I have mixed feelings about this game. I love the faster paced action than Black Ops. I agree that it feels more like hardcore which I like. It's easier to get kills.
Ok here goes... hope you read this:
What I like:
1. There is still a NUKE in MW3, it is called the MOAB - if you are using the specialist perk class and get 24 kills w/ your gun - you call in a MOAB that kills everyone on the other team and permanently EMPs them with a yellow haze, but does not end the game.
What I don't like:
1. It's actually way faster than other CODs with all the additions to the guns leveling, perks, and multiple KS set ups - They added more for the people that are able to spend countless hours playing. I mean sh!t I played against some third prestigers last night. PLUS all the chances for double XP through various outlets, you could of stared the game with up to 34 hours double XP.
2. FIND your set up and use it - want to be invisible and watch for people, RECON/ASSASSIN/MARKSMAN - and counter them.
3. ONCE YOU prestige one time you get tokens - if you still have tokens from past COD prestiges SAVE THEM - after you prestige once it unlocks a gear shop - you can spend (1) token on ANY ITEM and you have that ITEM FOREVER - its unlocked @ level 1 for every prestige in the future - you want claymores, RPGs, or the FAD @ level 1 - WELL you will have them.
4. No serious improvement in graphics - can't argue there, actually maybe a step back - not as cartoon-esque but still lacking.
5. The KS are far different than MW2 with the addition of support and specialist set ups - plus the higher tier KS in the assault package are worthless... no sense in running for them.
6. Really bad lag on PS3 - again cannot argue you on this one. While it is bad @ times, it's not unplayable - the only thing that truly bothers me is the hit box latency, when you clearly are around corners.
7. Only 2-person online play in PS3 - and you can have more on XBOX? IF so I did not do that. We are beyond the days of N64 and 4 player MP, but if you have a bunch of friends that play, you can always LAN some PS3s together and play some of the new custom private game modes.
8. They do - its called the Eagle Eye - not sure how well it works, but its there...
9. Agreed - it is weird that they don't let you on a multitude of stuff, and for some objective game modes it's super lame... i.e. HQ and CTF, but while the maps are LARGE, the fighting space is small - for a SMG RnG play style and flanking... I LOVE it.
Meh, just my 2 cents.