blew up.

Some of you have met some crazy people!
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Chulo Savage
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Aug 21, 2014
Lakeland, FL, USA
Family friendly board bro :snaphappy:
I wasn't gonna go there, because honestly I don't consider them celebrities. I will tell you Dakota Brooks' real name is Raven and she still owes me $10 for the System of a Down poster she ripped off my wall when 'visiting' my roommate in college.... jerk. ;)
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Jan 15, 2015
Living in Nashville I have met lots of badass musicians and it gets crazier here every day as people move here from all over the world in droves. I have a small vinyl record label, so that is fun as well.

Hate country, so I avoid those "stars", although I will say in person Carrie Underwood is allllll that and more.
I was in and out of Nashville when I worked in music. Some of the coolest celebrities I met were Dolly Parton and George Straight. They were the most cordial and big hearted folks. The one celebrity (in my opinion) that I learned the most from was Warren Peterson. He had nearly thirty years in the business as an engineer and producer by the time I met him. The man has a huge heart and a ton of wisdom.

I have met Richard Petty, Coach K (Duke Basketball), Mindy McCready, Jason Aldean, Vanesa Williams, Flo Rida, and a number of others. For the most part they are polite normal people. I learned over time that they're all just like the rest of us. Some are cool, some are quiet, some are thoughtful, and some are assholes. In the end they are really no different than us. These days seeing a celebrity some where is no big deal. People I work with now are always kind of star struck when they run in to somebody famous. I find it pretty funny.

The only celebrity I haven't met and I want to is Buddy Guy.

Oh, and biggest asshole is a toss up between Ric Flair, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Tim McGraw.
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