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Mar 15, 2016
Just me rolling one cigar, no cuts or edits or anything. Pretty useless. OTOH I "invented" a new vitola: Corona Gorda Corta. Bunched 4 this a.m. and spritzed a couple wrappers. Rolled'em at lunch.
Smoked one of these at a few hours. Killer. That's an advantage to rolling with very dry filler, binder, and wrapper, I reckon.
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Jun 11, 2015
Smoked one of these at a few hours. Killer. That's an advantage to rolling with very dry filler, binder, and wrapper, I reckon.
If blended while very dry, does that imply there won't be any further leaf interaction while sitting in the humidor? I mean the changes observed at three months, six months, or a year? Maybe without the added moisture it will take even longer for those reactions? (Writing this down was enough to lead me to think the moisture while blending may only effect the first time period, but maybe it kicks off the process too...)
Just a random thought, figured I'd ask in case youve experimented with this before.
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Mar 15, 2016
Fly Away Home.
True story. A girl in Canada hatches goose eggs when mom gets offed. Winter's coming. They need to learn to fly south. Dad rigs up an ultra-light. She trains the geese to follow her flying. Away they go.
Sounds amazing and inspiring. Come to think of it I guess I remember seeing previews for it once.
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Mar 15, 2016
If blended while very dry, does that imply there won't be any further leaf interaction while sitting in the humidor? I mean the changes observed at three months, six months, or a year? Maybe without the added moisture it will take even longer for those reactions? (Writing this down was enough to lead me to think the moisture while blending may only effect the first time period, but maybe it kicks off the process too...)
Just a random thought, figured I'd ask in case youve experimented with this before.
That's a great question, and one that if I attempt to answer I'm just going on random intuition. Not only have I read maybe hundreds of posts on this or similar questions (e.g. to do with freezing your sticks to speed 'aging') at FTT that all end in conjecture; but I've also been reading old-timey tobacco science documents going back to the 1850s for several years and they've been trying to figure out stuff like that all along; and even up to the present day there are mysteries about what goes on in tobacco over time.

But you say "any further leaf action." My intuition is to say that for sure there will be, and that continued micro-fermentation (i.e. aging) would only cease in a 0-Kelvin total vacuum somewhere in deep space.

"Totally dry" leaf is still going to be existing in some kind of RH. Around here that's typically 70-100.
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Mar 15, 2016
That's pretty interesting. I listened to a series just yesterday on NPR on the secret lives of plants.

"The impression that plants don't do anything, that they just sit there, may be the result of time-scale prejudice; we are simply blind to actions that unfold over very long, drawn out, slow time scales. But put the plant on fast forward, in a film, say, and it becomes harder to deny that plants seem to solve problems and act on the basis of what they learn."
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Sep 1, 2015
Central Maryland
At 33 seconds Lorenzo does this move for flag application setup where he lays it down for gum then, he takes his finger and points it straight with the point of start. when he goes to place it, he is setup. at 45 mid-binding he de-stems the needed binder w/o letting go of the bunch.
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May 9, 2014
Newark, Dull-Aware
An ordinary summer afternoon here. Asplundh does epic business.
Other than the pine tree. More apt to be oak, maple, elm, cherry.

My sister who lives in Riverside brought her daughters some years back. Three of them terrified at every thunderbumble. Expressed themselves glad to get out of the jungle on their day of departure. Then their plane was delayed by thunderous sheeting rain on the tarmac. It's green.