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Today's workout

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Mar 8, 2022
I've been slack this week. I have to start watching my calorie intake. The new concussion medicine has me packing on pounds. I ballooned to 245. That is about 13-15 pounds since my injury and seven pounds in six weeks.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Can they tweak your meds, Mike? I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

I did back today, changed up some exercises and did lots of volume.,
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Mar 8, 2022
Can they tweak your meds, Mike? I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

I did back today, changed up some exercises and did lots of volume.,
They have me on the lowest dose already. I don't want to give it up because it has helped me push through and start making some real progress. But, Monday I had four hours of driving with minimal breaks. Plus I've spent a lot of time on the computer helping a friend with some side hustle stuff.That through me off all week. Together things have just snowballed. It isn't as bad as four months ago. But definitely worse than last month.

I really noticed it today at an interview. I had to stop answers twice to ask for the person to repeat the question. Plus I was losing words again.

The neurologist is hoping for max recovery by August. My primary still wants me to try for long term disability through the end of the year. I have a visit with a memory specialist now, but that is like two months out.

On the upside, I helped a friend with a couple of coloring books for his kids. He is going to self publish and split the profits. So, it will be a few dollars for gas.

I plan on working out Saturday and Sunday.
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Mar 8, 2022
Been laid low with the flu. So, first day back at it.

Hand to hand 20lb kettlebell swings for the duration of this song.
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Mar 8, 2022
Working on getting my kettlebell snatch technique in order. Starting with half snatch today. You do the first half and then from the top fixation bring it down to the clean/rack position.

Most people do one side at a time. I like to alternate sides. That way you start every rep like it is the first rep. It helps focus on set up and gets you practicing good form and technique every single rep. You don't get as much fatigue breakdown happening because you breath and reset which is kind of like rest pause training.

20 alternating hands
10 goblet squats

30 alternating hands
10 goblet squats

20 alternating hands
10 goblet squats

10 alternating hands
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