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Weird shit that you do.


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
I like wearing suits and nice clothes. Apparently that's weird in this age.

I have all sorts of OCD-like ticks (can't leave time on the microwave - IT MUST BE CLEARED, volume numbers, TP facing the correct direction, etc), I bite my nails.

When I'm drinking alcoholic beverages, I'll take a sip/drink and then look at the glass to see how much was subtracted.

When I'm eating something really good, I'll unknowingly make some hellish moaning noises. I never hear the end of it from people who've had the misfortune of being around for an excellent meal.

I'm weird as hell.


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
I have all sorts of OCD-like ticks (can't leave time on the microwave - IT MUST BE CLEARED, volume numbers, TP facing the correct direction, etc),
My wife is not OCD but I always leave a few seconds on the microwave just to let her know I'm thinking of her.
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
Let's see:
  • I am one of those people who can't leave the volume on the radio set to any number that doesn't end in 0 or 5
  • If I am out somewhere and I see a framed print or painting that's crooked, I *will* adjust it (sole exception is in a museum or art gallery)
  • Although I am getting better at not doing this, I still prefer to eat the items on my plate one at a time (I'll eat the steak, *then* the potatoes, *then* the veggies, etc.)
  • I also can't stand being lightly caressed by my wife (or anyone, probably)


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I like wearing suits and nice clothes. Apparently that's weird in this age.

I have all sorts of OCD-like ticks (can't leave time on the microwave - IT MUST BE CLEARED, volume numbers, TP facing the correct direction, etc), I bite my nails.

When I'm drinking alcoholic beverages, I'll take a sip/drink and then look at the glass to see how much was subtracted.

When I'm eating something really good, I'll unknowingly make some hellish moaning noises. I never hear the end of it from people who've had the misfortune of being around for an excellent meal.

I'm weird as hell.
I'm with ya except for the last one...I like to eat in silence.

I HATE being read to. As soon as someone starts reading, I tune out, start fidgeting with something, look out the window, whatever, as long as I'm not listening to someone read to me.

My wife hates it and is slowly learning not to read me whatever it was that she just read and found so interesting.
Oh yeah...being read to is like somebody giving me a lobotomy...my eyes glaze over and I am about 5 seconds from feinting...either let me read it myself or STFU.

If sitting, I lift one cheek before I fart(y)
I never lift one cheek unless I'm in public...otherwise I try to get that sound of a real flat squeal like farting on a church pew....awesome when even the preacher can hear it and you hear some people laughing under their breath until it hits a crescendo and you can see peoples heads bobbing back and forth....my work is done.

I like wearing suits and nice clothes. Apparently that's weird in this age.

I have all sorts of OCD-like ticks (can't leave time on the microwave - IT MUST BE CLEARED, volume numbers, TP facing the correct direction, etc), I bite my nails.
Oh yeah....if I see that it isn't cleared I stress out and start in on the wife...wth is the microwave doing with time left on it...empty?
When I'm drinking alcoholic beverages, I'll take a sip/drink and then look at the glass to see how much was subtracted.
Again...I do this with any beverage that is in glass. The wife has threatened me with buying a sippee cup...so f'n funny she is.

I'm weird as hell.
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Sep 25, 2014
Anybody else get those burps that smell like old cigar smoke? Lol

This is not derailing this is weird shit that happens.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Ok I will play.
I hate sitting on the toilet. I am in and out as quick as possible. It just bugs me.
I hate when the empty milk jug gets put in the trash. I dig it out if needed. I leave it aside and take it straight outside. Its just a waste of space in the kitchen.
I shower in less than 5 mins, product of drought ridden CA and paranoid parents.
There are more but I will stop here.


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Let's see:
  • If I am out somewhere and I see a framed print or painting that's crooked, I *will* adjust it (sole exception is in a museum or art gallery)

  • I'll just leave this here...

    • Although I am getting better at not doing this, I still prefer to eat the items on my plate one at a time (I'll eat the steak, *then* the potatoes, *then* the veggies, etc.)
    I understand this!!!

    • I also can't stand being lightly caressed by my wife (or anyone, probably)
    I'm the same way, I too can't stand to be lightly caressed by your wife...

    Or my wife :D
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Nov 16, 2014
Do you count them?
No, I'm not Rain Man. If it's a single bag, I'll just keep shaking it and rooting around with my finger. If it's a big bag or candy dish, I grab a handful and sepetate the colors. If I'm in a hurry, I'll eat the first four colors as one group and the final three as another. Not weird at all.

I change my avatar when people least expect it.
Except, now we've all come to expect it.


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
I like wearing suits and nice clothes. Apparently that's weird in this age.
I agree with you on that, and it does bother me for sure. At the school where I teach, I always dress sharp and professional. I iron all my shirts and pants b/c not doing so just looks like total sh*t. Some teachers show up looking like a wrinkle-bomb blew up in their room every morning, or show up wearing something that's just not professional.
My parents and grandparents always stressed the importance of looking good, and then the Marine Corps just solidified that for me.

Weird thing that I do...I count the numbers in words and then try to arrange the words into groups with equal letters. The words can be from a conversation I'm having, or a billboards, sign, song, etc. It started long, long ago, and I don't do it much anymore; but every once in a while it creeps back into my head!
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Mar 23, 2015
I can really only think of one. When I get into a hobby, I obsess about it. Long time ago when I built my first rifle, I was searching all over the internet for reviews, deals, info, etc etc, Fast forward to now, (Just bought my first DSLR) so now I am reading all of the forums, watching videos for tips, buying accessories, etc etc etc. My fiance understands this, and is a good sport about it all.